Course Standards
Name | Description |
ELD.K12.ELL.SI.1: | English language learners communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting. |
General Course Information and Notes
The purpose of this course is to enable students with disabilities to gain the knowledge and skills needed for postschool adult living.
Course Requirements
Adult Living Arrangements
1. Describe requirements and responsibilities associated with the acquisition of adult living arrangements, such as rent, contracts, insurance, utilities, and household goods.
2. Describe options and resources available for independent or supported living in the community.
3. Exhibit the knowledge and skills needed for basic housekeeping and household maintenance and repair.
Financial Management
4. Apply knowledge and skills involved in personal financial management, such as budgeting, banking, using credit/debit cards, obtaining insurance, and paying taxes using technology and other forms of assistance.
Citizenship and Community Involvement
5. Identify and select events in the community based on personal interests and preferences.
6. Plan and participate in a variety of recreation and leisure activities that align with personal interests and abilities and are based on available opportunities and funds.
7. Explain how to access community agencies and resources, such as Social Security Administration, health department, disability-specific resources, and other support services, to obtain benefits and services.
8. Fulfill legal and civic responsibilities, such as understanding the roles of federal, state, and local government; obtaining photo identification; registering to vote; registering for Selective Service; obeying local laws; and participating in optional volunteer services.
9. Demonstrate knowledge of and ability to travel in the community, including use of available means of transportation and local resources.
Self-Determination and Self-Advocacy
10. Apply knowledge and skills of self-advocacy and self-determination in situations associated with adult life across school, community, home, and employment settings.
11. Use a systematic process to solve problems associated with adult life in situations across school, community, home, and employment settings.
Personal and Social Competencies
12. Apply appropriate communication skills and etiquette when using phone, mail, e-mail, or social networking and other methods of interaction.
13. Demonstrate personal and social competencies necessary for successful interpersonal relationships in a variety of situations.
14. Model techniques to avoid potential negative influences of others, such as peer pressure, bullying, or coercion.
Personal Health and Safety
15. Use knowledge and skills to maintain and enhance health and personal care, including hygiene, appearance, nutrition, personal fitness, and disease prevention.
16. Use knowledge and skills to maintain and enhance personal safety, such as first aid and prevention of abuse.
17. Describe considerations and available resources when seeking medical care for self and family.
Personal and Career Planning
18. Review and revise personal goals related to adult living, including measurable postsecondary goals on own individual educational plan.
19. Explain options for postsecondary education/training programs—such as degree or certificate programs, continuing education, adult education, and on-the-job training—including program offerings, admission requirements, and disability resources.
20. Create a plan that reflects personal career options.
21. Apply job-seeking skills and use a variety of resources to find employment.
22. Explain the meaning and implications of age of majority status.
General Notes
This course is designed for students with disabilities who have not graduated with a standard diploma and are 18–22 years old and need transition services in the area of adult living.
Instructional activities involving practical applications of course requirements may occur in home, school, community, and employment settings for the purposes of training, practice, and validation of skills. These applications may require that the student use related technology, tools, and equipment.
A student may earn multiple credits in this course. The particular course requirements that the student should master to earn each credit must be specified on an individual basis. Multiple credits may be earned sequentially or simultaneously.
This course is designed to address a range of abilities within the population of students with disabilities. Course requirements may be modified based on individual needs.
English Language Development (ELD) Standards Special Notes Section:
Teachers are required to provide listening, speaking, reading and writing instruction that allows English language learners (ELL) to communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting. For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support, students will interact with grade level words, expressions, sentences and discourse to process or produce language necessary for academic success. The ELD standard should specify a relevant content area concept or topic of study chosen by curriculum developers and teachers which maximizes an ELL’s need for communication and social skills. To access an ELL supporting document which delineates performance definitions and descriptors, please click on the following link:
General Information
Course Number: 7963010 |
Course Path: Section: Exceptional Student Education > Grade Group: Senior High and Adult > Subject: Special Skills Courses > |
Abbreviated Title: PREP AD LIV | |
Number of Credits: Multiple credits | |
Course Attributes:
Course Type: Elective Course | |
Course Status: Course Approved | |
Grade Level(s): 9,10,11,12,30,31 | |