Standard 3 : Every art form uses its own unique language, verbal and non-verbal, to document and communicate with the world.

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General Information

Number: MU.912.O.3
Title: Every art form uses its own unique language, verbal and non-verbal, to document and communicate with the world.
Type: Enduring Understanding
Subject: Music
Grade: 912
Big Idea: Organizational Structure

Related Benchmarks

This cluster includes the following benchmarks
Code Description
MU.912.O.3.1: Analyze expressive elements in a musical work and describe how the choices and manipulations of the elements support, for the listener, the implied meaning of the composer/performer.
MU.912.O.3.2: Interpret and perform expressive elements indicated by the musical score and/or conductor.

Related Access Points

This cluster includes the following access points.


Access Point Number Access Point Title
MU.912.O.3.In.a: Describe how the combination of instrumentation and expressive elements in a musical work can convey a specific thought, idea, mood, and/or image.
MU.912.O.3.In.b: Perform the expressive elements of a musical work indicated by the musical score and/or conductor and transfer new knowledge and experiences to other musical works.


Access Point Number Access Point Title
MU.912.O.3.Su.a: Identify how instrumentation and expressive elements affect the mood or emotion of a song.
MU.912.O.3.Su.b: Apply expressive elements to a vocal or instrumental piece.


Access Point Number Access Point Title
MU.912.O.3.Pa.a: Recognize how a change in instrumentation or an expressive element affects the mood or emotion of a song.