Standard 6 : Human – Computer interactions and Artificial Intelligence

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General Information

Number: SC.68.CS-CS.6
Title: Human – Computer interactions and Artificial Intelligence
Type: Standard
Subject: Science
Grade: 68
Body of Knowledge: Computer Science - Communication Systems and Computing (Discontinued after 2024-2025)

Related Benchmarks

This cluster includes the following benchmarks
Code Description
SC.68.CS-CS.6.1 (Discontinued after 2024-2025): Explain why some tasks can be accomplished more easily by computers.
SC.68.CS-CS.6.2 (Discontinued after 2024-2025): Describe how humans and machines interact to accomplish tasks that cannot be accomplished by either alone.
SC.68.CS-CS.6.3 (Discontinued after 2024-2025): Identify novel ways humans interact with computers, including software, probes, sensors, and handheld devices.
SC.68.CS-CS.6.4 (Discontinued after 2024-2025): Describe ways in which computers use models of intelligent behavior (e.g., robot motion, speech and language understanding, and computer vision).
SC.68.CS-CS.6.5 (Discontinued after 2024-2025): Identify factors that distinguish humans from machines.
SC.68.CS-CS.6.6 (Discontinued after 2024-2025): Design and demonstrate the use of a device (e.g., robot, e-textile) to accomplish a task, individually and collaboratively.

Related Resources

Vetted resources educators can use to teach the concepts and skills in this topic.

Lesson Plans

Name Description
Just Right Goldilocks’ Café: Temperature & Turbidity:

This is lesson 3 of 3 in the Goldilocks’ Café Just Right unit. This lesson focuses on systematic investigation on getting a cup of coffee to be the “just right” temperature and turbidity level. Students will use both the temperature probe and turbidity sensor and code using ScratchX during their investigation.

Just Right Goldilocks’ Café: Turbidity:

This is lesson 2 of 3 in the Just Right Goldilocks’ Café unit. This lesson focuses on systematic investigation on getting a cup of coffee to be the “just right” level of turbidity. Students will use turbidity sensors and code using ScratchX during their investigation.

Just Right Goldilocks’ Café: Temperature:

This is lesson 1 of 3 in the Just Right Goldilocks’ Café unit. This lesson focuses on systematic investigation on getting a cup of coffee to be the “just right” temperature. Students will use temperature probes and code using ScratchX during their investigation.


Atomic Structure Unit: Lesson 1 - Science of an Atom:

This is lesson 1 of 3 in the Atomic Structure unit. This lesson helps students determine charge, structure and location of different components of an atom. This lesson also allows students to sketch the first 18 elements from the periodic table.

Radioactive Dating Lesson 4 - Recursive Division :

This lesson introduces students to the idea of recursive division and its application to radioactive dating with a worksheet and Scratch programming. This is the final lesson in the Radioactive Dating Unit.