Standard 2 : Careers in and related to the arts significantly and positively impact local and global economies.

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General Information

Number: TH.912.F.2
Title: Careers in and related to the arts significantly and positively impact local and global economies.
Type: Enduring Understanding
Subject: Theatre
Grade: 912
Big Idea: Innovation, Technology, and the Future

Related Benchmarks

This cluster includes the following benchmarks
Code Description
TH.912.F.2.1: Create and maintain a portfolio for a variety of college or job interviews that can be customized for each opportunity.
TH.912.F.2.2: Assess the skills needed for theatre-related jobs in the community to support career selection.
TH.912.F.2.3: Work collaboratively with others to survey the theatre activities in the school, community, and/or region to calculate their impact on the economy.
TH.912.F.2.4: Apply the skills necessary to be an effective director, designer, stage manager, and/or technician in the mounting of a theatrical performance.
TH.912.F.2.5: Analyze the impact the arts have on local, national, and global economies by researching how businesses use the arts to help them be successful.

Related Access Points

This cluster includes the following access points.


Access Point Number Access Point Title
TH.912.F.2.In.a: Identify the economic impact, individual or communal, of employment opportunities in or related to theatre.
TH.912.F.2.In.b: Analyze employment and leisure opportunities in or related to theatre and pair with the necessary skills and training.
TH.912.F.2.In.c: Prioritize, monitor, and complete tasks related to individual and collaborative theatrical projects.
TH.912.F.2.In.d: React and adapt, in real time, to unexpected situations in public settings.


Access Point Number Access Point Title
TH.912.F.2.Su.a: Connect a economic impact, individual or communal, with employment opportunities in or related to theatre.
TH.912.F.2.Su.b: Connect employment and leisure opportunities in or relating to theatre with the necessary skills, training, or prerequisites.
TH.912.F.2.Su.c: Organize and complete theatrical projects having three or more components.
TH.912.F.2.Su.d: React and adapt to unexpected situations in public settings.


Access Point Number Access Point Title
TH.912.F.2.Pa.a: Sequence tasks related to individual and collaborative theatrical projects.
TH.912.F.2.Pa.b: Adapt to unexpected situations in public settings.

Related Resources

Vetted resources educators can use to teach the concepts and skills in this topic.

Lesson Plan

Name Description
Theatre Advertising and Marketing:

In this lesson students will create advertisements, posters, commercials, tickets, and programs for a show.