Course Standards
Name | Description |
SP.PK12.US.1.5: | Use effective test-taking skills and strategies, such as previewing, allocating time, outlining response to essays and short and extended responses, and reviewing answers. |
SP.PK12.US.1.6: | Select and apply effective problem-solving skills and strategies to solve personal, academic, and community-based problems. |
SP.PK12.US.1.1d: | Apply skills and strategies (associating icons and symbols with words and concepts, identifying sight words and decoding phonetically regular words, and paraphrasing and summarizing text) to recall and understand information from visual, print, and/or digital text or audio presentations for real-world application, such as completing work-related tasks, reading the newspaper, and locating information about possible careers. |
SP.PK12.US.1.2b: | Use skills and strategies to link information with other cues, such as mnemonics, visual imagery, and links to prior knowledge, to increase recall and comprehension. |
SP.PK12.US.1.2c: | Apply skills and strategies (scanning, predicting, paraphrasing/ summarizing, rereading, inferencing, retelling, self-questioning, note taking, outlining, and interpreting text structure) to gain information from a variety of media sources and instructional presentations. |
SP.PK12.US.1.3b: | Apply fundamental skills and strategies in written communication, such as using personal information, making lists and completing forms, forming sentences and organizing ideas into paragraphs, letters, or stories. |
SP.PK12.US.1.3c: | Apply skills and strategies in written communication, including setting a purpose for writing, creating complete simple and complex sentences, and organizing information into different types of paragraphs and essays. |
SP.PK12.US.1.3d: | Apply skills and strategies to produce clear and coherent oral and written communication, such as planning, creating drafts, editing and proofing, elaborating, rehearsing, revising, and publishing or presenting. |
SP.PK12.US.1.4b: | Apply skills and strategies in mathematical concepts and processes and/or computational fluency, such as financial literacy skills, algebraic problem solving, estimation skills, measurement and geometry skills, and comprehension of graphs, tables, and charts. |
SP.PK12.US.1.4c: | Develop mathematical skills and/or computational fluency for everyday living, such as accessing a bank account online, money-management skills, estimation skills, time and measurement skills, and interpretation of graphs, tables, schedules, and charts. |
SP.PK12.US.2.1b: | Use effecting task-completion strategies, such as identifying needed resources, planning steps for completion, and self-monitoring. |
SP.PK12.US.2.2b: | Use effective time-management, planning, and organization skills and strategies, including using a visual schedule or daily planner, setting goals and priorities, and locating, organizing, and sorting information. |
SP.PK12.US.3.4: | Apply skills that promote self-awareness and goal setting to meet educational and personal needs to increase self-determination, including use of accommodations and assistive tools, as appropriate. |
SP.PK12.US.3.5: | Use instructional and assistive technology to locate and access information, participate in computer-based instruction or testing, solve mathematical problems, create documents or images, and communicate with others. |
SP.PK12.US.3.6: | Use effective time management and organization skills and strategies to complete class and work assignments. |
SP.PK12.US.3.7: | Apply skills and strategies to use technology effectively to locate reliable information and services, participate in instruction and testing programs, communicate with others, and protect confidential information. |
SP.PK12.US.3.1b: | Apply skills and strategies to solve personal, school, community, and work problems. |
SP.PK12.US.3.2b: | Use appropriate social skills and strategies to interact with peers and adults across settings, such as cooperative learning, participating in small and large groups, giving and accepting appropriate feedback, assuming a leadership role, and resolving conflicts. |
SP.PK12.US.3.3b: | Participate effectively in academic and career planning, including, but not limited to, the IEP, course selection, course of study, post secondary goals, and the transition process. |
SP.PK12.US.4.3: | Demonstrate understanding and recall of information presented orally for specific purposes, such as identifying the main idea, drawing conclusions, and forming opinions. |
SP.PK12.US.4.4: | Demonstrate understanding of information presented orally by using listening skills, including paying attention to cues, linking to prior knowledge, and considering speaker’s perspective and nonverbal messages. |
SP.PK12.US.5.1: | Use speech that can be understood by adults and peers. |
SP.PK12.US.5.2: | Communicate messages and ideas clearly and effectively in a variety of situations. |
SP.PK12.US.5.3: | Answer different types of questions, such as yes/no, open ended, and “wh” questions. |
SP.PK12.US.5.4: | Express ideas in complete sentences using correct parts of speech. |
SP.PK12.US.5.5: | Retell and summarize a story or event. |
SP.PK12.US.5.6: | Effectively use nonverbal language, such as proximity, eye contact, gestures, and posture. |
SP.PK12.US.5.7: | Clarify and explain words and ideas. |
SP.PK12.US.5.8: | Participate effectively in small and large group discussions. |
SP.PK12.US.5.9: | Recognize and repair communication breakdowns. |
SP.PK12.US.5.10: | Use appropriate verbal and nonverbal communication when giving an individual or group presentation. |
SP.PK12.US.6.1: | Use language for a variety of purposes, including greeting, informing, demanding, promising, and requesting. |
SP.PK12.US.6.2: | Use language based on the needs of the situation or listener, such as talking differently to peers and adults, providing background information, and adjusting voice and volume according to setting demands. |
SP.PK12.US.6.4: | Follow rules for conversations, including staying on topic, taking turns, and initiating and ending conversations appropriately. |
SP.PK12.US.7.1: | Use technology and assistive devices as needed to communicate or enhance messages in a meaningful and functional manner. |
SP.PK12.US.7.2: | Use own communication system, such as alternative/augmentative communication, assistive device, or sign language, to communicate and acquire information. |
SP.PK12.US.7.3: | Identify and use basic maintenance procedures needed by own communication system. |
SP.PK12.US.7.4: | Identify needs and request assistance with own communication system. |
SP.PK12.US.8.1: | Carry out personal care and hygiene routines, such as keeping clean, grooming and toileting. |
SP.PK12.US.8.2: | Manage own clothing, such as dressing and selecting clothing items. |
SP.PK12.US.8.3: | Perform positive health practices, including preventative health care and fitness. |
SP.PK12.US.8.4: | Communicate need for medical assistance, such as indicating an illness or injury. |
SP.PK12.US.8.5: | Identify and perform approved medical procedures, as appropriate, such as using an inhaler. |
SP.PK12.US.8.6: | Demonstrate skills required for eating, such as using common utensils and opening packages. |
SP.PK12.US.8.7: | Select food based on available options, preference, and nutritional value. |
SP.PK12.US.8.8: | Follow safety procedures and routines for preparing food. |
SP.PK12.US.8.9: | Use knowledge and skills to maintain and enhance personal safety, such as handling dangerous situations and emergencies, and preventing abuse. |
SP.PK12.US.8.10: | Recognize and convey personal information, including determining when to keep such information confidential. |
SP.PK12.US.8.11b: | Apply skills of self-advocacy and self-determination in a variety of situations, such as communicating interests and preferences in planning for the future. |
SP.PK12.US.9.1: | Participate in individual and group recreation/leisure activities. |
SP.PK12.US.9.4: | Apply acceptable eating and social skills when dining in a variety of establishments or settings. |
SP.PK12.US.9.6: | Demonstrate how to use technological tools to access services and commodities in the community. |
SP.PK12.US.9.2b: | Choose and engage in volunteer activities, such as coastal cleanup, visiting elderly persons, or sorting recyclable products. |
SP.PK12.US.9.3a: | Use specific knowledge and skills when completing activities involving managing money, such as shopping and purchasing. |
SP.PK12.US.9.5b: | Identify and follow rules when using various modes of transportation to access the community. |
SP.PK12.US.10.3: | Use organizational strategies related to planning, scheduling, time management, self-monitoring, and managing materials. |
SP.PK12.US.10.1b: | Complete routines and tasks according to expectations, including the speed and accuracy of performance. |
SP.PK12.US.10.2b: | Sequence multiple tasks to complete activities by establishing routines, following a schedule, prioritizing tasks, and managing resources. |
SP.PK12.US.11.1: | Use tools and/or assistive technology to complete daily routines and tasks. |
SP.PK12.US.11.2: | Follow rules and procedures across a variety of settings. |
SP.PK12.US.11.3: | Use materials for their intended purposes. |
SP.PK12.US.11.4: | Demonstrate the ability to adjust to new routines and changes in tasks, settings, and locations. |
SP.PK12.US.12.1: | Identify personal body parts and analyze location relative to self and the environment. |
SP.PK12.US.12.2: | Perform basic locomotor and nonlocomotor movements, such as those needed to mobilize and/or hold and control mobility tools. |
SP.PK12.US.12.3: | Use sighted guide techniques, trailing, and protective techniques as appropriate for setting and student’s developmental level. |
SP.PK12.US.13.1: | Recognize and locate geometric shapes in varying formats and settings, such as recognizing an octagon and placing it within the environment (stop sign). |
SP.PK12.US.13.2: | Distinguish between permanent and transitory items in the environment. |
SP.PK12.US.13.3: | Identify common auditory environmental stimuli and locations, such as the sound of a water fountain in the hallway and traffic sounds in the roads. |
SP.PK12.US.13.4: | Identify olfactory environmental information and cues, such as scents of food (restaurant), gasoline (gas station), and animals (pet store). |
SP.PK12.US.13.5: | Use environmental orienting techniques, such as using landmarks and tactual markers, for familiarizing areas in urban and rural settings. |
SP.PK12.US.14.1: | Use personal orienting techniques, such as squaring off, parallel alignment, and locating dropped objects. |
SP.PK12.US.15.1: | Perform independent travel skills using landmarks and cues. |
SP.PK12.US.15.2: | Use mobility tools, such as a pre-cane, cane, low-vision device, or electronic device, to travel independently. |
SP.PK12.US.15.3: | Use environment-specific skills, such as crossing streets, riding in escalators and elevators, and adapting to variations in lighting. |
SP.PK12.US.16.1: | Use spatial awareness skills and cardinal directions to orient oneself in the environment. |
SP.PK12.US.18.1: | Respond appropriately to offers of assistance when traveling. |
SP.PK12.US.18.2: | Solicit necessary assistance when traveling. |
SP.PK12.US.18.3: | Use nontraditional devices and adaptive mobility devices, such as wheelchair, walkers, or support canes, as required by the situation. |
SP.PK12.US.18.4: | Plan, use, and manage private, public, and para-transit transportation for safe and efficient travel. |
SP.PK12.US.19.3: | Express a range of personal emotions and feelings in a socially acceptable manner. |
SP.PK12.US.19.6: | Self-advocate for personal needs in a socially appropriate manner. |
SP.PK12.US.19.1b: | Identify personal emotions and feelings and their impact on physical and mental well-being. |
SP.PK12.US.19.2b: | Identify ways that personal strengths can compensate for areas of need. |
SP.PK12.US.19.5b: | Use a systematic approach for making decisions about personal needs, including identifying need or problem, determining possible solutions, selecting the best option, accepting consequences and responsibility, and evaluating the effectiveness of the decision. |
SP.PK12.US.19.7b: | Demonstrate self-esteem, self-confidence, and pride, such as through self-affirmations, persistence, and self-monitoring. |
SP.PK12.US.20.2: | Respond in a socially appropriate manner to emotions and feelings of others. |
SP.PK12.US.20.3: | Identify and maintain behaviors that build positive relationships with peers and adults, including friendships, family relations, and cooperating with peers. |
SP.PK12.US.20.4: | Use basic social communication skills to build positive relationships with peers and adults, such as eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, posture, proximity, touch, appearance, and listening. |
SP.PK12.US.20.5: | Maintain positive relationships with peers and adults using basic social skills, such as greetings, turn-taking, sharing materials, and giving and accepting assistance. |
SP.PK12.US.20.6: | Work cooperatively in small groups to achieve common outcomes. |
SP.PK12.US.20.7b: | Use conflict resolution strategies to resolve differences, such as communicate, negotiate, or mediate. |
SP.PK12.US.21.1: | Maintain appropriate behavior by following rules in classroom and school settings. |
SP.PK12.US.21.3: | Use behaviors and social skills based on setting demands and rules when accessing and using resources in the school and community. |
SP.PK12.US.21.4: | Use a systematic approach for problem solving and decision making to resolve problems in school, community, and work settings. |
SP.PK12.US.21.5: | Use behaviors and skills, such as self-monitoring, accepting feedback, adjusting own actions, and self-reflection to maintain appropriate conduct in school, community, and employment settings. |
SP.PK12.US.21.2b: | Identify explicit and implicit behaviors that are based on setting demands and social norms, such as acceptable tone of voice and volume, use of turn-taking behaviors, and movement. |
SP.PK12.US.22.1: | Use appropriate social and interpersonal skills and strategies to interact with peers and adults for various purposes across settings. |
ELD.K12.ELL.SI.1: | English language learners communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting. |
General Course Information and Notes
General Notes
The purpose of this course is to enable students with disabilities to acquire and generalize skills they need to achieve annual goals based on assessed needs and the student's individual educational plan (IEP). It is structured around the domains addressed on the IEP: Social and Emotional, Independent Functioning, Curriculum and Learning, and Communication.
A student may repeat this course. The particular course requirements that the student should master each year must be specified on an individual basis and relate to achievement of annual goals on the student's IEP.
Delivery of this course is setting neutral (resource room, self-contained class, embedded instruction, elective course). Instructional activities involving practical applications of course requirements may occur in home, school, and community settings for the purpose of acquisition, practice, generalization, and maintenance of skills.
The course is designed to address a range of abilities within the population of students with disabilities. Course requirements may be added or removed based on student needs.
English Language Development (ELD) Standards Special Notes Section:
Teachers are required to provide listening, speaking, reading and writing instruction that allows English language learners (ELL) to communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting. For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support, students will interact with grade level words, expressions, sentences and discourse to process or produce language necessary for academic success. The ELD standard should specify a relevant content area concept or topic of study chosen by curriculum developers and teachers which maximizes an ELL’s need for communication and social skills. To access an ELL supporting document which delineates performance definitions and descriptors, please click on the following link:
General Information
Course Number: 7963130 |
Course Path: Section: Exceptional Student Education > Grade Group: Senior High and Adult > Subject: Special Skills Courses > |
Abbreviated Title: U SKLS: 9-12 | |
Number of Credits: Multiple credits | |
Course Attributes:
Course Type: Elective Course | |
Course Status: Course Approved | |
Grade Level(s): 9,10,11,12 | |