Music: K-5 (#7713010) 

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Course Standards

Name Description
MU.1.C.1.1: Respond to specific, teacher-selected musical characteristics in a song or instrumental piece.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.1.C.1.In.a: Recognize teacher-selected musical characteristics in a song or instrumental piece.
MU.1.C.1.Su.a: Attend to teacher-selected musical characteristics in a song or instrumental piece.
MU.1.C.1.Pa.a: Explore sounds from various sound sources.

MU.1.C.1.2: Respond to music from various sound sources to show awareness of differences in musical ideas.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.1.C.2.In.a: Recognize similarities and/or differences between two performances of a familiar song.
MU.1.C.2.Su.a: Explore different performances of familiar songs.
MU.1.C.2.Pa.a: Explore a variety of familiar songs.

MU.1.C.1.3: Classify instruments into pitched and unpitched percussion families.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.1.C.1.In.b: Distinguish between pitched and unpitched classroom instruments.
MU.1.C.1.Su.b: Recognize differences in pitch.
MU.1.C.3.Pa.a: Explore a variety of music.

MU.1.C.1.4: Differentiate between music performed by one singer and music performed by a group of singers.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.1.C.1.In.c: Distinguish between instrumental music and vocal music.
MU.1.C.1.Su.a: Attend to teacher-selected musical characteristics in a song or instrumental piece.
MU.1.C.1.Pa.a: Explore sounds from various sound sources.

MU.1.C.2.1: Identify the similarities and differences between two performances of a familiar song.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.1.C.2.In.a: Recognize similarities and/or differences between two performances of a familiar song.
MU.1.C.2.Su.a: Explore different performances of familiar songs.
MU.1.C.2.Pa.a: Explore a variety of familiar songs.

MU.1.C.3.1: Share different thoughts or feelings people have about selected pieces of music.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.1.C.3.In.a: Express an opinion about selected pieces of music.
MU.1.C.3.Su.a: Select preferred musical examples.
MU.1.C.3.Pa.a: Explore a variety of music.

MU.1.F.1.1: Create sounds or movement freely with props, instruments, and/or found sounds in response to various music styles and/or elements.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.1.F.1.In.a: Imitate a variety of sounds or movements using props, instruments, and/or found sounds.
MU.1.F.1.Su.a: Explore a variety of sounds or movements using props, instruments, and/or found sounds.
MU.1.F.1.Pa.a: Attend to a variety of sounds or movements using props, instruments, and/or found sounds.

MU.1.F.2.1: Describe how he or she likes to participate in music.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.1.F.2.In.a: Identify preferred ways to participate in music.
MU.1.F.2.Su.a: Explore a variety of ways to participate in music.
MU.1.F.2.Pa.a: Attend to a variety of ways of participating in music.

MU.1.F.3.1: Demonstrate appropriate manners and teamwork necessary for success in a music classroom.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.1.F.3.In.a: Contribute to collaborative tasks related to music.
MU.1.F.3.Su.a: Cooperate in classroom and play activities.
MU.1.F.3.Pa.a: Attend to tasks related to music.

MU.1.H.1.1: Perform simple songs, dances, and musical games from a variety of cultures.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.1.H.1.In.a: Respond to simple songs, dances, and musical games from a variety of cultures.
MU.1.H.1.Su.a: Explore simple songs, dances, and musical games from a variety of cultures.
MU.1.H.1.Pa.a: Attend to simple songs, dances, and musical games from a variety of cultures.

MU.1.H.2.1: Identify and perform folk music used to remember and honor America and its cultural heritage.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.1.H.2.In.a: Respond to folk music used to remember and honor America and its cultural heritage.
MU.1.H.2.Su.a: Explore folk music used to remember and honor America and its cultural heritage.
MU.1.H.2.Pa.a: Attend to folk music used to remember and honor America and its cultural heritage.

MU.1.H.3.1: Explore the use of instruments and vocal sounds to replace or enhance specified words or phrases in children's songs, choral readings of poems and stories, and/or chants.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.1.H.3.In.a: Recognize the use of instruments and vocal sounds to enhance specified words or phrases in children’s songs, choral readings of poems and stories, and/or chants.
MU.1.H.3.Su.a: Explore the use of instruments and vocal sounds to enhance specified words or phrases.
MU.1.H.3.Pa.a: Attend to the use of instruments and vocal sounds.

MU.1.O.1.1: Respond to contrasts in music as a foundation for understanding structure.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.1.O.1.In.a: Recognize contrasts in music as a foundation for understanding structure.
MU.1.O.1.Su.a: Recognize a contrast in music as a foundation for understanding structure.
MU.1.O.1.Pa.a: Explore a variety of music.

MU.1.O.1.2: Identify patterns of a simple, four-measure song or speech piece.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.1.O.1.In.b: Imitate patterns of a simple, four-measure song or speech piece.
MU.1.O.1.Su.b: Demonstrate awareness of beat or rhythm.
MU.1.O.1.Pa.a: Explore a variety of music.

MU.1.O.3.1: Respond to changes in tempo and/or dynamics within musical examples.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.1.O.3.In.a: Demonstrate awareness of changes in tempo and/or dynamics within musical examples.
MU.1.O.3.Su.a: Respond to a variety of music.
MU.1.O.3.Pa.a: Explore a variety of music.

MU.1.S.1.1: Improvise a four-beat response to a musical question sung or played by someone else.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.1.S.1.In.a: Imitate simple vocal or instrumental musical patterns or songs.
MU.1.S.1.Su.a: Respond to simple vocal or instrumental patterns or songs.
MU.1.S.1.Pa.a: Explore simple vocal or instrumental patterns or songs.

MU.1.S.1.2: Create short melodic and rhythmic patterns based on teacher-established guidelines.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.1.S.1.In.a: Imitate simple vocal or instrumental musical patterns or songs.
MU.1.S.1.Su.a: Respond to simple vocal or instrumental patterns or songs.
MU.1.S.1.Pa.a: Explore simple vocal or instrumental patterns or songs.

MU.1.S.2.1: Sing or play songs, which may include changes in verses or repeats, from memory.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.1.S.2.In.a: Sing or play songs from a model, including changes in verses or repeats.
MU.1.S.2.Su.a: Respond to familiar songs.
MU.1.S.2.Pa.a: Explore familiar songs.

MU.1.S.3.1: Sing simple songs in a group, using head voice and maintaining pitch.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.1.S.3.In.a: Sing or play songs from memory.
MU.1.S.3.Su.a: Sing or play songs from a model.
MU.1.S.3.Pa.a: Respond to familiar songs.

MU.1.S.3.2: Play three- to five-note melodies and/or accompaniments on classroom instruments.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.1.S.3.In.b: Imitate simple vocal or instrumental patterns and/or accompaniments on classroom instruments.
MU.1.S.3.Su.b: Respond to simple vocal or instrumental patterns and/or accompaniments.
MU.1.S.3.Pa.b: Explore simple vocal or instrumental patterns and/or accompaniments.

MU.1.S.3.3: Sing simple la-sol-mi patterns at sight.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.1.S.3.In.c: Imitate traditional or non-traditional representations of simple melodic patterns performed by the teacher or a peer.
MU.1.S.3.Su.c: Respond to traditional or non-traditional representations of simple melodic patterns performed by the teacher or a peer.
MU.1.S.3.Pa.c: Explore traditional or non-traditional representations of simple melodic patterns performed by the teacher or a peer.

MU.1.S.3.4: Match simple aural rhythm patterns in duple meter with written patterns.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.1.S.3.In.b: Imitate simple vocal or instrumental patterns and/or accompaniments on classroom instruments.
MU.1.S.3.Su.b: Respond to simple vocal or instrumental patterns and/or accompaniments.
MU.1.S.3.Pa.b: Explore simple vocal or instrumental patterns and/or accompaniments.

MU.1.S.3.5: Show visual representation of simple melodic patterns performed by the teacher or a peer.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.1.S.3.In.c: Imitate traditional or non-traditional representations of simple melodic patterns performed by the teacher or a peer.
MU.1.S.3.Su.c: Respond to traditional or non-traditional representations of simple melodic patterns performed by the teacher or a peer.
MU.1.S.3.Pa.c: Explore traditional or non-traditional representations of simple melodic patterns performed by the teacher or a peer.

MU.2.C.1.1: Identify appropriate listening skills for learning about musical examples selected by the teacher.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.2.C.1.In.a: Use a teacher-selected sensory skill to recognize specified musical characteristics.
MU.2.C.1.Su.a: Recognize a teacher-selected musical characteristic in a song or instrumental piece.
MU.2.C.1.Pa.a: Attend to a teacher-selected musical characteristic in a song or instrumental piece.

MU.2.C.1.2: Respond to a piece of music and discuss individual interpretations.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.2.C.1.In.b: Respond to a musical work in a variety of ways.
MU.2.C.1.Su.b: Respond to a musical work.
MU.2.C.1.Pa.b: Explore a variety of music.

MU.2.C.1.3: Classify unpitched instruments into metals, membranes, shakers, and wooden categories.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.2.C.1.In.c: Identify a variety of unpitched instruments.
MU.2.C.1.Su.c: Explore unpitched classroom instruments.
MU.2.C.1.Pa.c: Explore differences in pitch.

MU.2.C.1.4: Identify child, adult male, and adult female voices by timbre.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.2.C.1.In.a: Use a teacher-selected sensory skill to recognize specified musical characteristics.
MU.2.C.1.Su.a: Recognize a teacher-selected musical characteristic in a song or instrumental piece.
MU.2.C.1.Pa.a: Attend to a teacher-selected musical characteristic in a song or instrumental piece.

MU.2.C.2.1: Identify strengths and needs in classroom performances of familiar songs.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.2.C.2.In.a: Identify preferred and non-preferred performances of familiar songs.
MU.2.C.2.Su.a: Select preferred performances of familiar songs.
MU.2.C.2.Pa.a: Respond to performances of familiar songs.

MU.2.C.3.1: Discuss why musical characteristics are important when forming and discussing opinions about music.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.2.C.3.In.a: Recognize characteristics of a variety of music.
MU.2.C.3.Su.a: Respond to a variety of music characteristics.
MU.2.C.3.Pa.a: Attend to a variety of music characteristics.

MU.2.F.1.1: Create a musical performance that brings a story or poem to life.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.2.F.1.In.a: Create, interpret, or respond to a musical performance that brings a story or poem to life.
MU.2.F.1.Su.a: Imitate sounds or movements that represent a story character, setting, or theme.
MU.2.F.1.Pa.a: Explore a variety of sounds and movements that represent a story character, setting, or theme.

MU.2.F.2.1: Describe how people participate in music.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.2.F.2.In.a: Identify a variety of ways people participate in music.
MU.2.F.2.Su.a: Recognize different ways people participate in music.
MU.2.F.2.Pa.a: Explore different ways people participate in music.

MU.2.F.3.1: Collaborate with others in a music presentation and discuss what was successful and what could be improved.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.2.F.3.In.a: Demonstrate a variety of collaborative skills.
MU.2.F.3.Su.a: Demonstrate a collaborative skill.
MU.2.F.3.Pa.a: Contribute to a class musical performance.

MU.2.H.1.1: Perform songs, musical games, dances, and simple instrumental accompaniments from a variety of cultures.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.2.H.1.In.a: Imitate songs, games, dances, and simple instrumental accompaniments from a variety of cultures.
MU.2.H.1.Su.a: Imitate songs, games, and dances from a variety of cultures.
MU.2.H.1.Pa.a: Explore simple songs, dances, and musical games from a variety of cultures.

MU.2.H.1.2: Identify the primary differences between composed and folk music.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.2.H.1.In.a: Imitate songs, games, dances, and simple instrumental accompaniments from a variety of cultures.
MU.2.H.1.Su.a: Imitate songs, games, and dances from a variety of cultures.
MU.2.H.1.Pa.a: Explore simple songs, dances, and musical games from a variety of cultures.

MU.2.H.2.1: Discuss how music is used for celebrations in American and other cultures.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.2.H.2.In.a: Identify music used for celebrations in American and other cultures.
MU.2.H.2.Su.a: Match musical examples to their function.
MU.2.H.2.Pa.a: Explore music used for celebrations in American and other cultures.

MU.2.H.3.1: Perform and compare patterns, aurally and visually, found in songs, finger plays, or rhymes to gain a foundation for exploring patterns in other contexts.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.2.H.3.In.a: Recognize the use of patterns in music to gain a foundation for exploring patterns in other contexts.
MU.2.H.3.Su.a: Explore the use of patterns in music to gain a foundation for exploring patterns in other contexts.
MU.2.H.3.Pa.a: Explore the use of instruments and vocal sounds.

MU.2.O.1.1: Identify basic elements of music in a song or instrumental excerpt.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.2.O.1.In.a: Recognize basic elements of music in a song or instrumental excerpt.
MU.2.O.1.Su.a: Demonstrate awareness of beat and rhythm.
MU.2.O.1.Pa.a: Respond to a variety of music.

MU.2.O.1.2: Identify the form of a simple piece of music.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.2.O.1.In.b: Identify similarities and differences in melodic phrases and/or rhythm patterns.
MU.2.O.1.Su.a: Demonstrate awareness of beat and rhythm.
MU.2.O.1.Pa.a: Respond to a variety of music.

MU.2.O.3.1: Describe changes in tempo and dynamics within a musical work.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.2.O.3.In.a: Respond to music to demonstrate how it makes one feel.
MU.2.O.3.Su.a: Demonstrate awareness of beat and rhythm.
MU.2.O.3.Pa.a: Explore a variety of music.

MU.2.S.1.1: Improvise short phrases in response to a given musical question.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.2.S.1.In.a: Perform simple vocal or instrumental musical patterns or songs.
MU.2.S.1.Su.a: Imitate simple vocal or instrumental patterns or songs.
MU.2.S.1.Pa.a: Respond to a variety of simple vocal or instrumental patterns or songs.

MU.2.S.1.2: Create simple ostinati to accompany songs or poems.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.2.S.1.In.a: Perform simple vocal or instrumental musical patterns or songs.
MU.2.S.1.Su.a: Imitate simple vocal or instrumental patterns or songs.
MU.2.S.1.Pa.a: Respond to a variety of simple vocal or instrumental patterns or songs.

MU.2.S.2.1: Sing or play songs, which may include changes in dynamics, lyrics, and form, from memory.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.2.S.2.In.a: Sing or play songs from memory.
MU.2.S.2.Su.a: Sing or play songs from a model.
MU.2.S.2.Pa.a: Respond to familiar songs.

MU.2.S.3.1: Sing songs in an appropriate range, using head voice and maintaining pitch.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.2.S.3.In.a: Sing songs of limited range using the head voice.
MU.2.S.3.Su.a: Sing or play songs from a model.
MU.2.S.3.Pa.a: Explore familiar songs.

MU.2.S.3.2: Play simple melodies and/or accompaniments on classroom instruments.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.2.S.3.In.b: Perform simple songs and accompaniments.
MU.2.S.3.Su.b: Imitate visual, gestural, or traditional representation of simple melodic patterns performed by the teacher or a peer.
MU.2.S.3.Pa.b: Recognize visual, gestural, or traditional representation of simple melodic patterns performed by the teacher or a peer.

MU.2.S.3.3: Sing simple la-sol-mi-do patterns at sight.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.2.S.3.In.c: Sing simple la-sol-mi-do patterns from a model.
MU.2.S.3.Su.a: Sing or play songs from a model.
MU.2.S.3.Pa.a: Explore familiar songs.

MU.2.S.3.4: Compare aural melodic patterns with written patterns to determine whether they are the same or different.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.2.S.3.In.d: Identify visual, gestural, and traditional representation of simple melodic patterns performed by the teacher or a peer.
MU.2.S.3.Su.a: Sing or play songs from a model.
MU.2.S.3.Pa.a: Explore familiar songs.

MU.2.S.3.5: Show visual, gestural, and traditional representation of simple melodic patterns performed by someone else.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.2.S.3.In.d: Identify visual, gestural, and traditional representation of simple melodic patterns performed by the teacher or a peer.
MU.2.S.3.Su.b: Imitate visual, gestural, or traditional representation of simple melodic patterns performed by the teacher or a peer.
MU.2.S.3.Pa.b: Recognize visual, gestural, or traditional representation of simple melodic patterns performed by the teacher or a peer.

MU.3.C.1.1: Describe listening skills and how they support appreciation of musical works.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.3.C.1.In.a: Use a variety of teacher-selected sensory skills to recognize specified musical characteristics.
MU.3.C.1.Su.a: Recognize a variety of teacher-selected musical characteristics in a song or instrumental piece.
MU.3.C.1.Pa.a: Explore a variety of teacher-selected musical characteristics in a song or instrumental piece.

MU.3.C.1.2: Respond to a musical work in a variety of ways and compare individual interpretations.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.3.C.1.In.b: Respond to musical work in a variety of ways to show awareness of differences in musical ideas.
MU.3.C.1.Su.b: Respond to teacher-selected musical characteristics in a song or instrumental piece.
MU.3.C.1.Pa.a: Explore a variety of teacher-selected musical characteristics in a song or instrumental piece.

MU.3.C.1.3: Identify families of orchestral and band instruments.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.3.C.1.In.c: Identify a variety of orchestral and band instruments.
MU.3.C.1.Su.c: Recognize selected orchestral and band instruments.
MU.3.C.1.Pa.b: Attend using senses to a variety of orchestral and band instruments.

MU.3.C.1.4: Discriminate between unison and two-part singing.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.3.C.1.In.d: Differentiate between music performed by one singer or in unison, and music performed by a group of singers.
MU.3.C.1.Su.d: Distinguish between music and song.
MU.3.C.1.Pa.a: Explore a variety of teacher-selected musical characteristics in a song or instrumental piece.

MU.3.C.2.1: Evaluate performances of familiar music using teacher-established criteria.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.3.C.2.In.a: Identify a reason for preferring one performance of a familiar song over another.
MU.3.C.2.Su.a: Use a teacher-selected criterion to evaluate performances of familiar music.
MU.3.C.2.Pa.a: Select preferred familiar songs.

MU.3.C.3.1: Identify musical characteristics and elements within a piece of music when discussing the value of the work.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.3.C.3.In.a: Recognize that musical characteristics influence our opinion of the piece.
MU.3.C.3.Su.a: Recognize a variety of music characteristics.
MU.3.C.3.Pa.a: Recognize a characteristic of music.

MU.3.F.1.1: Enhance the meaning of a story or poem by creating a musical interpretation using voices, instruments, movement, and/or found sounds.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.3.F.1.In.a: Use sounds and movements to represent or enhance story or poem characteristics.
MU.3.F.1.Su.a: Imitate sounds and movements to represent or enhance story or poem characteristics.
MU.3.F.1.Pa.a: Respond to a variety of sounds and movements that represent or enhance story or poem characteristics.

MU.3.F.2.1: Identify musicians in the school, community, and media.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.3.F.2.In.a: Identify musicians in the school, community, or media.
MU.3.F.2.Su.a: Recognize musicians in the school, community, or media.
MU.3.F.2.Pa.a: Recognize that people who make music are called musicians.

MU.3.F.2.2: Describe opportunities for personal music-making.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.3.F.2.In.b: Identify opportunities in the school, home, or community for participating in music making.
MU.3.F.2.Su.b: Recognize opportunities in the school, home, or community for participating in music making.
MU.3.F.2.Pa.b: Recognize an opportunity in the school, home, or community for participating in music-making.

MU.3.F.3.1: Collaborate with others to create a musical presentation and acknowledge individual contributions as an integral part of the whole.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.3.F.3.In.a: Sequence two or more components related to individual or collaborative musical projects.
MU.3.F.3.Su.a: Complete one or more components of individual or collaborative musical projects.
MU.3.F.3.Pa.a: Contribute to collaborative tasks related to music.

MU.3.H.1.1: Compare indigenous instruments of specified cultures.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.3.H.1.In.a: Identify indigenous instruments of specified cultures.
MU.3.H.1.Su.a: Match selected instruments to specified cultures.
MU.3.H.1.Pa.a: Explore indigenous instruments of specified cultures.

MU.3.H.1.2: Identify significant information about specified composers and one or more of their musical works.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.3.H.1.In.b: Recognize characteristic musical sounds from a variety of cultures.
MU.3.H.1.Su.b: Match characteristic musical sounds to specified cultures.
MU.3.H.1.Pa.b: Explore characteristic musical sounds from a variety of cultures.

MU.3.H.1.3: Identify timbre(s) in music from a variety of cultures.
MU.3.H.2.1: Discuss how music in America was influenced by people and events in its history.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.3.H.2.In.a: Recognize influences of culture and history on American music.
MU.3.H.2.Su.a: Recognize a variety of music that represents American culture or history.
MU.3.H.2.Pa.a: Associate musical examples with American culture or history.

MU.3.H.3.1: Experience and discuss, using correct music and other relevant content-area vocabulary, similarities in the use of pattern, line, and form in music and other teacher-selected contexts.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.3.H.3.In.a: Experience similarities in the use of pattern, line, or form in music and other teacher-selected contexts.
MU.3.H.3.Su.a: Explore the use of pattern, line, and form in music and other teacher-selected contexts.
MU.3.H.3.Pa.a: Respond to the use of patterns in music.

MU.3.O.1.1: Identify, using correct music vocabulary, the elements in a musical work.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.3.O.1.In.a: Recognize basic elements in a piece of music.
MU.3.O.1.Su.a: Recognize a selected element in a piece of music.
MU.3.O.1.Pa.a: Respond to rhythmic production.

MU.3.O.1.2: Identify and describe the musical form of a familiar song.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.3.O.1.In.b: Identify patterns in familiar songs.
MU.3.O.1.Su.b: Imitate patterns in familiar songs.
MU.3.O.1.Pa.b: Demonstrate awareness of beat or rhythm.

MU.3.O.2.1: Rearrange melodic or rhythmic patterns to generate new phrases.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.3.O.2.In.a: Rearrange simple melodic or rhythmic patterns to generate new phrases.
MU.3.O.2.Su.a: Imitate simple melodic or rhythmic patterns.
MU.3.O.2.Pa.a: Respond to a variety of simple melodic or rhythmic patterns.

MU.3.O.3.1: Describe how tempo and dynamics can change the mood or emotion of a piece of music.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.3.O.3.In.a: Identify the mood or emotion of a piece of music.
MU.3.O.3.Su.a: Respond to music to demonstrate how it makes one feel.
MU.5.O.3.Pa.a: Respond to music to demonstrate how it makes one feel.

MU.3.S.1.1: Improvise rhythms or melodies over ostinati.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.3.S.1.In.a: Improvise simple vocal or instrumental musical patterns over ostinati.
MU.3.S.1.Su.a: Imitate simple vocal or instrumental patterns over ostinati.
MU.3.S.1.Pa.a: Respond to a variety of simple vocal or instrumental patterns over ostinati.

MU.3.S.1.2: Create an alternate ending to a familiar song.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.3.S.1.In.b: Improvise simple vocal or instrumental musical patterns.
MU.3.S.1.Su.b: Imitate an alternate ending to a familiar song.
MU.3.S.1.Pa.b: Recognize an alternate ending to a familiar song.

MU.3.S.2.1: Identify patterns in songs to aid the development of sequencing and memorization skills.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.3.S.2.In.a: Imitate a variety of musical patterns in songs.
MU.3.S.2.Su.a: Sing or play familiar songs from memory.
MU.3.S.2.Pa.a: Recognize familiar songs.

MU.3.S.3.1: Sing rounds, canons, or ostinati in an appropriate range, using head voice and maintaining pitch.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.3.S.3.In.a: Sing simple songs in a group using head voice and maintaining pitch.
MU.3.S.3.Su.a: Sing or play songs or patterns from memory.
MU.3.S.3.Pa.a: Sing or play songs from a model.

MU.3.S.3.2: Play melodies and layered ostinati, using proper instrumental technique, on pitched and unpitched instruments.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.3.S.3.In.b: Play simple melodies and/or accompaniments on classroom instruments.
MU.3.S.3.Pa.a: Sing or play songs from a model.
MU.3.S.3.Pa.b: Sing or play songs or patterns.

MU.3.S.3.3: Sing simple la-sol-mi-re-do patterns at sight.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.3.S.3.In.c: Sing simple la-sol-mi-do patterns.
MU.3.S.3.Su.a: Sing or play songs or patterns from memory.
MU.3.S.3.Pa.a: Sing or play songs from a model.

MU.3.S.3.4: Match simple aural rhythm patterns in duple and triple meter with written patterns.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.3.S.3.In.d: Imitate simple rhythm patterns in duple and triple meter.
MU.3.S.3.Su.a: Sing or play songs or patterns from memory.
MU.3.S.3.Pa.a: Sing or play songs from a model.

MU.3.S.3.5: Notate simple rhythmic and melodic patterns using traditional notation.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.3.S.3.In.e: Match aurally presented notes to traditional notation.
MU.3.S.3.Su.a: Sing or play songs or patterns from memory.
MU.3.S.3.Pa.a: Sing or play songs from a model.

MU.4.C.1.1: Develop effective listening strategies and describe how they can support appreciation of musical works.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.4.C.1.In.a: Identify and use appropriate sensory skills to recognize specified musical characteristics.
MU.4.C.1.Su.a: Use a teacher-selected sensory skill to recognize specified musical characteristics.
MU.4.C.1.Pa.a: Recognize a teacher-selected musical characteristic in a song or instrumental piece.

MU.4.C.1.2: Describe, using correct music vocabulary, what is heard in a specific musical work.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.4.C.2.In.a: Identify selected basic music performance techniques to provide a foundation for critiquing self and others.
MU.4.C.2.Su.b: Use a teacher-selected criterion to critique specified techniques in performances of one’s self and others.
MU.4.C.1.Pa.a: Recognize a teacher-selected musical characteristic in a song or instrumental piece.

MU.4.C.1.3: Classify orchestral and band instruments as strings, woodwinds, brass, percussion, or keyboard.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.4.C.1.In.b: Recognize families of orchestral and band instruments
MU.4.C.2.Su.b: Use a teacher-selected criterion to critique specified techniques in performances of one’s self and others.
MU.4.C.1.Pa.b: Recognize selected orchestral and band instruments.

MU.4.C.1.4: Identify and describe the four primary voice parts, i.e., soprano, alto, tenor, bass.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.4.C.1.In.c: Identify and use appropriate sensory skills to distinguish voice parts.
MU.4.C.1.Su.c: Use a teacher-selected sensory skill to recognize differences in voice parts.
MU.4.C.1.Pa.c: Distinguish between two voice types.

MU.4.C.2.1: Identify and describe basic music performance techniques to provide a foundation for critiquing one's self and others.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.4.H.2.In.a: Identify and listen to music related to Florida’s history.
MU.4.H.2.Su.a: Recognize a variety of music that represents Florida culture or history.
MU.4.H.2.Pa.a: Associate musical examples with Florida culture or history.

MU.4.C.2.2: Critique specific techniques in one's own and others performances using teacher-established criteria.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.4.H.2.In.b: Identify a variety of venues to experience music.
MU.4.H.2.Su.b: Recognize a variety of venues to experience music.
MU.4.H.2.Pa.b: Recognize a way to interact with music.

MU.4.C.3.1: Describe characteristics that make various musical works appealing.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.4.C.3.In.a: Identify characteristics that make various musical works appealing.
MU.4.C.3.Su.a: Recognize characteristics that make various musical works appealing.
MU.4.C.3.Pa.a: Select a characteristic that makes a musical work appealing.

MU.4.F.1.1: Create new interpretations of melodic or rhythmic pieces by varying or adding dynamics, timbre, tempo, lyrics, and/or movement.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.4.F.1.In.a: Change the feeling of melodic or rhythmic pieces by varying or adding dynamics, timbre, tempo, lyrics, and/or movement.
MU.4.F.1.Su.a: Imitate changes in sounds and movements of melodic or rhythmic pieces.
MU.4.F.1.Pa.a: Explore changes in sounds and movements of melodic or rhythmic pieces.

MU.4.F.2.1: Describe roles and careers of selected musicians.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.4.F.2.In.a: Identify two or more community opportunities in or related to music for employment or leisure.
MU.4.F.2.Su.a: Recognize two or more community opportunities to participate in activities related to music.
MU.4.F.2.Pa.a: Associate music with leisure or recreation.

MU.4.F.3.1: Identify the characteristics and behaviors displayed by successful student musicians, and discuss how these qualities will contribute to success beyond the music classroom.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.4.F.3.In.a: Identify a personal quality that supports success in music that can be applied to other fields.
MU.4.F.3.Su.a: Recognize a personal quality that supports success in music that can be applied to other fields.
MU.4.F.3.Pa.a: Recognize a personal quality that supports success in life.

MU.4.F.3.2: Discuss the safe, legal way to download songs and other media.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.4.F.3.In.a: Identify a personal quality that supports success in music that can be applied to other fields.
MU.4.F.3.Su.b: Recognize and respect the property of others.
MU.4.F.3.Pa.b: Recognize the property of others

MU.4.H.1.1: Examine and describe a cultural tradition, other than one's own, learned through its musical style and/or use of authentic instruments.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.4.H.1.In.a: Identify common uses of music within specific cultures.
MU.4.H.1.Su.a: Recognize common uses of music within specific cultures.
MU.4.H.1.Pa.a: Recognize a use of music common to cultures or times.

MU.4.H.1.2: Describe the influence of selected composers on the musical works and practices or traditions of their time.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.4.H.1.In.b: Recognize pieces of music that originated from cultures other than one’s own.
MU.4.H.1.Su.b: Match pieces of characteristic music to specified cultures.
MU.4.H.1.Pa.b: Associate a piece of music with a specified culture.

MU.4.H.1.3: Identify pieces of music that originated from cultures other than one's own.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.4.H.1.In.a: Identify common uses of music within specific cultures.
MU.4.H.1.Su.a: Recognize common uses of music within specific cultures.
MU.4.H.1.Pa.a: Recognize a use of music common to cultures or times.

MU.4.H.2.1: Perform, listen to, and discuss music related to Florida's history.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.4.H.2.In.a: Identify and listen to music related to Florida’s history.
MU.4.H.2.Su.a: Recognize a variety of music that represents Florida culture or history.
MU.4.H.2.Pa.a: Associate musical examples with Florida culture or history.

MU.4.H.2.2: Identify ways in which individuals of varying ages and cultures experience music.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.4.H.2.In.b: Identify a variety of venues to experience music.
MU.4.H.2.Su.b: Recognize a variety of venues to experience music.
MU.4.H.2.Pa.b: Recognize a way to interact with music.

MU.4.H.3.1: Identify connections among music and other contexts, using correct music and other relevant content-area vocabulary, and explore how learning in one academic area can help with knowledge or skill acquisition in a different academic area.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.4.H.3.In.a: Compare the use of pattern, line, and form found in music with other teacher-selected contexts.
MU.4.H.3.Su.a: Connect the use of pattern, line, and form found in music with another teacher-selected context.
MU.4.H.3.Pa.a: Respond to the use of patterns in music and another teacher-selected context.

MU.4.O.1.1: Compare musical elements in different types of music, using correct music vocabulary, as a foundation for understanding the structural conventions of specific styles.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.4.O.1.In.a: Identify elements of music in different types of music as a foundation for understanding the structural conventions of specific styles.
MU.4.O.1.Su.a: Recognize selected elements of music in different types of music.
MU.4.O.1.Pa.a: Demonstrate awareness of beat and rhythm.

MU.4.O.2.1: Create variations for selected melodies.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.4.O.2.In.a: Change the feeling of a musical phrase by altering the elements of music.
MU.4.O.2.Su.a: Select an element to change in a musical phrase.
MU.4.O.2.Pa.a: Respond to a change in a musical phrase.

MU.4.O.3.1: Identify how expressive elements and lyrics affect the mood or emotion of a song.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.4.O.3.In.a: Recognize how a change in an expressive element affects the mood or emotion of a song.
MU.4.O.3.Su.a: Match expressive elements and lyrics to mood or emotion.
MU.4.O.3.Pa.a: Recognize the mood or emotion expressed in a musical piece.

MU.4.O.3.2: Apply expressive elements to a vocal or instrumental piece and, using correct music vocabulary, explain one's choices.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.4.O.3.In.b: Change an expressive element to a vocal or instrumental piece and discuss the result
MU.4.O.3.Su.a: Match expressive elements and lyrics to mood or emotion.
MU.4.O.3.Pa.a: Recognize the mood or emotion expressed in a musical piece.

MU.4.S.1.1: Improvise phrases, using familiar songs.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.4.S.1.In.a: Improvise vocal or instrumental patterns using familiar songs.
MU.4.S.1.Su.a: Perform simple vocal or instrumental patterns or songs.
MU.4.S.1.Pa.a: Imitate simple vocal or instrumental patterns or songs.

MU.4.S.1.2: Create melodic patterns using a variety of sound sources.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.4.S.1.In.a: Improvise vocal or instrumental patterns using familiar songs.
MU.4.S.1.Su.a: Perform simple vocal or instrumental patterns or songs.
MU.4.S.1.Pa.a: Imitate simple vocal or instrumental patterns or songs.

MU.4.S.1.3: Arrange a familiar song for voices or instruments by manipulating form.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.4.S.1.In.a: Improvise vocal or instrumental patterns using familiar songs.
MU.4.S.1.Su.a: Perform simple vocal or instrumental patterns or songs.
MU.4.S.1.Pa.a: Imitate simple vocal or instrumental patterns or songs.

MU.4.S.2.1: Apply knowledge of musical structure to aid in sequencing and memorization and to internalize details of rehearsal and performance.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.4.S.2.In.a: Recognize patterns in music.
MU.4.S.2.Su.a: Imitate musical patterns.
MU.4.S.2.Pa.a: Recognize a musical pattern.

MU.4.S.3.1: Sing rounds, canons, and/or partner songs in an appropriate range, using proper vocal technique and maintaining pitch.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.4.S.3.In.a: Sing songs in an appropriate range using head voice and maintaining pitch.
MU.4.S.3.Su.a: Sing songs of limited range using the head voice.
MU.4.S.3.Pa.a: Sing or play songs or patterns from a model.

MU.4.S.3.2: Play rounds, canons, or layered ostinati on classroom instruments.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.4.S.3.In.b: Perform simple melodies and/or accompaniments on classroom instruments.
MU.4.S.3.Su.b: Perform simple songs and accompaniments.
MU.4.S.3.Pa.b: Sing or play songs or patterns from a cue.

MU.4.S.3.3: Perform extended pentatonic melodies at sight.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.4.S.3.In.b: Perform simple melodies and/or accompaniments on classroom instruments.
MU.4.S.3.Su.b: Perform simple songs and accompaniments.
MU.4.S.3.Pa.b: Sing or play songs or patterns from a cue.

MU.4.S.3.4: Play simple ostinati, by ear, using classroom instruments.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.4.S.3.In.b: Perform simple melodies and/or accompaniments on classroom instruments.
MU.4.S.3.Su.b: Perform simple songs and accompaniments.
MU.4.S.3.Pa.b: Sing or play songs or patterns from a cue.

MU.4.S.3.5: Notate simple rhythmic phrases and extended pentatonic melodies using traditional notation.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.4.S.3.In.c: Copy simple rhythmic and melodic patterns using traditional notation.
MU.4.S.3.Su.b: Perform simple songs and accompaniments.
MU.4.S.3.Pa.b: Sing or play songs or patterns from a cue.

MU.5.C.1.1: Discuss and apply listening strategies to support appreciation of musical works.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.5.C.1.In.a: Identify and use appropriate sensory skills to support appreciation of musical works.
MU.5.C.1.Su.a: Recognize and use teacher-selected sensory skills to support appreciation of musical works.
MU.5.C.1.Pa.a: Use sensory strategies to support appreciation of musical works.

MU.5.C.1.2: Hypothesize and discuss, using correct music vocabulary, the composer's intent for a specific musical work.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.5.C.1.In.b: Identify the musical intent of the composer for a specific musical work.
MU.5.C.1.Su.b: Match the musical intent of the composer to a specific musical work.
MU.5.C.1.Pa.b: Recognize that music examples convey meaning.

MU.5.C.1.3: Identify, aurally, selected instruments of the band and orchestra.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.5.C.1.In.c: Identify families of orchestral and band instruments.
MU.5.C.1.Su.c: Identify a variety of orchestral and band instruments.
MU.5.C.1.Pa.c: Recognize selected orchestral and band instruments.

MU.5.C.1.4: Identify, aurally, the four primary voice parts, i.e., soprano, alto, tenor, bass, of a mixed choir.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.5.C.1.In.d: Identify the four primary voice parts: soprano, alto, tenor, and bass.
MU.5.C.1.Su.d: Recognize differences between different voice parts.
MU.5.C.1.Pa.d: Distinguish between two voices.

MU.5.C.2.1: Define criteria, using correct music vocabulary, to critique one's own and others performance.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.5.C.2.In.a: Use defined criteria to analyze one’s own and others’ performance.
MU.5.C.2.Su.a: Use a teacher-selected criterion to analyze one’s own and others’ performance.
MU.5.C.2.Pa.a: Use a teacher-selected criterion to evaluate performances of familiar music.

MU.5.C.2.2: Describe changes, using correct music vocabulary, in one's own and/or others performance over time.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.5.C.2.In.b: Use defined criteria to analyze and revise one’s own performance.
MU.5.C.2.Su.b: Use a teacher-selected criterion to analyze and revise one’s own performance.
MU.5.C.2.Pa.b: Use a teacher-selected criterion to analyze and revise personal performances with guidance from teachers and peers.

MU.5.C.3.1: Develop criteria to evaluate an exemplary musical work from a specific period or genre.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.5.C.3.In.a: Use defined criteria to respond to musical work of a specified period or genre.
MU.5.C.3.Su.a: Use a teacher-selected criterion to respond to musical work of a specified period or genre.
MU.5.C.3.Pa.a: Select preferred musical work of a specified period or genre.

MU.5.F.1.1: Create a performance, using visual, kinesthetic, digital, and/or acoustic means to manipulate musical elements.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.5.F.1.In.a: Select and use visual, kinesthetic, digital, and/or acoustic means to manipulate musical elements.
MU.5.F.1.Su.a: Use selected visual, kinesthetic, digital, and/or acoustic means to manipulate musical elements.
MU.5.F.1.Pa.a: Explore selected visual, kinesthetic, digital, and/or acoustic means to manipulate musical elements.

MU.5.F.2.1: Describe jobs associated with various types of concert venues and performing arts centers.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.5.F.2.In.a: Identify two or more community opportunities in or related to music for employment and leisure.
MU.5.F.2.Su.a: Recognize two or more community opportunities in or related to music for employment or leisure.
MU.5.F.2.Pa.a: Recognize a community opportunity in or related to music for employment or leisure.

MU.5.F.2.2: Explain why live performances are important to the career of the artist and the success of performance venues.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.5.F.2.In.a: Identify two or more community opportunities in or related to music for employment and leisure.
MU.5.F.2.Su.a: Recognize two or more community opportunities in or related to music for employment or leisure.
MU.5.F.2.Pa.a: Recognize a community opportunity in or related to music for employment or leisure.

MU.5.F.3.1: Examine and discuss the characteristics and behaviors displayed by successful student musicians that can be applied outside the music classroom.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.5.F.3.In.a: Identify personal qualities that support success in music that can be applied to other fields.
MU.5.F.3.Su.a: Recognize selected personal qualities that support success in music that can be applied to other fields.
MU.5.F.3.Pa.a: Recognize a personal quality that supports success in music that can be applied to other fields.

MU.5.F.3.2: Practice safe, legal, and responsible acquisition and use of music media, and describe why it is important to do so.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.5.F.3.In.b: Follow safe, legal, and responsible practices to use a variety of technology tools to produce and listen to music.
MU.5.F.3.Su.b: Follow safe, legal, and responsible practices to use a technology tool to produce or listen to music.
MU.5.F.3.Pa.b: Recognize and respect the property of others.

MU.5.H.1.1: Identify the purposes for which music is used within various cultures.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.5.H.1.In.a: Identify the purpose for which specified music is used within various cultures.
MU.5.H.1.Su.a: Recognize the purpose for which specified music is used within various cultures.
MU.5.H.1.Pa.a: Recognize the purpose of specified music.

MU.5.H.1.2: Compare and describe the compositional characteristics used by two or more composers whose works are studied in class.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.5.H.1.In.b: Identify similarities and differences between styles and features of music produced by different cultures.
MU.5.H.1.Su.b: Recognize similarities or differences between styles or features of music produced by different cultures.
MU.5.H.1.Pa.b: Recognize similarities or differences in musical compositions.

MU.5.H.1.3: Compare stylistic and musical features in works originating from different cultures.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.5.H.1.In.b: Identify similarities and differences between styles and features of music produced by different cultures.
MU.5.H.1.Su.b: Recognize similarities or differences between styles or features of music produced by different cultures.
MU.5.H.1.Pa.b: Recognize similarities or differences in musical compositions.

MU.5.H.2.1: Examine the contributions of musicians and composers for a specific historical period.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.5.H.2.In.a: Identify musicians and composers for a specific historical period.
MU.5.H.2.Su.a: Recognize selected music for a specific historical period.
MU.5.H.2.Pa.a: Explore music from a specific historical period.

MU.5.H.2.2: Describe how technology has changed the way audiences experience music.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.5.H.2.In.b: Identify and use a variety of technologies to experience music.
MU.5.H.2.Su.b: Recognize and use selected technologies to experience music.
MU.5.H.2.Pa.b: Use a selected technology to experience music.

MU.5.H.3.1: Examine critical-thinking processes in music and describe how they can be transferred to other disciplines.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.5.H.3.In.a: Examine the steps of a critical-thinking process in music and apply them to another teacher-selected discipline.
MU.5.H.3.Su.a: Examine selected steps in critical-thinking processes in music and apply them to another teacher-selected discipline.
MU.5.H.3.Pa.a: Explore the use of pattern, line, and form in music and other teacher-selected contexts.

MU.5.O.1.1: Analyze, using correct music vocabulary, the use of musical elements in various styles of music as a foundation for understanding the creative process.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.5.O.1.In.a: Identify the musical elements in various styles of music using correct music vocabulary.
MU.5.O.1.Su.a: Recognize basic elements in various styles of music.
MU.5.O.1.Pa.a: Recognize a selected element in a piece of music.

MU.5.O.2.1: Create a new melody from two or more melodic motifs.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.5.O.2.In.a: Rearrange melodic or rhythmic patterns to generate new phrases.
MU.5.O.2.Su.a: Rearrange simple melodic or rhythmic patterns to generate new phrases.
MU.5.O.2.Pa.a: Select preferred simple melodic or rhythmic patterns.

MU.5.O.3.1: Examine and explain how expressive elements, when used in a selected musical work, affect personal response.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.5.O.3.In.a: Discuss how expressive elements can change the mood or emotion of a piece of music.
MU.5.O.3.Su.a: Identify the mood or emotion of a piece of music.
MU.5.O.3.Pa.a: Respond to music to demonstrate how it makes one feel.

MU.5.O.3.2: Perform expressive elements in a vocal or instrumental piece as indicated by the score and/or conductor.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.5.O.3.In.b: Practice performing expressive elements in a vocal or instrumental piece.
MU.5.O.3.Su.a: Identify the mood or emotion of a piece of music.
MU.5.O.3.Pa.a: Respond to music to demonstrate how it makes one feel.

MU.5.S.1.1: Improvise rhythmic and melodic phrases to create simple variations on familiar melodies.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.5.S.1.In.a: Improvise rhythmic or melodic phrases to create variations on familiar melodies.
MU.5.S.1.Su.a: Improvise simple rhythmic or melodic patterns to create variations on familiar melodies.
MU.5.S.1.Pa.a: Participate in simple rhythmic or melodic patterns.

MU.5.S.1.2: Compose short vocal or instrumental pieces using a variety of sound sources.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.5.S.1.In.a: Improvise rhythmic or melodic phrases to create variations on familiar melodies.
MU.5.S.1.Su.a: Improvise simple rhythmic or melodic patterns to create variations on familiar melodies.
MU.5.S.1.Pa.a: Participate in simple rhythmic or melodic patterns.

MU.5.S.1.3: Arrange a familiar song by manipulating specified aspects of music.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.5.S.1.In.a: Improvise rhythmic or melodic phrases to create variations on familiar melodies.
MU.5.S.1.Su.a: Improvise simple rhythmic or melodic patterns to create variations on familiar melodies.
MU.5.S.1.Pa.a: Participate in simple rhythmic or melodic patterns.

MU.5.S.1.4: Sing or play simple melodic patterns by ear with support from the teacher.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.5.S.1.In.a: Improvise rhythmic or melodic phrases to create variations on familiar melodies.
MU.5.S.1.Su.a: Improvise simple rhythmic or melodic patterns to create variations on familiar melodies.
MU.5.S.1.Pa.a: Participate in simple rhythmic or melodic patterns.

MU.5.S.2.1: Use expressive elements and knowledge of musical structure to aid in sequencing and memorization and to internalize details of rehearsals and performance.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.5.S.2.In.a: Re-create musical patterns from familiar music.
MU.5.S.2.Su.a: Imitate a variety of musical patterns.
MU.5.S.2.Pa.a: Match musical patterns to a model.

MU.5.S.2.2: Apply performance techniques to familiar music.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.5.S.2.In.a: Re-create musical patterns from familiar music.
MU.5.S.2.Su.a: Imitate a variety of musical patterns.
MU.5.S.2.Pa.a: Match musical patterns to a model.

MU.5.S.3.1: Sing part songs in an appropriate range, using proper vocal technique and maintaining pitch.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.5.S.2.In.b: Sing rounds, canons, or ostinati in an appropriate range using head voice and maintaining pitch.
MU.5.S.2.Su.b: Sing simple songs in a group using head voice and maintaining pitch.
MU.5.S.2.Pa.b: Contribute to the performance of group songs.

MU.5.S.3.2: Play melodies and accompaniments, using proper instrumental technique, on pitched and unpitched instruments.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.5.S.2.In.c: Play melodies and accompaniments on classroom instruments.
MU.5.S.2.Su.c: Play simple melodies and/or accompaniments on classroom instruments.
MU.5.S.2.Pa.c: Sing or play songs or patterns from memory.

MU.5.S.3.3: Perform simple diatonic melodies at sight.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.5.S.2.In.a: Re-create musical patterns from familiar music.
MU.5.S.2.Su.a: Imitate a variety of musical patterns.
MU.5.S.2.Pa.a: Match musical patterns to a model.

MU.5.S.3.4: Play melodies and accompaniments, by ear, using classroom instruments.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.5.S.2.In.c: Play melodies and accompaniments on classroom instruments.
MU.5.S.2.Su.c: Play simple melodies and/or accompaniments on classroom instruments.

MU.5.S.3.5: Notate rhythmic phrases and simple diatonic melodies using traditional notation.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.5.S.2.In.d: Notate simple rhythmic phrases using traditional notation.
MU.5.S.2.Su.c: Play simple melodies and/or accompaniments on classroom instruments.
MU.5.S.2.Pa.c: Sing or play songs or patterns from memory.

MU.K.C.1.1: Respond to music from various sound sources to show awareness of steady beat.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.K.C.1.In.a: Demonstrate awareness of a steady beat or pulse.
MU.K.C.1.Su.a: Respond to music from various sources.
MU.K.C.1.Pa.a: Attend to sounds from various sources.

MU.K.C.1.2: Identify various sounds in a piece of music.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.K.C.1.In.b: Recognize selected sounds from various sound sources.
MU.K.C.1.Su.b: Respond to a variety of sounds from various sound sources.
MU.K.C.1.Pa.a: Attend to sounds from various sources.

MU.K.C.1.3: Identify, visually and aurally, pitched and unpitched classroom instruments.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.K.C.1.In.c: Distinguish between singing, speaking, and whispering voices.
MU.K.C.1.Su.c: Explore sounds from various sound sources.
MU.K.C.1.Pa.a: Attend to sounds from various sources.

MU.K.C.1.4: Identify singing, speaking, and whispering voices.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.K.C.1.In.c: Distinguish between singing, speaking, and whispering voices.
MU.K.C.1.Su.b: Respond to a variety of sounds from various sound sources.
MU.K.C.1.Pa.a: Attend to sounds from various sources.

MU.K.C.2.1: Identify similarities and/or differences in a performance.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.K.C.2.In.a: Explore different performances of familiar songs.
MU.K.C.2.Su.a: Respond to performances of familiar songs.
MU.K.C.2.Pa.a: Attend to performances of familiar songs.

MU.K.C.3.1: Share opinions about selected pieces of music.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.K.C.3.In.a: Identify preferred musical examples.
MU.K.C.3.Su.a: Respond to a variety of music.
MU.K.C.3.Pa.a: Attend to a variety of music.

MU.K.F.1.1: Respond to and explore music through creative play and found sounds in the music classroom.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.K.F.1.In.a: Explore music through creative play and found sounds in the music classroom.
MU.K.F.1.Su.a: Explore a variety of sounds in the classroom.
MU.K.F.1.Pa.a: Attend to a variety of sounds in the classroom.

MU.K.F.3.1: Exhibit age-appropriate music and life skills that will add to the success in the music classroom.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.K.F.3.In.a: Demonstrate cooperative musical, classroom, and play behaviors.
MU.K.F.3.Su.a: Cooperate in guided musical, classroom, and play activities.
MU.K.F.3.Pa.a: Cooperate in guided musical activities.

MU.K.H.1.1: Respond to music from diverse cultures through singing and movement.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.K.H.1.In.a: Respond to music from a variety of cultures and musical periods.
MU.K.H.1.Su.a: Explore music from a variety of cultures and musical periods.
MU.K.H.1.Pa.a: Attend to music from a variety of cultures and musical periods.

MU.K.H.2.1: Respond to and/or perform folk music of American cultural sub-groups.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.K.H.2.In.a: Respond to music of American cultural sub-groups.
MU.K.H.2.Su.a: Explore music of American cultural sub-groups.
MU.K.H.2.Pa.a: Attend to music of American cultural sub-groups.

MU.K.H.3.1: Perform simple songs, finger plays, and rhymes to experience connections among music, language, and numbers.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.K.H.3.In.a: Respond to simple songs, finger plays, and rhymes to experience connections among music, language, and numbers.
MU.K.H.3.Su.a: Explore simple songs, finger plays, and rhymes to experience connections among music, language, and numbers.
MU.K.H.3.Pa.a: Attend to simple songs, finger plays, and rhymes to experience connections among music, language, and numbers.

MU.K.O.1.2: Identify similarities and differences in melodic phrases and/or rhythm patterns.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.K.O.1.In.a: Demonstrate awareness of beat and rhythm.
MU.K.O.1.Su.a: Explore a variety of music.
MU.K.O.1.Pa.a: Attend to a variety of music.

MU.K.O.3.1: Respond to music to demonstrate how it makes one feel.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.K.O.3.In.a: Demonstrate awareness of beat and rhythm.
MU.K.O.3.Su.a: Explore a variety of music.
MU.K.O.3.Pa.a: Attend to a variety of music.

MU.K.S.1.1: Improvise a response to a musical question sung or played by someone else.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.K.S.1.In.a: Respond to simple vocal or instrumental patterns or songs.
MU.K.S.1.Su.a: Explore simple vocal or instrumental patterns or songs.
MU.K.S.1.Pa.a: Attend to simple vocal or instrumental patterns or songs.

MU.K.S.2.1: Sing or play songs from memory.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.K.S.2.In.a: Sing or play songs from a model.
MU.K.S.2.Su.a: Explore familiar songs.
MU.K.S.2.Pa.a: Attend to familiar songs.

MU.K.S.3.1: Sing songs of limited range appropriate to the young child and use the head voice.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.K.S.3.In.a: Sing or play songs from a model.
MU.K.S.3.Su.a: Explore familiar songs.
MU.K.S.3.Pa.a: Attend to familiar songs.

MU.K.S.3.2: Perform simple songs and accompaniments.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.K.S.3.In.a: Sing or play songs from a model.
MU.K.S.3.Su.a: Explore familiar songs.
MU.K.S.3.Pa.a: Attend to familiar songs.

MU.K.S.3.3: Match pitches in a song or musical phrase in one or more keys.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.K.S.3.In.a: Sing or play songs from a model.
MU.K.S.3.Su.a: Explore familiar songs.
MU.K.S.3.Pa.a: Attend to familiar songs.

MU.K.S.3.4: Imitate simple rhythm patterns played by the teacher or a peer.
Related Access Points
Name Description
MU.K.S.3.In.a: Sing or play songs from a model.
MU.K.S.3.Su.a: Explore familiar songs.
MU.K.S.3.Pa.a: Attend to familiar songs.

LAFS.1.RL.1.2 (Archived Standard): Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson.
Related Access Points
Name Description
LAFS.1.RL.1.AP.2a: Retell a favorite text, including key details.
LAFS.1.RL.1.AP.2b: Use details to tell what happened in a story.
LAFS.1.RL.1.AP.2c: Retell the sequence of events in a story.
LAFS.1.RL.1.AP.2d: Retell stories and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson.

LAFS.1.RL.2.4 (Archived Standard): Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses.
Related Access Points
Name Description
LAFS.1.RL.2.AP.4a: Ask questions to help determine or clarify the meaning of words in a text that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses.
LAFS.1.RL.2.AP.4b: Answer questions to help determine or clarify the meaning of words in a text that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses.
LAFS.1.RL.2.AP.4c: Ask questions to help determine or clarify the meaning of phrases in a text that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses.
LAFS.1.RL.2.AP.4d: Answer questions to help determine or clarify the meaning of phrases in a text that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses.

LAFS.2.RI.1.1 (Archived Standard): Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
Related Access Points
Name Description
LAFS.2.RI.1.AP.1a: Answer who, what, where, when, why and how questions from informational text.

LAFS.3.RI.1.1 (Archived Standard): Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers.
Related Access Points
Name Description
LAFS.3.RI.1.AP.1a: Answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers.
LAFS.3.RI.1.AP.1b: Identify supporting details of an informational text read, read aloud or information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively and orally.
LAFS.3.RI.1.AP.1c: Ask questions to demonstrate understanding.

LAFS.4.RL.1.3 (Archived Standard): Describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., a character’s thoughts, words, or actions).
Related Access Points
Name Description
LAFS.4.RL.1.AP.3a: Refer to text information that relates to one specific aspect of either the relationship between characters, setting, events or conflicts.

LAFS.5.L.2.3 (Archived Standard): Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.
  1. Expand, combine, and reduce sentences for meaning, reader/listener interest, and style.
  2. Compare and contrast the varieties of English (e.g., dialects, registers) used in stories, dramas, or poems.
Related Access Points
Name Description
LAFS.5.L.2.AP.3a: Expand, combine and reduce sentences for meaning, reader interest and style for writing or speaking.

LAFS.K.RL.4.10 (Archived Standard): Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Related Access Points
Name Description
LAFS.K.RL.4.AP.10a: Answer questions about reading, such as “Why do we read? What do we read?”.
LAFS.K.RL.4.AP.10b: Choose narrative or informational text to read and reread, listen to or view for leisure purposes.
LAFS.K.RL.4.AP.10c: Engage in group reading of stories or poems by sharing something learned or something enjoyed.

DA.1.O.3.1: Create movement phrases to express a feeling, idea, or story.
Related Access Points
Name Description
DA.1.O.3.In.0: Imitate movement phrases to express a feeling, idea, or story.
DA.1.O.3.Su.0: Imitate movements.
DA.1.O.3.Pa.0: Respond to selected movements.

DA.2.O.3.1: Use movement to interpret feelings, stories, pictures, and songs.
Related Access Points
Name Description
DA.2.O.3.In.0: Demonstrate dance movement to communicate feelings or ideas.
DA.2.O.3.Su.0: Associate selected movements with emotions.
DA.2.O.3.Pa.0: Associate a selected movement with an emotion.

DA.3.H.1.1: Practice and perform social, cultural, or folk dances, using associated traditional music, to identify commonalities and differences.
Related Access Points
Name Description
DA.3.H.1.In.0: Practice and perform social, cultural, or folk dances using associated traditional music.
DA.3.H.1.Su.0: Practice specified movement sequences in dance using associated traditional music.
DA.3.H.1.Pa.0: Explore movement in dance.

DA.4.H.3.3: Describe how dance and music can each be used to interpret and support the other.
Related Access Points
Name Description
DA.4.H.3.In.0: Use movement sequences to explore concepts from other content areas.
DA.4.H.3.Su.1: Imitate movements to explore concepts from other content areas.
DA.4.H.3.Pa.2: Attend to movements paired with content from other areas.

DA.K.O.3.1: Use movement to express a feeling, idea, or story.
Related Access Points
Name Description
DA.K.O.3.In.0: Associate selected movements with emotions.
DA.K.O.3.Su.0: Associate a selected movement with an emotion.
DA.K.O.3.Pa.0: Attend to selected movements.

DA.K.S.3.3: Develop kinesthetic awareness by maintaining personal space and moving in pathways through space.
Related Access Points
Name Description
DA.K.S.3.In.0: Refine gross and fine locomotor skills through repetition.
DA.K.S.3.Su.1: Refine basic gross-motor movements through repetition.
DA.K.S.3.Pa.0: Attend to basic gross-motor movements.

TH.1.S.1.3: Explain personal preferences related to a performance.
Related Access Points
Name Description
TH.1.S.1.In.c: Express an opinion about selected theatre performances.
TH.1.S.1.Su.c: Identify preferred simple theatre performances.
TH.1.S.1.Pa.c: Explore theatre performances.

TH.2.C.1.1: Describe a character in a story and tell why the character is important to the story.
Related Access Points
Name Description
TH.2.C.1.In.a: Identify an important character in the story.
TH.2.C.1.Su.a: Identify a character in a story.
TH.2.C.1.Pa.a: Associate a character to a story.

TH.K.S.1.3: Describe personal preferences related to a performance.
Related Access Points
Name Description
TH.K.S.1.In.c: Identify preferred theatre performances and media.
TH.K.S.1.Su.c: Respond to simple theatre performances and media.
TH.K.S.1.Pa.c: Attend to theatre performances of others.

SC.4.P.10.3: Investigate and explain that sound is produced by vibrating objects and that pitch depends on how fast or slow the object vibrates.
Related Access Points
Name Description
SC.4.P.10.In.3: Recognize that vibrations cause sound and identify sounds as high or low (pitch).
SC.4.P.10.Su.3: Recognize sounds as high or low (pitch).
SC.4.P.10.Pa.2: Recognize objects that create sounds.

SC.K.P.10.1: Observe that things that make sound vibrate.
Related Access Points
Name Description
SC.K.P.10.In.1: Identify objects that create specific sounds.
SC.K.P.10.Su.1: Match sounds to specific objects.
SC.K.P.10.Pa.1: Recognize and respond to common sounds.

ELD.K12.ELL.SI.1: English language learners communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting.
VA.3.H.1.3: Identify and be respectful of ideas important to individuals, groups, or cultures that are reflected in their artworks.
Related Access Points
Name Description
VA.3.H.1.In.a: Identify common characteristics in works of art from selected cultures and times.
VA.3.H.1.Su.a: Recognize common characteristics in works of art from selected cultures and times.
VA.3.H.1.Pa.a: Recognize a common characteristic in selected works of art.

General Course Information and Notes


Music K – 5 is an access course which is intended only for students with significant cognitive disabilities. Access courses are designed to provide tiered access to the general curriculum through three levels of access points (participatory, supported, and independent), which reflect increasing levels of complexity and depth of knowledge aligned with grade-level expectations. The access points included in access courses are intentionally designed to foster high expectations for students with significant cognitive disabilities.

The purpose of this course is to enable students with disabilities to develop an awareness and appreciation for music. Music allows students to explore their world through listening, singing, moving and playing instruments. This stimulates the imagination and leads to innovation and creative risk-taking. As they develop basic skills, techniques and processes in music, they strengthen music vocabulary and music literacy, as well as their ability to remember, focus on, process and sequence information. As students sing, play, move and create together, they develop the foundation for important skills such as teamwork, acceptance, respect and responsibility.

General Notes

English Language Development (ELD) Standards Special Notes Section:

Teachers are required to provide listening, speaking, reading and writing instruction that allows English language learners (ELL) to communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting.   For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support, students will interact with grade level words, expressions, sentences and discourse to process or produce language necessary for academic success. The ELD standard should specify a relevant content area concept or topic of study chosen by curriculum developers and teachers which maximizes an ELL’s need for communication and social skills. To access an ELL supporting document which delineates performance definitions and descriptors, please click on the following link:

General Information

Course Number: 7713010 Course Path: Section: Exceptional Student Education > Grade Group: Elementary > Subject: Academics - Subject Areas >
Abbreviated Title: MUS: K-5
Course Attributes:
  • Class Size Core Required
  • Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) Required
Course Status: Terminated
Grade Level(s): K,1,2,3,4,5

Educator Certifications

Music (Elementary and Secondary Grades K-12)
Music Education (Elementary Grades 1-6)
Exceptional Student Education (Elementary and Secondary Grades K-12)
Mentally Handicapped (Elementary and Secondary Grades K-12)
Varying Exceptionalities (Elementary and Secondary Grades K-12)
Emotionally Handicapped (Elementary and Secondary Grades K-12)
Specific Learning Disabilities (Elementary and Secondary Grades K-12)

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