Course Standards
Use grade appropriate Nature of Science benchmarks (i.e. if this course is offered to seventh grade students, then the SC.7.N benchmarks should be integrated into the seventh grade course, and SC.6.N and SC.8.N benchmarks should be omitted from the seventh grade course).
Name | Description | |
SC.6.L.14.1: | Describe and identify patterns in the hierarchical organization of organisms from atoms to molecules and cells to tissues to organs to organ systems to organisms. | |
SC.6.L.14.2: | Investigate and explain the components of the scientific theory of cells (cell theory): all organisms are composed of cells (single-celled or multi-cellular), all cells come from pre-existing cells, and cells are the basic unit of life. | |
SC.6.L.14.3: | Recognize and explore how cells of all organisms undergo similar processes to maintain homeostasis, including extracting energy from food, getting rid of waste, and reproducing. | |
SC.6.L.14.4: | Compare and contrast the structure and function of major organelles of plant and animal cells, including cell wall, cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm, chloroplasts, mitochondria, and vacuoles. | |
SC.6.L.14.5: | Identify and investigate the general functions of the major systems of the human body (digestive, respiratory, circulatory, reproductive, excretory, immune, nervous, and musculoskeletal) and describe ways these systems interact with each other to maintain homeostasis. | |
SC.6.L.14.6: | Compare and contrast types of infectious agents that may infect the human body, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. | |
SC.6.L.15.1: | Analyze and describe how and why organisms are classified according to shared characteristics with emphasis on the Linnaean system combined with the concept of Domains. | |
SC.6.N.1.1: | Define a problem from the sixth grade curriculum, use appropriate reference materials to support scientific understanding, plan and carry out scientific investigation of various types, such as systematic observations or experiments, identify variables, collect and organize data, interpret data in charts, tables, and graphics, analyze information, make predictions, and defend conclusions. | |
SC.6.N.1.2: | Explain why scientific investigations should be replicable. | |
SC.6.N.1.3: | Explain the difference between an experiment and other types of scientific investigation, and explain the relative benefits and limitations of each. | |
SC.6.N.1.4: | Discuss, compare, and negotiate methods used, results obtained, and explanations among groups of students conducting the same investigation. | |
SC.6.N.1.5: | Recognize that science involves creativity, not just in designing experiments, but also in creating explanations that fit evidence. | |
SC.6.N.2.1: | Distinguish science from other activities involving thought. | |
SC.6.N.2.2: | Explain that scientific knowledge is durable because it is open to change as new evidence or interpretations are encountered. | |
SC.6.N.2.3: | Recognize that scientists who make contributions to scientific knowledge come from all kinds of backgrounds and possess varied talents, interests, and goals. | |
SC.6.N.3.1: | Recognize and explain that a scientific theory is a well-supported and widely accepted explanation of nature and is not simply a claim posed by an individual. Thus, the use of the term theory in science is very different than how it is used in everyday life. | |
SC.6.N.3.2: | Recognize and explain that a scientific law is a description of a specific relationship under given conditions in the natural world. Thus, scientific laws are different from societal laws. | |
SC.6.N.3.3: | Give several examples of scientific laws. | |
SC.6.N.3.4: | Identify the role of models in the context of the sixth grade science benchmarks. | |
SC.7.L.15.1: | Recognize that fossil evidence is consistent with the scientific theory of evolution that living things evolved from earlier species. | |
SC.7.L.15.2: | Explore the scientific theory of evolution by recognizing and explaining ways in which genetic variation and environmental factors contribute to evolution by natural selection and diversity of organisms. | |
SC.7.L.15.3: | Explore the scientific theory of evolution by relating how the inability of a species to adapt within a changing environment may contribute to the extinction of that species. | |
SC.7.L.16.1: | Understand and explain that every organism requires a set of instructions that specifies its traits, that this hereditary information (DNA) contains genes located in the chromosomes of each cell, and that heredity is the passage of these instructions from one generation to another. | |
SC.7.L.16.2: | Determine the probabilities for genotype and phenotype combinations using Punnett Squares and pedigrees. | |
SC.7.L.16.3: | Compare and contrast the general processes of sexual reproduction requiring meiosis and asexual reproduction requiring mitosis. | |
SC.7.L.16.4: | Recognize and explore the impact of biotechnology (cloning, genetic engineering, artificial selection) on the individual, society and the environment. | |
SC.7.L.17.1: | Explain and illustrate the roles of and relationships among producers, consumers, and decomposers in the process of energy transfer in a food web. | |
SC.7.L.17.2: | Compare and contrast the relationships among organisms such as mutualism, predation, parasitism, competition, and commensalism. | |
SC.7.L.17.3: | Describe and investigate various limiting factors in the local ecosystem and their impact on native populations, including food, shelter, water, space, disease, parasitism, predation, and nesting sites. | |
SC.7.N.1.1: | Define a problem from the seventh grade curriculum, use appropriate reference materials to support scientific understanding, plan and carry out scientific investigation of various types, such as systematic observations or experiments, identify variables, collect and organize data, interpret data in charts, tables, and graphics, analyze information, make predictions, and defend conclusions. | |
SC.7.N.1.2: | Differentiate replication (by others) from repetition (multiple trials). | |
SC.7.N.1.3: | Distinguish between an experiment (which must involve the identification and control of variables) and other forms of scientific investigation and explain that not all scientific knowledge is derived from experimentation. | |
SC.7.N.1.4: | Identify test variables (independent variables) and outcome variables (dependent variables) in an experiment. | |
SC.7.N.1.5: | Describe the methods used in the pursuit of a scientific explanation as seen in different fields of science such as biology, geology, and physics. | |
SC.7.N.1.6: | Explain that empirical evidence is the cumulative body of observations of a natural phenomenon on which scientific explanations are based. | |
SC.7.N.1.7: | Explain that scientific knowledge is the result of a great deal of debate and confirmation within the science community. | |
SC.7.N.2.1: | Identify an instance from the history of science in which scientific knowledge has changed when new evidence or new interpretations are encountered. | |
SC.7.N.3.1: | Recognize and explain the difference between theories and laws and give several examples of scientific theories and the evidence that supports them. | |
SC.7.N.3.2: | Identify the benefits and limitations of the use of scientific models. | |
SC.8.L.18.1: | Describe and investigate the process of photosynthesis, such as the roles of light, carbon dioxide, water and chlorophyll; production of food; release of oxygen. | |
SC.8.L.18.2: | Describe and investigate how cellular respiration breaks down food to provide energy and releases carbon dioxide. | |
SC.8.L.18.3: | Construct a scientific model of the carbon cycle to show how matter and energy are continuously transferred within and between organisms and their physical environment. | |
SC.8.L.18.4: | Cite evidence that living systems follow the Laws of Conservation of Mass and Energy. | |
SC.8.N.1.1: | Define a problem from the eighth grade curriculum using appropriate reference materials to support scientific understanding, plan and carry out scientific investigations of various types, such as systematic observations or experiments, identify variables, collect and organize data, interpret data in charts, tables, and graphics, analyze information, make predictions, and defend conclusions. | |
SC.8.N.1.2: | Design and conduct a study using repeated trials and replication. | |
SC.8.N.1.3: | Use phrases such as "results support" or "fail to support" in science, understanding that science does not offer conclusive 'proof' of a knowledge claim. | |
SC.8.N.1.4: | Explain how hypotheses are valuable if they lead to further investigations, even if they turn out not to be supported by the data. | |
SC.8.N.1.5: | Analyze the methods used to develop a scientific explanation as seen in different fields of science. | |
SC.8.N.1.6: | Understand that scientific investigations involve the collection of relevant empirical evidence, the use of logical reasoning, and the application of imagination in devising hypotheses, predictions, explanations and models to make sense of the collected evidence. | |
SC.8.N.2.1: | Distinguish between scientific and pseudoscientific ideas. | |
SC.8.N.2.2: | Discuss what characterizes science and its methods. | |
SC.8.N.3.1: | Select models useful in relating the results of their own investigations. | |
SC.8.N.3.2: | Explain why theories may be modified but are rarely discarded. | |
SC.8.N.4.1: | Explain that science is one of the processes that can be used to inform decision making at the community, state, national, and international levels. | |
SC.8.N.4.2: | Explain how political, social, and economic concerns can affect science, and vice versa. | |
SC.912.L.14.2: | Relate structure to function for the components of plant and animal cells. Explain the role of cell membranes as a highly selective barrier (passive and active transport). | |
SC.912.L.14.3: | Compare and contrast the general structures of plant and animal cells. Compare and contrast the general structures of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. | |
SC.912.L.15.6: | Discuss distinguishing characteristics of the domains and kingdoms of living organisms. | |
SC.912.L.15.13: | Describe the conditions required for natural selection, including: overproduction of offspring, inherited variation, and the struggle to survive, which result in differential reproductive success. | |
SC.912.L.16.2: | Discuss observed inheritance patterns caused by various modes of inheritance, including dominant, recessive, codominant, sex-linked, polygenic, and multiple alleles. | |
SC.912.L.16.14: | Describe the cell cycle, including the process of mitosis. Explain the role of mitosis in the formation of new cells and its importance in maintaining chromosome number during asexual reproduction. | |
SC.912.L.16.16: | Describe the process of meiosis, including independent assortment and crossing over. Explain how reduction division results in the formation of haploid gametes or spores. | |
SC.912.L.17.6: | Compare and contrast the relationships among organisms, including predation, parasitism, competition, commensalism, and mutualism. | |
SC.912.L.17.9: | Use a food web to identify and distinguish producers, consumers, and decomposers. Explain the pathway of energy transfer through trophic levels and the reduction of available energy at successive trophic levels. | |
SC.912.L.18.7: | Identify the reactants, products, and basic functions of photosynthesis. | |
SC.912.L.18.8: | Identify the reactants, products, and basic functions of aerobic and anaerobic cellular respiration. | |
SC.912.L.18.9: | Explain the interrelated nature of photosynthesis and cellular respiration. | |
MA.K12.MTR.1.1: | Actively participate in effortful learning both individually and collectively. Mathematicians who participate in effortful learning both individually and with others:
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MA.K12.MTR.2.1: | Demonstrate understanding by representing problems in multiple ways. Mathematicians who demonstrate understanding by representing problems in multiple ways:
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MA.K12.MTR.3.1: | Complete tasks with mathematical fluency. Mathematicians who complete tasks with mathematical fluency:
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MA.K12.MTR.4.1: | Engage in discussions that reflect on the mathematical thinking of self and others. Mathematicians who engage in discussions that reflect on the mathematical thinking of self and others:
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MA.K12.MTR.5.1: | Use patterns and structure to help understand and connect mathematical concepts. Mathematicians who use patterns and structure to help understand and connect mathematical concepts:
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MA.K12.MTR.6.1: | Assess the reasonableness of solutions. Mathematicians who assess the reasonableness of solutions:
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MA.K12.MTR.7.1: | Apply mathematics to real-world contexts. Mathematicians who apply mathematics to real-world contexts:
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ELA.K12.EE.1.1: | Cite evidence to explain and justify reasoning.
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ELA.K12.EE.2.1: | Read and comprehend grade-level complex texts proficiently.
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ELA.K12.EE.3.1: | Make inferences to support comprehension.
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ELA.K12.EE.4.1: | Use appropriate collaborative techniques and active listening skills when engaging in discussions in a variety of situations.
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ELA.K12.EE.5.1: | Use the accepted rules governing a specific format to create quality work.
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ELA.K12.EE.6.1: | Use appropriate voice and tone when speaking or writing.
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HE.6.C.1.8 (Archived Standard): | Examine the likelihood of injury or illness if engaging in unhealthy/risky behaviors. | |
HE.7.C.1.3 (Archived Standard): | Analyze how environmental factors affect personal health. | |
HE.7.C.1.7 (Archived Standard): | Describe how heredity can affect personal health. | |
ELD.K12.ELL.SC.1: | English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Science. | |
ELD.K12.ELL.SI.1: | English language learners communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting. |
General Course Information and Notes
General Notes
Laboratory investigations that include the use of scientific inquiry, research, measurement, problem solving, laboratory apparatus and technologies, experimental procedures, and safety procedures are an integral part of this course. The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) recommends that at the middle school level, all students should have multiple opportunities every week to explore science laboratory investigations (labs). School laboratory investigations are defined by the National Research Council (NRC) as an experience in the laboratory, classroom, or the field that provides students with opportunities to interact directly with natural phenomena or with data collected by others using tools, materials, data collection techniques, and models (NRC, 2006, p. 3). Laboratory investigations in the middle school classroom should help all students develop a growing understanding of the complexity and ambiguity of empirical work, as well as the skills to calibrate and troubleshoot equipment used to make observations. Learners should understand measurement error; and have the skills to aggregate, interpret, and present the resulting data (NRC 2006, p. 77; NSTA, 2007).
Honors and Advanced Level Course Note: Advanced courses require a greater demand on students through increased academic rigor. Academic rigor is obtained through the application, analysis, evaluation, and creation of complex ideas that are often abstract and multi-faceted. Students are challenged to think and collaborate critically on the content they are learning. Honors level rigor will be achieved by increasing text complexity through text selection, focus on high-level qualitative measures, and complexity of task. Instruction will be structured to give students a deeper understanding of conceptual themes and organization within and across disciplines. Academic rigor is more than simply assigning to students a greater quantity of work.
Special Notes:
Instructional Practices
Teaching from a range of complex text is optimized when teachers in all subject areas implement the following strategies on a routine basis:
- Ensuring wide reading from complex text that varies in length.
- Making close reading and rereading of texts central to lessons.
- Emphasizing text-specific complex questions, and cognitively complex tasks, reinforce focus on the text and cultivate independence.
- Emphasizing students supporting answers based upon evidence from the text.
- Providing extensive research and writing opportunities (claims and evidence).
Science and Engineering Practices (NRC Framework for K-12 Science Education, 2010)
- Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering).
- Developing and using models.
- Planning and carrying out investigations.
- Analyzing and interpreting data.
- Using mathematics, information and computer technology, and computational thinking.
- Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering).
- Engaging in argument from evidence.
- Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information.
English Language Development ELD Standards
Teachers are required to provide listening, speaking, reading and writing instruction that allows English language learners (ELL) to communicate information, ideas and concepts for academic success in the content area of Science. For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support, students will interact with grade level words, expressions, sentences and discourse to process or produce language necessary for academic success The ELD standard should specify a relevant content area concept or topic of study chosen by curriculum developers and teachers which maximizes an ELL's need for communication and social skills. To access an ELL supporting document which delineates performance definitions and descriptors, please click on the following link:
Additional Instructional Resources:
A.V.E. for Success Collection is provided by the Florida Association of School Administrators: Please be aware that these resources have not been reviewed by CPALMS and there may be a charge for the use of some of them in this collection.
Florida’s Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking (B.E.S.T.) Standards
This course includes Florida’s B.E.S.T. ELA Expectations (EE) and Mathematical Thinking and Reasoning Standards (MTRs) for students. Florida educators should intentionally embed these standards within the content and their instruction as applicable. For guidance on the implementation of the EEs and MTRs, please visit and select the appropriate B.E.S.T. Standards package.
General Information
Course Number: 2000020 |
Course Path: Section: Grades PreK to 12 Education Courses > Grade Group: Grades 6 to 8 Education Courses > Subject: Science > SubSubject: Biological Sciences > |
Abbreviated Title: M/J LIF SCI ADV | |
Course Attributes:
Course Type: Core Academic Course | Course Level: 3 |
Course Status: State Board Approved | |
Grade Level(s): 6,7,8 | |
Educator Certifications
Science (Secondary Grades 7-12) |
Middle Grades Integrated Curriculum (Middle Grades 5-9) |
Middle Grades General Science (Middle Grades 5-9) |
Biology (Grades 6-12) |
Classical Education - Restricted (Elementary and Secondary Grades K-12) Section 1012.55(5), F.S., authorizes the issuance of a classical education teaching certificate, upon the request of a classical school, to any applicant who fulfills the requirements of s. 1012.56(2)(a)-(f) and (11), F.S., and Rule 6A-4.004, F.A.C. Classical schools must meet the requirements outlined in s. 1012.55(5), F.S., and be listed in the FLDOE Master School ID database, to request a restricted classical education teaching certificate on behalf of an applicant. |