Course Standards
Name | Description | |
ELA.7.C.1.5: | Improve writing by planning, revising, and editing, considering feedback from adults and peers. | |
ELA.7.C.2.1: | Present information orally, in a logical sequence, emphasizing key points that support the central idea.
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ELA.7.C.3.1: | Follow the rules of standard English grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling appropriate to grade level.
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ELA.7.C.5.1: | Integrate diverse digital media to build cohesion in oral or written tasks.
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ELA.7.C.5.2: | Use digital tools to produce and share writing. | |
ELA.7.R.2.4: | Track the development of an argument, analyzing the types of reasoning used and their effectiveness.
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ELA.K12.EE.1.1: | Cite evidence to explain and justify reasoning.
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ELA.K12.EE.2.1: | Read and comprehend grade-level complex texts proficiently.
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ELA.K12.EE.3.1: | Make inferences to support comprehension.
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ELA.K12.EE.4.1: | Use appropriate collaborative techniques and active listening skills when engaging in discussions in a variety of situations.
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ELA.K12.EE.5.1: | Use the accepted rules governing a specific format to create quality work.
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ELA.K12.EE.6.1: | Use appropriate voice and tone when speaking or writing.
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HE.7.B.4.3 (Archived Standard): | Articulate the possible causes of conflict among youth in schools and communities. | |
HE.7.B.5.2 (Archived Standard): | Select healthy alternatives over unhealthy alternatives when making a decision. | |
HE.7.B.5.4 (Archived Standard): | Determine when individual or collaborative decision-making is appropriate. | |
HE.7.B.5.5 (Archived Standard): | Predict the short and long-term consequences of engaging in health-risk behaviors. | |
HE.7.C.1.1 (Archived Standard): | Compare and contrast the effects of healthy and unhealthy behaviors on personal health, including reproductive health. | |
HE.7.C.1.3 (Archived Standard): | Analyze how environmental factors affect personal health. | |
HE.7.C.2.1 (Archived Standard): | Examine how family health behaviors influence health of adolescents. | |
HE.7.C.2.2 (Archived Standard): | Examine how peers may influence the health behaviors of adolescents. | |
HE.7.P.7.2 (Archived Standard): | Experiment with behaviors that will maintain or improve personal health and reduce health risks. | |
MA.K12.MTR.1.1: | Actively participate in effortful learning both individually and collectively. Mathematicians who participate in effortful learning both individually and with others:
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MA.K12.MTR.2.1: | Demonstrate understanding by representing problems in multiple ways. Mathematicians who demonstrate understanding by representing problems in multiple ways:
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MA.K12.MTR.3.1: | Complete tasks with mathematical fluency. Mathematicians who complete tasks with mathematical fluency:
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MA.K12.MTR.4.1: | Engage in discussions that reflect on the mathematical thinking of self and others. Mathematicians who engage in discussions that reflect on the mathematical thinking of self and others:
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MA.K12.MTR.5.1: | Use patterns and structure to help understand and connect mathematical concepts. Mathematicians who use patterns and structure to help understand and connect mathematical concepts:
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MA.K12.MTR.6.1: | Assess the reasonableness of solutions. Mathematicians who assess the reasonableness of solutions:
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MA.K12.MTR.7.1: | Apply mathematics to real-world contexts. Mathematicians who apply mathematics to real-world contexts:
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PE.7.R.5.1: | Identify situations in which peer pressure could negatively impact one's own behavior choices. | |
PE.7.R.6.1: | Identify an opportunity for participation in a physical activity outside of the school setting that contributes to personal enjoyment and the attainment or maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. | |
ELD.K12.ELL.SI.1: | English language learners communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting. |
General Course Information and Notes
General Notes
The purpose of this course is to provide students with the opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to become health literate and practice responsible behaviors to promote healthy living. This comprehensive course focuses on making wise personal decisions and respecting and promoting the health of others.
The content should include, but is not limited to:
- Mental and emotional health (personal health care, screenings, counseling, negotiation skills, bullying, grief, loss and depression)
- Prevention and control of disease (non-communicable, sexually transmitted diseases, STDs, and HIV/AIDS)
- Consumer health (risk reduction behaviors, policies/laws, medical resources, and conflict resolution)
- Family life (risk reduction behaviors, cultures, daily routines and rules)
- Personal health (adolescence, communication skills, wellness, coping skills, social relationships and reproductive health)
- Nutrition (weight management, fitness plan, eating disorders, and BMI)
- Internet safety (security, threats, media, cyber-bullying parental controls, and monitoring)
- Injury prevention and safety (rules, bullying, water safety, weapons safety, and first aid/CPR/AED)
- Substance use and abuse (harmful effects of alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and over-the-counter drugs)
- Community health (local health organizations, technology, resources, and services)
- Environmental health (adverse health effects, chemicals toxins and pollutants)
- Consumer health (advertising, media influence, products and services)
- Teen dating violence (dating, abuse and violence)
Instructional Practices: Teaching from a well-written, grade-level textbook enhances students’ content area knowledge and also strengthens their ability to comprehend longer, complex reading passages on any topic for any reason. Using the following instructional practices also helps student learning:
- Reading assignments from longer text passages as well as shorter ones when text is extremely complex.
- Making close reading and rereading of texts central to lessons.
- Asking high-level, text-specific questions and requiring high-level, complex tasks and assignments.
- Requiring students to support answers with evidence from the text.
- Providing extensive text-based research and writing opportunities (claims and evidence).
Any student whose parent makes written request to the school principal shall be exempted from the teaching of reproductive health or any disease, including HIV/AIDS, its symptoms, development, and treatment. A student so exempted may not be penalized by reason of that exemption.
Career and Education Planning – Per section 1003.4156, Florida Statutes, the Career and Education Planning course must result in a completed, personalized academic and career plan for the student, that may be revised as the student progresses through middle and high school; must emphasize the importance of entrepreneurship and employability skills; and must include information from the Department of Economic Opportunity’s economic security report as described in Section 445.07, Florida Statutes. The required, personalized academic and career plan must inform students of high school graduation requirements, including diploma designations (Section 1003.4285, Florida Statutes); requirements for a Florida Bright Futures Scholarship; state university and Florida College System institution admission requirements; and, available opportunities to earn college credit in high school utilizing acceleration mechanisms. For additional information on the Middle School Career and Education Planning courses, visit
Career and Education Planning Course Standards – Students will:
1.0 Describe the influences that societal, economic, and technological changes have on employment trends and future training.
2.0 Develop skills to locate, evaluate, and interpret career information.
3.0 Identify and demonstrate processes for making short and long term goals.
4.0 Demonstrate employability skills such as working in a group, problem-solving and organizational skills, and the importance of entrepreneurship.
5.0 Understand the relationship between educational achievement and career choices/postsecondary options.
6.0 Identify a career cluster and related pathways through an interest assessment that match career and education goals.
7.0 Develop a career and education plan that includes short and long-term goals, high school program of study, and postsecondary/career goals.
8.0 Demonstrate knowledge of technology and its application in career fields/clusters.
Florida’s Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking (B.E.S.T.) Standards
This course includes Florida’s B.E.S.T. ELA Expectations (EE) and Mathematical Thinking and Reasoning Standards (MTRs) for students. Florida educators should intentionally embed these standards within the content and their instruction as applicable. For guidance on the implementation of the EEs and MTRs, please visit and select the appropriate B.E.S.T. Standards package.
Teachers are required to provide listening, speaking, reading and writing instruction that allows English language learners (ELL) to communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting. For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support, students will interact with grade level words, expressions, sentences and discourse to process or produce language necessary for academic success. The ELD standard should specify a relevant content area concept or topic of study chosen by curriculum developers and teachers which maximizes an ELL’s need for communication and social skills. To access an ELL supporting document which delineates performance definitions and descriptors, please click on the following link:
General Information
Course Number: 0500012 |
Course Path: Section: Grades PreK to 12 Education Courses > Grade Group: Grades 6 to 8 Education Courses > Subject: Experiential Education > SubSubject: Experiential > |
Abbreviated Title: M/J PER/CAR/SCH2 C/P | |
Course Attributes:
Course Level: 2 | |
Course Status: State Board Approved | |
Grade Level(s): 6,7,8 | |
Educator Certifications
Classical Education - Restricted (Elementary and Secondary Grades K-12) Section 1012.55(5), F.S., authorizes the issuance of a classical education teaching certificate, upon the request of a classical school, to any applicant who fulfills the requirements of s. 1012.56(2)(a)-(f) and (11), F.S., and Rule 6A-4.004, F.A.C. Classical schools must meet the requirements outlined in s. 1012.55(5), F.S., and be listed in the FLDOE Master School ID database, to request a restricted classical education teaching certificate on behalf of an applicant. |
As well as any certification requirements listed on the course description, the following qualifications may also be acceptable for the course:
Any field when certification reflects a bachelor or higher degree.