M/J Access Health: 6-8 (#7820020) 

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Course Standards

Name Description
HE.6.B.3.1 (Archived Standard): Examine the validity of health information, and determine the cost of health products, and services.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.B.3.In.a: Identify the validity of selected health information for a product and a service, such as an advertisement, Internet, infomercial, article, and flyer.
HE.6.B.3.Su.a: Recognize the validity of selected health information for a product or service, such as an advertisement, Internet, infomercial, article, or flyer.
HE.6.B.3.Pa.a: Recognize a health-related product or service.

HE.6.B.3.3 (Archived Standard): Investigate a variety of technologies to gather health information.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.B.3.In.c: Use technology to gather health information, such as a computer, thermometer, phone, television, or audio book.
HE.6.B.3.Su.c: Use selected technology to identify health information, such as a computer, thermometer, phone, television, or audio book.
HE.6.B.3.Pa.c: Use technology to recognize selected health information, such as a computer, television, or audio book.

HE.6.B.3.4 (Archived Standard): Describe situations when professional health services may be required.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.B.3.In.d: Identify selected situations when professional health services may be required, such as for injuries, influenza, depression, substance use and abuse, child abuse, and domestic violence.
HE.6.B.3.Su.d: Recognize selected situations when professional health services may be required, such as for injuries, influenza, depression, substance use and abuse, child abuse, and domestic violence.
HE.6.B.3.Pa.d: Associate a situation with the need for a professional health service, such as for injury or illness.

HE.6.B.4.1 (Archived Standard): Determine strategies to improve effective verbal- and nonverbal-communication skills to enhance health.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.B.4.In.a: Determine a strategy to improve effective verbal- and nonverbal-communication skills to enhance health, such as role-playing or open-ended scenarios.
HE.6.B.4.Su.a: Use a strategy to improve effective verbal- and nonverbal-communication skills to enhance health, such as role-playing or open-ended scenarios.
HE.6.B.4.Pa.a: Use a communication strategy to express wants, needs, or requests to enhance health.

HE.6.B.4.2 (Archived Standard): Practice refusal skills and negotiation skills to reduce health risks.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.B.4.In.b: Apply selected refusal and negotiation skills to reduce personal health risks, such as being assertive, compromising, and using “I” messages.
HE.6.B.4.Su.b: Demonstrate a refusal or negotiation skill to reduce personal health risks, such as being assertive, compromising, or using “I” messages.
HE.6.B.4.Pa.b: Use a refusal skill to reduce personal health risks at school, such as being assertive or using “I” messages.

HE.6.B.4.3 (Archived Standard): Demonstrate effective conflict-management and/or resolution strategies.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.B.4.In.c: Use selected conflict- management or resolution strategies, such as talking to an adult, managing anger effectively, and using conflict mediators.
HE.6.B.4.Su.c: Model a nonviolent way to resolve a conflict, such as talking to an adult, managing anger effectively, or using conflict mediators.
HE.6.B.4.Pa.c: Recognize a nonviolent way to resolve a conflict in the classroom, such as getting help from an adult.

HE.6.B.4.4 (Archived Standard): Compile ways to ask for assistance to enhance the health of self and others.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.B.4.In.d: Identify ways to ask for assistance to enhance the health of self and others, such as verbal or written requests for assistance, and asking others for help.
HE.6.B.4.Su.d: Recognize ways to ask for assistance to enhance the health of self and others, such as verbal or written requests for assistance, and asking others for help.
HE.6.B.4.Pa.d: Use a communication strategy to express wants, needs, or requests to enhance health.

HE.6.B.5.1 (Archived Standard): Investigate health-related situations that require the application of a thoughtful decision-making process.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.B.5.In.0: Identify a health-related situation that requires the application of a thoughtful decision-making process, such as peer pressure, exposure to an unsupervised firearm, or tobacco use.
HE.6.B.5.Su.0: Recognize a health-related situation that requires the application of a thoughtful decision-making process, such as peer pressure, exposure to an unsupervised firearm, or tobacco use.
HE.6.B.5.Pa.0: Recognize a health-related situation in which a decision is required, such as peer pressure, exposure to an unsupervised firearm, or tobacco use.

HE.6.B.5.2 (Archived Standard): Choose healthy alternatives over unhealthy alternatives when making a decision.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.B.5.In.1: Determine a healthy alternative over an unhealthy alternative when making a decision, such as not smoking, limiting sedentary activity, and practicing good character.
HE.6.B.5.Su.1: Recognize a healthy alternative over an unhealthy alternative when making a decision, such as not smoking, limiting sedentary activity, and practicing good character.
HE.6.B.5.Pa.1: Recognize a healthy alternative when making a decision, such as not smoking, limiting sedentary activity, or practicing good character.

HE.6.B.5.3 (Archived Standard): Specify the potential outcomes of each option when making a health-related decision.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.B.5.In.2: Recognize the potential outcomes of each option when making a health-related decision, such as physical, social, emotional, financial, and legal consequences.
HE.6.B.5.Su.2: Recognize a potential outcome of each option when making a health-related decision, such as physical, social, emotional, financial, or legal consequences.
HE.6.B.5.Pa.2: Recognize a potential outcome of a selected option when making a health-related decision, such as physical, social, emotional, financial, or legal consequences.

HE.6.B.5.4 (Archived Standard): Distinguish between the need for individual or collaborative decision-making.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.B.5.In.3: Recognize the need for individual or collaborative decision making, such as peer pressure to smoke, considering the severity of the situation, and assessing personal skills and abilities.
HE.6.B.5.Su.3: Recognize the need for individual or collaborative decision making in selected situations, such as peer pressure to smoke, considering the severity of the situation, and assessing personal skills and abilities.
HE.6.B.5.Pa.3: Recognize the need for individual or collaborative decision making in a selected situation, such as peer pressure to smoke, considering the severity of the situation, and personal skills and abilities.

HE.6.B.5.5 (Archived Standard): Predict the potential outcomes of a health-related decision.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.B.5.In.4: Identify circumstances that can help or hinder healthy decision making, such as peer pressure, refusal skills, knowledge/information, healthcare access, and family eating habits.
HE.6.B.5.Su.4: Identify a circumstance that can help or hinder healthy decision making, such as peer pressure, refusal skills, knowledge/information, healthcare access, and family eating habits.
HE.6.B.5.Pa.4: Recognize selected circumstances that can help or hinder healthy decision making, such as peer pressure, refusal skills, knowledge/information, healthcare access, and family eating habits.

HE.6.B.6.1 (Archived Standard): Use various methods to measure personal health status.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.B.6.In.0: Use selected methods to measure personal health status, such as BMI, surveys, a heart-rate monitor, and a pedometer.
HE.6.B.6.Su.0: Use a selected method to measure personal health status, such as BMI, surveys, a heart-rate monitor, or a pedometer.
HE.6.B.6.Pa.0: Use a guided method to identify personal health status, such as BMI, surveys, a heart-rate monitor, or a pedometer.

HE.6.B.6.2 (Archived Standard): Develop an individual goal to adopt, maintain, or improve a personal health practice.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.B.6.In.1: Follow specified steps to develop an individual goal to adopt, maintain, or improve a personal health practice, such as physical activity, eating habits, safety habits, computer use and safety, bullying-prevention skills, or personal hygiene.
HE.6.B.6.Su.1: Identify an individual goal to adopt, maintain, or improve personal health practice, such as physical activity, eating habits, safety habits, computer use and safety, bullying-prevention skills, or personal hygiene.
HE.6.B.6.Pa.1: Recognize an individual goal to adopt, maintain, or improve a personal health practice, such as participating in physical activity, having good safety and eating habits, or maintaining good hygiene.

HE.6.B.6.3 (Archived Standard): Determine strategies and skills needed to attain a personal health goal.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.B.6.In.2: Identify strategies and skills needed to attain a personal health goal, such as journaling, using daily checklists, counting calories, using pedometers, participating in support groups, and using injury-prevention measures.
HE.6.B.6.Su.2: Recognize strategies and skills needed to attain a personal health goal, such as journaling, using daily checklists, counting calories, using pedometers, participating in support groups, and using injury-prevention measures.
HE.6.B.6.Pa.2: Recognize a skill needed to attain a personal health goal, such as tracking activity through journaling and using daily checklists.

HE.6.B.6.4 (Archived Standard): Monitor progress toward attaining a personal health goal.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.B.6.In.3: Identify progress toward attaining a personal health goal, such as a using a checklist, diary, log, computer software, and websites.
HE.6.B.6.Su.3: Track progress toward attaining a personal health goal, such as a checklist, diary, log, computer software, or websites.
HE.6.B.6.Pa.3: Check progress toward a personal health goal, such as following a picture sequence or using a chart.

HE.6.C.1.2 (Archived Standard): Describe how the physical, mental/emotional, social, and intellectual dimensions of health are interrelated.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.C.1.In.b: Identify how the physical, mental/emotional, social, and intellectual dimensions of health are interrelated, such as eating well helps one stay alert in class, getting along with others helps decrease stress, and getting enough sleep helps one have more energy.
HE.6.C.1.Su.b: Recognize that the dimensions of health are interrelated, such as that physical health impacts emotional health.
HE.6.C.1.Pa.b: Recognize physical and emotional aspects of health, such as eating habits and expressing feelings.

HE.6.C.1.3 (Archived Standard): Identify environmental factors that affect personal health.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.C.1.In.c: Recognize environmental factors that affect personal health, such as air quality, availability of sidewalks, or spoiled food.
HE.6.C.1.Su.c: Recognize an environmental factor that affects personal health, such as air quality, availability of sidewalks, or spoiled food.
HE.6.C.1.Pa.c: Recognize a factor in the school environment that promotes personal health, such as having adequate lighting or a clean environment.

HE.6.C.1.4 (Archived Standard): Identify health problems and concerns common to adolescents including reproductive development.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.C.1.In.d: Recognize health problems and concerns common to adolescents, including reproductive development, acne, eating disorders, suicide/depression, and changes related to puberty.
HE.6.C.1.Su.d: Recognize a health problem and concern that is common to adolescents, including reproductive development, acne, eating disorders, suicide/depression, or changes related to puberty.
HE.6.C.1.Pa.d: Associate a common personal-health problem or issue with adolescents, such as acne or changes related to puberty.

HE.6.C.1.5 (Archived Standard): Explain how body systems are impacted by hereditary factors and infectious agents.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.C.1.In.e: Identify likely injuries or illnesses resulting from engaging in unhealthy/risky behaviors, such as obesity related to poor nutrition and inactivity, cancer and chronic lung disease related to tobacco use, injuries caused from failure to use seat restraint, and sexually transmitted diseases.
HE.6.C.1.Su.e: Recognize likely injuries or illnesses resulting from engaging in an unhealthy behavior, such as obesity related to poor nutrition and inactivity, cancer and chronic lung disease related to tobacco use, injuries caused from failure to use seat restraint, and sexually transmitted diseases.
HE.6.C.1.Pa.e: Recognize a likely injury or illness from engaging in an unhealthy behavior, such as obesity related to poor nutrition and inactivity or injuries caused from failure to use seat restraint.

HE.6.C.1.6 (Archived Standard): Examine how appropriate health care can promote personal health.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.C.1.In.f: Recognize that some health conditions are caused by infection, such as strep throat and influenza.
HE.6.C.1.Su.f: Recognize a health condition that is caused by infection, such as strep throat or influenza.
HE.6.C.1.Pa.f: Associate a health condition with infection, such as strep throat or influenza.

HE.6.C.1.7 (Archived Standard): Recognize how heredity can affect personal health.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.C.1.In.g: Identify how regular health care can promote personal health, such as going to the dentist or orthodontist, having medical checkups and screenings, and seeing a counselor.
HE.6.C.1.Su.g: Recognize how regular health care can promote personal health, such as going to the dentist or orthodontist, having medical checkups and screenings, and seeing a counselor.
HE.6.C.1.Pa.g: Associate regular health care with personal health, such as going to the dentist or orthodontist, having medical checkups and screenings, and seeing a counselor.

HE.6.C.1.8 (Archived Standard): Examine the likelihood of injury or illness if engaging in unhealthy/risky behaviors.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.C.1.In.h: Recognize that certain characteristics are passed from parents to children (heredity), such as physical appearance, gender, and race.
HE.6.C.1.Su.h: Recognize a characteristic that is passed from parents to children (heredity), such as physical appearance, gender, or race.
HE.6.C.1.Pa.h: Associate a physical characteristic passed from parents to children, such as hair or eye color.

HE.6.C.2.1 (Archived Standard): Examine how family influences the health of adolescents.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.C.2.In.a: Identify how family influences the health of adolescents, such as the family controlling media viewing, having consistent family rules, and how the family settles disagreements.
HE.6.C.2.Su.a: Recognize ways that family influences the health of adolescents, such as the family controlling media viewing, having consistent family rules, and how the family settles disagreements.
HE.6.C.2.Pa.a: Recognize a way that family influences the health of adolescents, such as the family controlling media viewing, having consistent family rules, and how the family settles disagreements.

HE.6.C.2.2 (Archived Standard): Examine how peers influence the health of adolescents.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.C.2.In.b: Identify ways peers may influence the health of adolescents, such as using conflict resolution and negotiation skills, providing incorrect reproductive-health information, and spreading rumors.
HE.6.C.2.Su.b: Recognize ways peers may influence the health of adolescents, such as using conflict resolution and negotiation skills, providing incorrect reproductive-health information, and spreading rumors.
HE.6.C.2.Pa.b: Recognize a way peers may influence the health of adolescents, such as using conflict resolution and negotiation skills, providing incorrect reproductive-health information, or spreading rumors.

HE.6.C.2.3 (Archived Standard): Identify the impact of health information conveyed to students by the school and community.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.C.2.In.c: Recognize health information conveyed to students by the school and community, such as first-aid education programs, refusal-skills practice, and healthy body composition and body mass index (BMI).
HE.6.C.2.Su.c: Recognize selected health information conveyed to students by the school and community, such as first-aid education programs, refusal-skills practice, and healthy body composition and body mass index (BMI).
HE.6.C.2.Pa.c: Recognize one type of health information conveyed to students by the school, such as first-aid education programs, refusal-skills practice, and healthy body composition, and body mass index (BMI).

HE.6.C.2.4 (Archived Standard): Investigate school and public health policies that influence health promotion and disease prevention.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.C.2.In.d: Recognize school and public health policies that influence health promotion and disease prevention, such as fitness reports for students, school-zone speeding laws, and school-district wellness policies.
HE.6.C.2.Su.d: Recognize a school or public health policy that influences health promotion and disease prevention, such as fitness reports for students, school-zone speeding laws, or school-district wellness policies.
HE.6.C.2.Pa.d: Recognize a school policy that influences health promotion and disease prevention, such as fitness reports of students, school-zone speeding laws, or school-district wellness policies.

HE.6.C.2.5 (Archived Standard): Examine how media influences peer and community health behaviors.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.C.2.In.e: Identify how the media influences peer and community health behaviors, such as by airing derogatory music lyrics, anti-drug public-service announcements, and sports beverage commercials.
HE.6.C.2.Su.e: Recognize how the media influences peer and community health behaviors, such as by airing derogatory music lyrics, anti-drug public-service announcements, and sports beverage commercials.
HE.6.C.2.Pa.e: Recognize a way the media can influence peer or community health behaviors, such as by airing derogatory music lyrics, anti-drug public-service announcements, or sports beverage commercials.

HE.6.C.2.6 (Archived Standard): Propose ways that technology can influence peer and community health behaviors.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.C.2.In.f: Identify ways technology can influence peer and community health behaviors, such as the use of Internet social-networking sites, heart-rate monitors, and crosswalk signals.
HE.6.C.2.Su.f: Identify a way technology can influence peer or community health behaviors, such as Internet social-networking sites, heart-rate monitors, or crosswalk signals.
HE.6.C.2.Pa.f: Recognize a way that technology can influence peer or community health behaviors, such as Internet social-networking sites, heart- rate monitors, or crosswalk signals.

HE.6.C.2.7 (Archived Standard): Investigate cultural changes related to health beliefs and behaviors.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.C.2.In.g: Recognize cultural changes related to health beliefs and behaviors, such as the availability of school breakfast programs, fast-food menus, and fitness programs.
HE.6.C.2.Su.g: Recognize a cultural change related to health beliefs and behaviors, such as the availability of school-breakfast programs, fast-food menus, and fitness programs.
HE.6.C.2.Pa.g: Recognize a way the behavior of others may relate to personal health behavior, such as using inhalants, using seat belts, or walking or biking instead of riding in a vehicle to a close location.

HE.6.C.2.8 (Archived Standard): Determine how social norms may impact healthy and unhealthy behavior.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.C.2.In.h: Recognize how social norms may impact healthy and unhealthy behaviors, such as using inhalants, wearing seat belts, and walking or biking instead of riding in a vehicle to a close location.
HE.6.C.2.Su.h: Recognize a way social norms may impact healthy and unhealthy behaviors, such as using inhalants, using seat belts, or walking or biking instead of riding in a vehicle to a close location.
HE.6.C.2.Pa.h: Recognize a way a behavior of others may relate to personal health behavior, such as using inhalants, using seat belts, or walking or biking instead of riding in a vehicle to a close location.

HE.6.C.2.9 (Archived Standard): Identify the influence of personal values, attitudes, and beliefs about individual health practices and behaviors.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.C.2.In.i: Identify the influence of personal values and beliefs on individual health practices and behaviors, such as participating in sports, using over-the-counter drugs, and wearing seat belts.
HE.6.C.2.Su.i: Recognize an influence of personal values and beliefs on individual health practices and behaviors, such as participating in sports, using over-the-counter drugs, and wearing seat belts.
HE.6.C.2.Pa.i: Associate a personal belief with an individual health practice, such as participating in sports, using over-the-counter drugs, or wearing seat belts.

HE.6.P.7.1 (Archived Standard): Explain the importance of assuming responsibility for personal-health behaviors.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.P.7.In.0: Identify the importance of assuming responsibility for personal- health behaviors, such as having medical and dental checkups, resisting peer pressure, and having healthy relationships.
HE.6.P.7.Su.0: Recognize the importance of assuming responsibility for personal-health behaviors, such as having medical and dental checkups, resisting peer pressure, and having healthy relationships.
HE.6.P.7.Pa.0: Recognize important personal-health behaviors.

HE.6.P.7.2 (Archived Standard): Write about healthy practices and behaviors that will maintain or improve personal health and reduce health risks.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.P.7.In.1: Describe selected healthy practices and behaviors that will maintain or improve personal health, and reduce health risks such as having good hygiene, having healthy relationships with peers, getting adequate sleep, staying fit, refusing inhalants, and using the internet safely.
HE.6.P.7.Su.1: Identify a healthy practice and behavior that will maintain or improve personal health and reduce health risks, such as getting adequate sleep, having good hygiene, having healthy peer relationships, staying fit, refusing inhalants, or using the internet safely.
HE.6.P.7.Pa.1: Recognize a healthy practice or behavior that will maintain or improve personal health, such as good hygiene, healthy peer relationships, or adequate sleep.

HE.6.P.8.1 (Archived Standard): Practice how to influence and support others when making positive health choices.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.P.8.In.0: Practice selected ways to influence and support others when making positive health choices, such as encouraging others to read food labels, promoting physical activity, and encouraging the practice of universal precautions.
HE.6.P.8.Su.0: Practice a way to influence and support others when making positive health choices, such as encouraging others to read food labels, promoting physical activity, and encouraging the practice of universal precautions.
HE.6.P.8.Pa.0: Reinforce a positive health choice of others, such as encouraging others to eat healthy food, participating in physical activity, and practicing universal precautions.

HE.6.P.8.2 (Archived Standard): State a health-enhancing position on a topic and support it with accurate information.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.P.8.In.1: Identify reasons why a selected health-enhancing position is desirable, such as tobacco laws, zero- tolerance laws, or drinking laws.
HE.6.P.8.Su.1: Recognize reasons why a selected health-enhancing position is desirable, such as tobacco laws, zero- tolerance laws, or drinking laws.
HE.6.P.8.Pa.1: Recognize a selected health-enhancing position, such as tobacco laws, zero-tolerance laws, or drinking laws.

HE.6.P.8.3 (Archived Standard): Work cooperatively to advocate for healthy individuals, families, and schools.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.P.8.In.2: Work with others to advocate for healthy individuals and schools, such as media campaigns, posters, and skits.
HE.6.P.8.Su.2: Work with others to promote selected healthy practices for individuals and schools, such as media campaigns, posters, and skits.
HE.6.P.8.Pa.2: Work with others to promote a healthy practice for individuals and schools, such as media campaigns, posters, and skits.

HE.6.P.8.4 (Archived Standard): Identify ways health messages and communication techniques can be targeted for different audiences.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.6.P.8.In.3: Identify a way a health message or communication technique is altered for different audiences, such as in surveys, advertisements, music, and clothing.
HE.6.P.8.Su.3: Recognize a way a health message is altered for a selected audience, such as in surveys, advertisements, music, and clothing.
HE.6.P.8.Pa.3: Recognize a health message for a selected target audience, such as drinking milk for children.

HE.7.B.3.1 (Archived Standard): Analyze the validity of health information, products, and services.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.7.B.3.In.a: Identify the validity of health information, products, and services, such as advertisements, health-claim articles, personal-care product claims, and tobacco-use information.
HE.7.B.3.Su.a: Recognize the validity of selected health information, product, and service, such as advertisements, health-claim articles, personal-care product claims, or tobacco-use information.
HE.7.B.3.Pa.a: Distinguish between a product or service that promotes health and one that does not, such as toothpaste and cigarettes.

HE.7.B.3.3 (Archived Standard): Compare a variety of technologies to gather health information.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.7.B.3.In.c: Identify two different forms of technology that can be used to gather health information such as home blood pressure/thermometer vs. physician’s office equipment.
HE.7.B.3.Su.c: Recognize two different forms of technology that can be used to gather health information such as home blood pressure/thermometer vs. physician’s office equipment.
HE.7.B.3.Pa.c: Recognize that there are a variety of technologies that can be used to gather health information such as WebMD and Wikipedia.

HE.7.B.3.4 (Archived Standard): Differentiate among professional health services that may be required.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.7.B.3.In.d: Identify professional health services that may be required for common health needs, such as dental cleanings, orthodontics, family- physician services, and counseling services.
HE.7.B.3.Su.d: Recognize professional health services that may be required for common health needs, such as dental cleanings, orthodontics, family- physician services, and counseling services.
HE.7.B.3.Pa.d: Recognize a professional health service that may be required for a common health need, such as dental cleanings or family-physician services.

HE.7.B.4.1 (Archived Standard): Apply effective communication skills when interacting with others to enhance health.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.7.B.4.In.a: Use selected skills for communicating effectively with family, peers, and others to enhance health, such as using clear and concise words, nonverbal language, discussion, and “I” messages.
HE.7.B.4.Su.a: Use selected skills for communicating effectively with family and peers to enhance health, such as using clear and concise words, nonverbal language, or “I” messages.
HE.7.B.4.Pa.a: Use more than one way to communicate personal wants and needs to others to enhance health, such as verbalizing and choosing from options.

HE.7.B.4.2 (Archived Standard): Demonstrate refusal, negotiation, and collaboration skills to enhance health and reduce health risks.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.7.B.4.In.b: Use selected refusal, negotiation, and collaboration skills that enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks, such as using direct statements, working together, and compromising.
HE.7.B.4.Su.b: Identify selected refusal, negotiation, and collaboration skills that enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks, such as using direct statements, working together, and compromising.
HE.7.B.4.Pa.b: Recognize a refusal, a negotiation, and a collaboration skill that enhances health or reduces health risk in the classroom, such as using direct statements, working together, or compromising.

HE.7.B.4.3 (Archived Standard): Articulate the possible causes of conflict among youth in schools and communities.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.7.B.4.In.c: Identify possible causes of conflict among youth in schools and communities, such as ethnic prejudice and diversity, substance use, and group dynamics.
HE.7.B.4.Su.c: Recognize possible causes of conflict among youth in schools and communities, such as ethnic prejudice and diversity, substance use, and group dynamics.
HE.7.B.4.Pa.c: Recognize a possible cause of conflict among youth in schools, such as ethnic prejudice, and diversity or substance use.

HE.7.B.4.4 (Archived Standard): Demonstrate how to ask for assistance to enhance the health of self and others.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.7.B.4.In.d: Model common ways to ask for assistance to enhance personal health of self and others, such as using “I” messages, asking on behalf of a friend, and making a written request.
HE.7.B.4.Su.d: Model a positive way to ask for assistance to enhance personal health of self and others, such as using “I” messages, asking on behalf of a friend, or making a written request.
HE.7.B.4.Pa.d: Recognize a positive way to ask for assistance to enhance health of self and others, such as using “I” messages, or asking on behalf of a friend.

HE.7.B.5.1 (Archived Standard): Predict when health-related situations require the application of a thoughtful decision-making process.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.7.B.5.In.0: Identify health-related situations that require the application of a thoughtful decision-making process, such as prescription-drug use and abuse, riding in a vehicle with an underage driver, selecting nutritious foods, and dealing with mental-health issues.
HE.7.B.5.Su.0: Recognize health-related situations that require the application of a thoughtful decision-making process, such as prescription-drug use and abuse, riding in a vehicle with an underage driver, selecting nutritious foods, and dealing with mental-health issues.
HE.7.B.5.Pa.0: Recognize selected health-related situations in which a decision is required, such as prescription-drug use and abuse, riding in a vehicle with an underage driver, selecting nutritious foods, and dealing with mental-health issues.

HE.7.B.5.2 (Archived Standard): Select healthy alternatives over unhealthy alternatives when making a decision.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.7.B.5.In.1: Choose a healthy alternative over an unhealthy alternative when making a decision, such as prescription-drug use and abuse, using safety equipment, and being safe on the computer and Internet.
HE.7.B.5.Su.1: Determine a healthy alternative over an unhealthy alternative when making a decision, such as prescription-drug use and abuse, using safety equipment, and being safe on the computer, and Internet.
HE.7.B.5.Pa.1: Recognize healthy alternatives when making a decision, such as prescription-drug use and abuse, using safety equipment, and being safe on the computer and Internet.

HE.7.B.5.4 (Archived Standard): Determine when individual or collaborative decision-making is appropriate.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.7.B.5.In.d: Identify when individual or collaborative decision-making is appropriate, such as over-the-counter drug use, harassment, and gang involvement.
HE.7.B.5.Su.d: Identify when individual or collaborative decision-making is required in selected health-related situations, such as over-the-counter drug use, harassment, and gang involvement.
HE.7.B.5.Pa.d: Recognize the need for individual or collaborative decision making in selected situations, such as over-the-counter drug use, harassment, and gang involvement.

HE.7.B.5.5 (Archived Standard): Predict the short and long-term consequences of engaging in health-risk behaviors.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.7.B.5.In.e: Identify similarities in circumstances that can help or hinder healthy decision making, such as knowledge of prescription-drug use and abuse, home and community environment, access to information, and knowledge, and misinformation.
HE.7.B.5.Su.e: Identify selected circumstances that can help or hinder healthy decision making, such as knowledge of prescription-drug use and abuse, home and community environment, access to information, and knowledge, and misinformation.
HE.7.B.5.Pa.e: Recognize circumstances that can help or hinder healthy decision making, such as knowledge of prescription-drug use and abuse, home and community environment, access to information, and knowledge, and misinformation.

HE.7.B.6.1 (Archived Standard): Analyze personal beliefs as they relate to health practices.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.7.B.6.In.0: Identify personal beliefs as they relate to health practices, such as weight management through physical activity, disease prevention through hand washing, sharing personal information, and website security.
HE.7.B.6.Su.0: Recognize personal beliefs as they relate to health practices, such as weight management through physical activity, disease prevention through hand washing, sharing personal information, and website security.
HE.7.B.6.Pa.0: Recognize a personal belief as it relates to a health practice, such as weight management through physical activity, disease prevention through hand washing, and possible avoidance of physical activities resulting from fear of participation.

HE.7.B.6.2 (Archived Standard): Devise an individual goal (short or long term) to adopt, maintain, or improve a personal health practice.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.7.B.6.In.1: Use selected procedures to develop an individual goal to adopt, maintain, or improve a personal health practice, such as participation in organized activities or sports, eating breakfast, safety habits, computer use and safety, and conflict resolution.
HE.7.B.6.Su.1: Follow specified steps to develop an individual goal to adopt, maintain, or improve a personal health practice, such as participation in organized activities or sports, eating breakfast, safety habits, computer use and safety, and conflict resolution.
HE.7.B.6.Pa.1: Identify an individual goal to adopt, maintain, or improve a personal health practice, such as participation in organized activities or sports, eating breakfast, safety habits, computer use and safety, and conflict resolution.

HE.7.B.6.3 (Archived Standard): Explain strategies and skills needed to assess progress and maintenance of a personal health goal.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.7.B.6.In.2: Describe selected strategies and skills needed to attain/maintain a personal health goal, such as journaling; using daily checklists, calorie counters, or pedometers; and participating in support groups.
HE.7.B.6.Su.2: Identify a strategy or skill to attain/maintain a personal health goal, such as journaling; using daily checklists, calorie counters, or pedometers; or participating in support groups.
HE.7.B.6.Pa.2: Recognize a strategy needed to attain/maintain a personal health goal, such as using calorie counters or pedometers, and participating in support groups.

HE.7.C.1.1 (Archived Standard): Compare and contrast the effects of healthy and unhealthy behaviors on personal health, including reproductive health.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.7.C.1.In.a: Identify the effects of healthy and unhealthy behaviors on personal health—including reproductive health—such as knowing the consequences of teen pregnancy, managing time effectively to reduce stress, eating junk foods and gaining weight, or not resolving conflicts and emotional health.
HE.7.C.1.Su.a: Recognize the effects of healthy and unhealthy behaviors on personal health—including reproductive health—such as knowing the consequences of teen pregnancy, managing time effectively to reduce stress, eating junk foods and gaining weight, or not resolving conflicts and emotional health.
HE.7.C.1.Pa.a: Recognize an effect of a healthy or unhealthy behavior on personal health—including reproductive health—such as choosing healthy foods or fast foods, getting along with others or having conflicts, and appropriate physical contact.

HE.7.C.1.2 (Archived Standard): Explain how physical, mental/emotional, social, and intellectual dimensions of health are interrelated.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.7.C.1.In.b: Describe how the physical, mental/emotional, social, and intellectual dimensions of health are interrelated, such as managing time effectively (intellectual dimension) to reduce stress (mental/emotional dimension), and choosing healthy foods (intellectual dimension) to maintain a healthy weight (physical dimension).
HE.7.C.1.Su.b: Identify how one dimension of health relates to another dimension of health, such as managing time effectively (intellectual dimension) to reduce stress (mental/emotional dimension), and choosing healthy foods (intellectual dimension) to maintain a healthy weight (physical dimension).
HE.7.C.1.Pa.b: Recognize the effect of emotional health on physical health, such as emotional stress causing physical illness.

HE.7.C.1.3 (Archived Standard): Analyze how environmental factors affect personal health.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.7.C.1.In.c: Identify ways environmental factors affect personal health, such as food refrigeration, appropriate home heating and cooling, water quality, and trash- collection services.
HE.7.C.1.Su.c: Recognize ways selected environmental factors can affect personal health, such as food refrigeration, appropriate home heating and cooling, water quality, and trash-collection services.
HE.7.C.1.Pa.c: Recognize an environmental factor that affects personal health, such as having appropriate heating and cooling at school or home.

HE.7.C.1.4 (Archived Standard): Describe ways to reduce or prevent injuries and adolescent health problems.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.7.C.1.In.d: Identify ways to reduce or prevent injuries and other adolescent-health problems, such as wearing a helmet when biking or skateboarding, wearing a seat belt, following pedestrian-safety laws, and avoiding handling of firearms.
HE.7.C.1.Su.d: Recognize ways to reduce or prevent injuries and other adolescent-health problems, such as wearing a helmet and a seat belt, following pedestrian safety laws, and avoiding handling firearms.
HE.7.C.1.Pa.d: Recognize a way to prevent injuries and adolescent-health problems, such as wearing a helmet or a seat belt, following pedestrian safety rules, or avoiding handling firearms.

HE.7.C.1.5 (Archived Standard): Classify infectious agents and their modes of transmission to the human body.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.7.C.1.In.e: Describe likely injuries or illnesses resulting from engaging in unhealthy behaviors, such as illness or death from abusing over-the-counter medications, contracting sexually transmitted diseases or infections (STD/STI) from sexual relationships, and injury or death from unsupervised handling of firearms.
HE.7.C.1.Su.e: Identify a likely injury or illness resulting from engaging in common, unhealthy behaviors, such as illness or death from abusing over-the-counter medications, contracting sexually transmitted diseases or infections (STD/STI) from sexual relationships, or injury or death from unsupervised handling of firearms.
HE.7.C.1.Pa.e: Recognize a likely injury or illness resulting from engaging in common unhealthy behaviors, such as illness or death from abusing over-the-counter medications, contracting sexually transmitted diseases or infections (STD/STI) from sexual relationships, or injury or death from unsupervised handling of firearms.

HE.7.C.1.6 (Archived Standard): Explain how appropriate health care can promote personal health.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.7.C.1.In.f: Identify that bacteria and viruses can be transmitted from one person to another and cause illness, such as the human immunodeficiency virus and staphylococcus infection.
HE.7.C.1.Su.f: Recognize infectious diseases that can be spread from one person to another, such as the human immunodeficiency virus or staphylococcus infection.
HE.7.C.1.Pa.f: Recognize infectious diseases that can be spread from one person to another, such as the human immunodeficiency virus or staphylococcus infection.

HE.7.C.1.7 (Archived Standard): Describe how heredity can affect personal health.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.7.C.1.In.g: Identify how appropriate healthcare services can promote personal health, such as receiving immunizations prior to entering seventh grade and developing an action plan for asthma.
HE.7.C.1.Su.g: Recognize how appropriate healthcare services can promote personal health, such as receiving immunizations prior to entering seventh grade and using an action plan for asthma.
HE.7.C.1.Pa.g: Recognize a common healthcare service, such as receiving immunizations prior to entering seventh grade or using an action plan for asthma.

HE.7.C.1.8 (Archived Standard): Explain the likelihood of injury or illness if engaging in unhealthy/risky behaviors.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.7.C.1.In.h: Identify health conditions that are passed from parent to child (inherited), such as sickle-cell anemia, diabetes, heart disease, and acne.
HE.7.C.1.Su.h: Recognize common health problems that are passed from parent to child (inherited), such as sickle-cell anemia, diabetes, and acne.
HE.7.C.1.Pa.h: Recognize a common health problem that is passed from parent to child (inherited), such as sickle-cell anemia, diabetes, or acne.

HE.7.C.2.1 (Archived Standard): Examine how family health behaviors influence health of adolescents.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.7.C.2.In.a: Identify how family health behaviors influence the health of adolescents, such as eating family meals together, smoking in the home, and consuming alcohol.
HE.7.C.2.Su.a: Recognize how family health behaviors influence the health of adolescents, such as eating family meals together, smoking in the home, and consuming alcohol.
HE.7.C.2.Pa.a: Recognize a way that a family health behavior influences the health of adolescents, such as eating family meals together, smoking in the home, and consuming alcohol.

HE.7.C.2.2 (Archived Standard): Examine how peers may influence the health behaviors of adolescents.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.7.C.2.In.b: Describe ways peers may influence the health behaviors of adolescents, such as modeling self-confidence, trying new foods, and having prejudices.
HE.7.C.2.Su.b: Identify ways peers may influence the health behaviors of adolescents, such as modeling self-confidence, trying new foods, and having prejudices.
HE.7.C.2.Pa.b: Recognize selected ways peers may influence the health behaviors of adolescents, such as modeling self-confidence, trying new foods, and having prejudices.

HE.7.C.2.3 (Archived Standard): Examine how the school and community may influence the health behaviors of adolescents.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.7.C.2.In.c: Identify ways the school and community may influence the health behaviors of adolescents, such as promoting gun locks, having fire and tornado drills, and providing healthy foods in vending machines.
HE.7.C.2.Su.c: Recognize selected ways the school and community may influence the health behaviors of adolescents, such as promoting gun locks, having fire and tornado drills, and providing healthy foods in vending machines.
HE.7.C.2.Pa.c: Recognize a way the school or community may influence the health behaviors of adolescents, such as having fire and tornado drills or providing healthy foods in vending machines.

HE.7.C.2.5 (Archived Standard): Analyze how messages from media influence health behaviors.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.7.C.2.In.e: Identify how messages from media influence health behaviors, such as using sports figures to promote fast food, using provocative images in film and print advertisements, and portraying smoking as appealing.
HE.7.C.2.Su.e: Identify ways messages from media influence health behaviors, such as using sports figures to promote fast food, using provocative images in film and print advertisements, and portraying smoking as appealing.
HE.7.C.2.Pa.e: Recognize a way a selected media message may influence health behavior, such as using sports figures to promote fast food, using provocative images in film and print advertisements, or portraying smoking as appealing.

HE.7.C.2.6 (Archived Standard): Evaluate the influence of technology in locating valid health information.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.7.C.2.In.f: Identify the influence of technology in locating valid health information, such as information from specific health websites—Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institute of Health (NIH), and MyPyramid.gov.
HE.7.C.2.Su.f: Recognize the influence of technology in locating valid health information, such as information from specific health websites—Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institute of Health (NIH), and MyPyramid.gov.
HE.7.C.2.Pa.f: Recognize that technology can provide accurate health information for people, such as information from specific health websites—Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institute of Health (NIH), and MyPyramid.gov.

HE.7.C.2.7 (Archived Standard): Determine how cultural changes related to health beliefs and behaviors impact personal health.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.7.C.2.In.g: Identify ways cultural changes related to health beliefs and behaviors impact personal health, such as the availability of American fast foods across the world, infant- feeding practices, prevalence of diabetes, cell-phone use, and the timeliness of emergency response.
HE.7.C.2.Su.g: Recognize ways cultural changes related to health beliefs and behaviors impact personal health, such as the availability of American fast foods across the world, infant-feeding practices, prevalence of diabetes, cell- phone use, and the timeliness of emergency response.
HE.7.C.2.Pa.g: Recognize ways the beliefs or behaviors of others may relate to personal health behaviors, such as secondhand smoke, menu items at restaurants, and anti-bullying behavior.

HE.7.C.2.8 (Archived Standard): Evaluate how changes in social norms impact healthy and unhealthy behavior.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.7.C.2.In.h: Identify how changes in social norms impact healthy and unhealthy behavior, such as secondhand smoke, menu items at restaurants, and anti-bullying behavior.
HE.7.C.2.Su.h: Recognize ways that changes in social norms impact healthy and unhealthy behavior, such as secondhand smoke, menu items at restaurants, and anti-bullying behavior.
HE.7.C.2.Pa.h: Recognize ways the beliefs or behaviors of others may relate to personal health behaviors, such as secondhand smoke, menu items at restaurants, and anti-bullying behavior.

HE.7.C.2.9 (Archived Standard): Explain the influence of personal values, attitudes, and beliefs about individual health practices and behaviors.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.7.C.2.In.i: Recognize how personal values, attitudes, and beliefs influence individual health practices and behaviors.
HE.7.C.2.Su.i: Recognize how a personal value, attitudes, or belief influences an individual health practice or behavior.
HE.7.C.2.Pa.i: Recognize how likes and dislikes influence choice-making.

HE.7.P.7.1 (Archived Standard): Examine the importance of assuming responsibility for personal-health behaviors.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.7.P.7.In.0: Describe the importance of assuming responsibility for personal-health behaviors, such as participating in physical activity, having good eating habits, and managing stress effectively.
HE.7.P.7.Su.0: Identify the importance of assuming personal responsibility for personal-health behaviors, such as participating in physical activity, having good eating habits, and managing stress effectively.
HE.7.P.7.Pa.0: Recognize that it is important to have good personal-health habits.

HE.7.P.7.2 (Archived Standard): Experiment with behaviors that will maintain or improve personal health and reduce health risks.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.7.P.7.In.1: Demonstrate healthy practices and behaviors that will maintain or improve personal health of self, and reduce health risks, such as healthy relationship skills, peer- pressure refusal skills, problem-solving skills, being safe on the Internet, refusing alcohol, and practicing sexual abstinence.
HE.7.P.7.Su.1: Demonstrate a healthy practice and behavior that will maintain or improve personal health of self and reduce health risks, such as healthy relationship skills, peer- pressure refusal skills, problem-solving skills, being safe on the Internet, refusing alcohol, or practicing sexual abstinence.
HE.7.P.7.Pa.1: Perform a healthy practice or behavior that will maintain or improve health of self, such as healthy relationship skills, peer- pressure refusal skills, or problem-solving skills.

HE.7.P.8.1 (Archived Standard): Utilize the influence of others to promote positive health choices.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.7.P.8.In.0: Solicit suggestions and support from others to promote positive health choices in selected situations, such as seeking help from school support staff, practicing conflict resolution, and making wise consumer purchases.
HE.7.P.8.Su.0: Follow positive suggestions and accept support from others to promote positive health choices in selected situations, such as seeking help from school support staff, practicing conflict resolution, and making wise, consumer purchases.
HE.7.P.8.Pa.0: Follow directions and accept support from others to promote a positive health choice in a selected situation, such as seeking help from school support staff, practicing conflict resolution, and making wise consumer purchases.

HE.7.P.8.2 (Archived Standard): Articulate a position on a health-related issue and support it with accurate health information.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.7.P.8.In.1: Describe a health-enhancing position on a topic using accurate information from selected resources to support it, such as bullying prevention, using the Internet, or choosing nutritious foods.
HE.7.P.8.Su.1: Identify reasons why a selected health-enhancing position is desirable, such as bullying prevention, using the Internet safely, or choosing nutritious foods.
HE.7.P.8.Pa.1: Recognize a reason why a selected health-enhancing position is desirable, such as bullying prevention, using the Internet safely, or choosing nutritious foods.

HE.7.P.8.3 (Archived Standard): Work cooperatively to advocate for healthy individuals, peers, and families.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.7.P.8.In.2: Work with others to advocate for healthy individuals and peers, such as assisting with needs assessments, writing advocacy letters, and volunteering at information kiosks
HE.7.P.8.Su.2: Work with others to advocate for healthy individuals and peers in selected situations, such as assisting with needs assessments, writing advocacy letters, or volunteering at information kiosks.
HE.7.P.8.Pa.2: Work with others to promote a selected healthy practice for individuals or peers, such as assisting with needs assessments, writing advocacy letters, and volunteering at information kiosks.

HE.7.P.8.4 (Archived Standard): Analyze ways health messages can target different audiences.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.7.P.8.In.3: Identify ways health messages or communication techniques are targeted for a particular audience, such as the messages in print media, broadcast media, or on billboards.
HE.7.P.8.Su.3: Recognize ways a health message or communication technique is targeted for a particular audience, such as the messages in print media, broadcast media, or on billboards.
HE.7.P.8.Pa.3: Recognize a communication technique for a selected audience, such as popular music in a message in broadcast media for teenagers.

HE.8.B.3.1 (Archived Standard): Analyze valid and reliable health services and the cost of products.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.B.3.In.a: Identify the validity and reliability of health services and determine differences in the cost of similar health services to assess value, such as current research and news/standard practice, prescriptions – generic vs. store brand/name brand.
HE.8.B.3.Su.a: Recognize the validity and reliability of a selected health service and compare cost of selected similar health services to assess value, such as current research and news/standard practice, and prescriptions, generic vs. store brand/name brand.
HE.8.B.3.Pa.a: Recognize selected factors regarding health services such as eligibility for services or purchase, parental authorization, and affordability.

HE.8.B.3.2 (Archived Standard): Analyze the accessibility, validity, and reliability of products and services that enhance home, school, and community health.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.B.3.In.b: Examine the accessibility of products and services that enhance health, such as the health department, community agencies, and availability of prescribed and over-the-counter medications.
HE.8.B.3.Su.b: Identify valid health information from home, school, and community, such as information from media sources, local organizations, and school news.
HE.8.B.3.Pa.b: Recognize information, products, and services that promote health, such as advertisements, articles, infomercials, and web-based messages.

HE.8.B.3.3 (Archived Standard): Recommend a variety of technologies to gather health information.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.B.3.In.c: Identify selected technologies that provide accurate health information, such as a glucose monitor, MRI, EKG, and CAT-scan.
HE.8.B.3.Su.c: Recognize selected technologies that provide accurate health information, such as a glucose monitor, MRI, EKG, and CAT-scan.
HE.8.B.3.Pa.c: Recognize a selected technology resource that provides accurate information, such as a glucose monitor.

HE.8.B.3.4 (Archived Standard): Determine situations when specific professional health services or providers may be required.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.B.3.In.d: Describe situations when specific professional health services or providers may be required, such as head injuries, infections, and depression.
HE.8.B.3.Su.d: Identify situations when specific professional health services or providers may be required, such as head injuries, infections, and depression.
HE.8.B.3.Pa.d: Recognize selected health situations when specific professional health services may be required, such as illness, toothache, or depression.

HE.8.B.4.1 (Archived Standard): Illustrate skills necessary for effective communication with family, peers, and others to enhance health.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.B.4.In.a: Identify strategies for effective verbal and nonverbal communication with family, peers, and others to enhance health, such as refusal skills, nonverbal communication, and asking questions.
HE.8.B.4.Su.a: Identify selected strategies for effective verbal and nonverbal communication with family, peers, and others to enhance health, such as refusal skills, nonverbal communication, and asking questions.
HE.8.B.4.Pa.a: Use a selected strategy to use effective verbal and nonverbal communication to enhance health, such as using refusal skills or nonverbal communication, or asking questions.

HE.8.B.4.3 (Archived Standard): Examine the possible causes of conflict among youth in schools and communities.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.B.4.In.c: Describe possible causes of conflict among youth in schools and communities, such as relationships, territory, and jealousy.
HE.8.B.4.Su.c: Identify a possible cause of conflict among youth in schools and communities, such as relationships, territory, or jealousy.
HE.8.B.4.Pa.c: Recognize a possible cause of conflict among youth in schools or communities, such as relationships, territory, or jealousy.

HE.8.B.4.4 (Archived Standard): Compare and contrast ways to ask for and offer assistance to enhance the health of self and others.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.B.4.In.d: Describe ways to ask for and offer assistance to enhance the health of self and others, such as asking for help, getting help for others, and listening actively.
HE.8.B.4.Su.d: Choose an effective way to ask for and offer assistance to enhance the health of self and others, such as asking for help, getting help for others, or listening actively.
HE.8.B.4.Pa.d: Recognize positive ways to ask for and offer assistance to enhance the health of self and others, such as asking for help, getting help for others, or listening actively.

HE.8.B.5.1 (Archived Standard): Determine when health-related situations require the application of a thoughtful prepared plan of action.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.B.5.In.0: Describe health-related situations that require the application of a thoughtful, prepared plan of action, such as pressure to consume alcohol, sexual situations, and use of marijuana.
HE.8.B.5.Su.0: Identify health-related situations that require the application of a thoughtful, prepared plan of action, such as pressure to consume alcohol, sexual situations, and use of marijuana.
HE.8.B.5.Pa.0: Recognize a health-related situation that requires a prepared plan of action, such as pressure to consume alcohol, sexual situations, and use of marijuana.

HE.8.B.5.2 (Archived Standard): Categorize healthy and unhealthy alternatives to health-related issues or problems.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.B.5.In.1: Describe differences between healthy and unhealthy alternatives to health-related issues or problems, such as alcohol consumption, sleep requirements, and physical activity.
HE.8.B.5.Su.1: Identify healthy and unhealthy alternatives to health-related issues or problems, such as alcohol consumption, sleep requirements, and physical activity.
HE.8.B.5.Pa.1: Recognize a healthy and an unhealthy alternative for selected health-related issues or problems, such as alcohol consumption, sleep requirements, and physical activity.

HE.8.B.5.3 (Archived Standard): Compile the potential outcomes of each option when making a health-related decision.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.B.5.In.2: Describe potential outcomes of each option when making a health-related decision, such as injury, addiction, and legal, social, sexual, and financial consequences.
HE.8.B.5.Su.2: Identify the potential outcomes of each option when making a health-related decision, such as injury, addiction, and legal, social, sexual, and financial consequences.
HE.8.B.5.Pa.2: Recognize a potential outcome of each option when making a health-related decision, such as injury, addiction, and legal, social, sexual, or financial consequences.

HE.8.B.5.4 (Archived Standard): Distinguish when individual or collaborative decision-making is appropriate.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.B.5.In.3: Discriminate between the need for individual or collaborative decision making, such as pressure to consume alcohol, self injury, weight management, sexual activity, and mental-health issues.
HE.8.B.5.Su.3: Discriminate between the need for individual or collaborative decision making in selected situations, such as pressure to consume alcohol, self injury, weight management, sexual activity, and mental-health issues.
HE.8.B.5.Pa.3: Identify the need for individual or collaborative decision making in a selected situation, such as pressure to consume alcohol, self injury, weight management, sexual activity, and mental-health issues.

HE.8.B.5.5 (Archived Standard): Evaluate the outcomes of a health-related decision.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.B.5.In.4: Describe circumstances that can help or hinder healthy decision making, such as alcohol consumption; influences of media, peers, family, or community; access to health care; and mental-health condition.
HE.8.B.5.Su.4: Identify circumstances that can help or hinder healthy decision making, such as alcohol consumption; influences of media, peers, family, or community; access to health care; and mental-health condition.
HE.8.B.5.Pa.4: Identify a selected circumstance that can help or hinder healthy decision making, such as alcohol consumption; influences of media, peers, family, or community; access to health care; and mental- health condition.

HE.8.B.6.1 (Archived Standard): Assess personal health practices.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.B.6.In.0: Examine personal health practices, such as physical activity, sleep habits, interpersonal skills, risky behaviors, and injury prevention.
HE.8.B.6.Su.0: Determine if personal health practices are helpful or harmful to health, such as physical activity, sleep habits, interpersonal skills, risky behaviors, and injury prevention.
HE.8.B.6.Pa.0: Recognize if a personal health practice is helpful or harmful, such as physical activity, sleep habits, interpersonal skills, risky behaviors, and injury prevention.

HE.8.B.6.2 (Archived Standard): Design an individual goal to adopt, maintain, or improve a personal health practice.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.B.6.In.1: Use selected strategies to develop an individual health goal to adopt, maintain, or improve a personal health practice, such as physical activity, eating habits, cyber-bullying, social relationships, or sleep habits.
HE.8.B.6.Su.1: Follow a selected procedure to develop an individual goal to adopt, maintain, or improve a personal health practice, such as physical activity, eating habits, cyber-bullying, social relationships, or sleep habits.
HE.8.B.6.Pa.1: Select an individual goal to adopt, maintain, or improve a personal health practice, such as physical activity, eating habits, cyber-bullying, social relationships, or sleep habits.

HE.8.B.6.3 (Archived Standard): Apply strategies and skills needed to attain a personal health goal.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.B.6.In.2: Use selected strategies and skills needed to attain a personal health goal, such as increased physical activity, nutrition modification, and anger management.
HE.8.B.6.Su.2: Use a strategy and a skill needed to attain a personal health goal, such as increased physical activity, nutrition modification, and anger management.
HE.8.B.6.Pa.2: Use a selected strategy or skill for attaining a personal health goal, such as increased physical activity, nutrition modification, and anger management.

HE.8.B.6.4 (Archived Standard): Describe how personal health goals can vary with changing abilities, priorities, and responsibilities.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.B.6.In.3: Identify ways personal health goals can vary with changing abilities and needs, such as weight reduction, the cost of healthier food, availability of exercise equipment, and the general health of the individual.
HE.8.B.6.Su.3: Recognize ways personal health goals can vary with changing abilities and needs, such as weight reduction, the cost of healthier food, availability of exercise equipment, and the general health of the individual.
HE.8.B.6.Pa.3: Recognize a way that personal health goals can vary based on a personal need, such as weight reduction, availability of exercise equipment, and the general health of the individual.

HE.8.C.1.2 (Archived Standard): Analyze the interrelationship between healthy/unhealthy behaviors and the dimensions of health: physical, mental/emotional, social, and intellectual.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.C.1.In.b: Describe the interrelationship between healthy behaviors and the dimensions of health (physical, mental/emotional, social, and intellectual), such as physical and social dimensions—hygiene and social relationships; intellectual, social, and physical dimensions—sexual abstinence and avoidance of disease and pregnancy; and intellectual and social dimensions—peer refusals in risky situations and social relationships.
HE.8.C.1.Su.b: Identify that healthy behaviors can impact multiple dimensions of health (physical, emotional, and social), such as physical and social dimensions—hygiene and social relationships; emotional and social dimensions—peer pressure in risky situations and social relationships.
HE.8.C.1.Pa.b: Recognize that healthy behaviors can affect physical, mental/emotional, or social aspects of health, such as hygiene/social relationships, peer refusals in risky situations/social relationships, or sexual abstinence/avoidance of disease and pregnancy.

HE.8.C.1.3 (Archived Standard): Predict how environmental factors affect personal health.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.C.1.In.c: Describe how environmental factors can affect personal health, such as the heat index, air quality, street lights and signs, gangs, and weapons in the community.
HE.8.C.1.Su.c: Describe a way an environmental factor can affect personal health, such as the heat index, air quality, street lights and signs, gangs, and weapons in the community.
HE.8.C.1.Pa.c: Recognize environmental factors that affect personal health, such as the heat index and air quality.

HE.8.C.1.4 (Archived Standard): Investigate strategies to reduce or prevent injuries and other adolescent health problems.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.C.1.In.d: Identify strategies to reduce or prevent injuries and other adolescent-health problems, such as recognizing symptoms of depression and telling an adult about them, practicing abstinence to reduce sexually transmitted diseases, sexually transmitted infections, and avoiding unsafe places.
HE.8.C.1.Su.d: Recognize strategies to reduce or prevent injuries and other adolescent health problems, such as recognizing symptoms of depression and telling an adult about them, practicing abstinence to reduce STDs/STIs, and avoiding unsafe places.
HE.8.C.1.Pa.d: Recognize a strategy to prevent injuries and other adolescent- health problems, such as avoiding unsafe places to avoid injury.

HE.8.C.1.5 (Archived Standard): Identify major chronic diseases that impact human body systems.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.C.1.In.e: Explain the likelihood of injury or illness if engaging in unhealthy or risky behaviors, such as death or injury from drinking and driving, injuries resulting from fighting and bullying, and infections resulting from poor hygiene.
HE.8.C.1.Su.e: Identify likely injuries or illnesses resulting from engaging in unhealthy or risky behaviors, such as death or injury from drinking and driving, injuries resulting from fighting and bullying, and infections from poor hygiene.
HE.8.C.1.Pa.e: Recognize likely injuries or illnesses resulting from engaging in selected unhealthy behaviors, such as death or injury from drinking and driving, injuries resulting from fighting and bullying, and infections from poor hygiene.

HE.8.C.1.6 (Archived Standard): Analyze how appropriate health care can promote personal health.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.C.1.In.f: Identify common chronic diseases that impact human body systems, such as cancer, heart disease, asthma, and diabetes.
HE.8.C.1.Su.f: Recognize common chronic diseases that impact human body systems, such as cancer, heart disease, asthma, and diabetes.
HE.8.C.1.Pa.f: Recognize a common chronic disease, such as cancer, asthma, or diabetes.

HE.8.C.1.7 (Archived Standard): Explore how heredity and family history can affect personal health.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.C.1.In.g: Describe how appropriate health care can promote personal health, such as immunizations to avoid diseases, sports physicals to reduce sports health risks, and counseling to treat depression.
HE.8.C.1.Su.g: Identify how appropriate health care can promote personal health, such as immunizations to avoid diseases, sports physicals to reduce health risks, and counseling to treat depression.
HE.8.C.1.Pa.g: Recognize a way appropriate health care can promote personal health, such as immunization to avoid diseases or sports physicals to reduce health risks.

HE.8.C.1.8 (Archived Standard): Anticipate the likelihood of injury or illness if engaging in unhealthy/risky behaviors.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.C.1.In.h: Describe ways personal health can be affected by heredity and family history, such as sickle-cell anemia, heart disease, obesity, or mental health.
HE.8.C.1.Su.h: Identify ways personal health can be affected by heredity and family history, such as sickle-cell anemia, heart disease, obesity, or mental health.
HE.8.C.1.Pa.h: Recognize a way personal health can be affected by heredity or family history.

HE.8.C.2.1 (Archived Standard): Assess the role of family health beliefs on the health of adolescents.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.C.2.In.a: Describe the role of family health beliefs on the health of adolescents, such as beliefs about alternative-medical care, family religious beliefs, and the importance of physical activity.
HE.8.C.2.Su.a: Identify the role of family health beliefs on the health of adolescents, such as beliefs about alternative-medical care, family religious beliefs, and the importance of physical activity.
HE.8.C.2.Pa.a: Recognize a way family health beliefs may influence the health of adolescents, such as beliefs about alternative-medical care, family religious beliefs, or the importance of physical activity.

HE.8.C.2.2 (Archived Standard): Assess how the health beliefs of peers may influence adolescent health.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.C.2.In.b: Describe how the health beliefs of peers may influence adolescent health, such as myths about drug use, perception of healthy body composition, and fear of getting a friend in trouble or losing a friend.
HE.8.C.2.Su.b: Describe how the health beliefs of peers may influence adolescent health, such as myths about drug use, perception of healthy body composition, and fear of getting a friend in trouble or losing a friend.
HE.8.C.2.Pa.b: Recognize selected ways the beliefs of peers may influence the health of adolescents, such as myths about drug use, perception of healthy body composition, and fear of getting a friend in trouble or losing a friend.

HE.8.C.2.3 (Archived Standard): Analyze how the school and community may influence adolescent health.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.C.2.In.c: Describe how the school and community may influence adolescent health, such as providing drug-abuse education programs and volunteering opportunities, and the availability of recreational facilities or programs.
HE.8.C.2.Su.c: Identify how the school and community may influence adolescent health, such as providing drug-abuse education programs and volunteering opportunities, and the availability of recreational facilities or programs.
HE.8.C.2.Pa.c: Recognize how the school may influence the health behaviors of adolescents, such as providing drug-abuse education programs and volunteering opportunities, and the availability of recreational facilities or programs.

HE.8.C.2.4 (Archived Standard): Critique school and public health policies that influence health promotion and disease prevention.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.C.2.In.d: Describe a school or public health policy that influences health promotion and disease prevention, such as speed-limit laws, immunization requirements, or universal precautions.
HE.8.C.2.Su.d: Recognize school and public-health policies that can influence health promotion and disease prevention, such as having immunization requirements and universal precautions.
HE.8.C.2.Pa.d: Recognize a school and a public-health policy that influences health promotion and disease prevention, such as having immunization requirements or universal precautions.

HE.8.C.2.5 (Archived Standard): Research marketing strategies behind health-related media messages.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.C.2.In.e: Examine selected marketing strategies behind health-related media messages using selected resources, such as social acceptance of alcohol use, promotion of thinness as the best body type, and using sexual images to sell products.
HE.8.C.2.Su.e: Identify a marketing strategy used in a selected media message, such as social acceptance of alcohol use, promotion of thinness as the best body type, or sexual images to sell products.
HE.8.C.2.Pa.e: Recognize a marketing strategy used in a health-related media message, such as social acceptance of alcohol use, promotion of thinness as the best body type, or sexual images to sell products.

HE.8.C.2.6 (Archived Standard): Analyze the influence of technology on personal and family health.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.C.2.In.f: Describe ways technology influences personal and family health, such as the use of personal electronic devices, television, and headphones.
HE.8.C.2.Su.f: Identify ways technology impacts personal and family health, such as the use of personal electronic devices, television, and headphones.
HE.8.C.2.Pa.f: Recognize a way that technology impacts personal and family health, such as the use of personal electronic devices, television, and headphones.

HE.8.C.2.7 (Archived Standard): Describe the influence of culture on health beliefs, practices, and behaviors.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.C.2.In.g: Identify the influence of culture on health beliefs, practices, and behaviors, such as medical procedures, sexual abstinence, and prescription-drug use.
HE.8.C.2.Su.g: Recognize an influence of culture on health beliefs, practices, and behaviors regarding matters such as medical procedures, sexual abstinence, and prescription-drug use.
HE.8.C.2.Pa.g: Recognize a way the perception of a common social practice (norm) relates to healthy and unhealthy behaviors, such as sexual abstinence, prescription-drug use, or marijuana use.

HE.8.C.2.8 (Archived Standard): Explain how the perceptions of norms influence healthy and unhealthy behaviors.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.C.2.In.h: Describe how the perception of common social norms may influence healthy and unhealthy behaviors, such as sexual abstinence, prescription-drug use, and marijuana use.
HE.8.C.2.Su.h: Identify how the perceptions of selected social norms may influence healthy and unhealthy behaviors, such as sexual abstinence, prescription-drug use, and marijuana use.
HE.8.C.2.Pa.h: Recognize a way the perception of a common social practice (norm) relates to healthy and unhealthy behaviors, such as sexual abstinence, prescription-drug use, or marijuana use.

HE.8.C.2.9 (Archived Standard): Analyze the influence of personal values, attitudes, and beliefs about individual health practices and behaviors.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.C.2.In.i: Identify how personal values, attitudes, and beliefs influence individual health practices and behaviors.
HE.8.C.2.Su.i: Identify how a personal value, attitudes, or belief influences an individual health practice or behavior.
HE.8.C.2.Pa.i: Identify how likes and dislikes influence choice-making.

HE.8.P.7.1 (Archived Standard): Assess the importance of assuming responsibility for personal-health behaviors, including sexual behavior.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.P.7.In.0: Explain the importance of assuming responsibility for personal- health behaviors—including sexual behavior—such as abstaining from sexual activity, maintaining good skin- care practices, and avoiding drug abuse.
HE.8.P.7.Su.0: Describe why it is important to take responsibility for personal-health behaviors—including sexual behavior—such as abstaining from sexual activity, maintaining good skin-care practices, and avoiding drug abuse.
HE.8.P.7.Pa.0: Recognize that it is important to take responsibility for personal-health behaviors—including sexual behavior—such as abstaining from sexual activity, maintaining good skin-care practices, and avoiding drug abuse.

HE.8.P.7.2 (Archived Standard): Apply healthy practices and behaviors that will maintain or improve personal health and reduce health risks.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.P.7.In.1: Explain healthy practices and behaviors that will maintain or improve personal health and reduce health risks, such as assessing the influences of advertising, participating in various physical activities, fostering healthy relationships, setting healthy goals, being safe on the Internet, choosing healthy foods, resisting negative peer pressure, and getting adequate sleep .
HE.8.P.7.Su.1: Describe healthy practices and behaviors that will maintain or improve personal health of self, and reduce health risks, such as assessing the influences of advertising, participating in various physical activities, fostering healthy relationships, setting healthy goals being safe on the Internet, choosing healthy foods, resisting negative peer pressure, and getting adequate sleep.
HE.8.P.7.Pa.1: Identify a healthy practice and a behavior that will maintain or improve personal health of self, such as assessing the influences of advertising, participating in various physical activities, fostering healthy relationships, or setting healthy goals.

HE.8.P.8.1 (Archived Standard): Promote positive health choices with the influence and support of others.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.P.8.In.0: Promote positive health choices with the support of others, such as the promotion of oral health, sexual abstinence, and not using drugs.
HE.8.P.8.Su.0: Promote selected positive health choices with the support of others, such as the promotion of oral health, sexual abstinence, and not using drugs.
HE.8.P.8.Pa.0: Promote a positive health choice with the support of others, such as the promotion of oral health, sexual abstinence, and not using drugs.

HE.8.P.8.2 (Archived Standard): Justify a health-enhancing position on a topic and support it with accurate information.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.P.8.In.1: Explain the desirability of a health-enhancing position on a topic using accurate information from selected resources, such as abstinence from unhealthy behaviors, gun-safety laws, or legal-age limits.
HE.8.P.8.Su.1: Support a health-enhancing position on a topic using accurate information from a selected source, such as abstinence from unhealthy behaviors, gun-safety laws, or legal-age limits.
HE.8.P.8.Pa.1: Recognize accurate information related to a health-enhancing position on a topic, such as abstinence from unhealthy behaviors, gun-safety laws, or legal-age limits.

HE.8.P.8.3 (Archived Standard): Work cooperatively to advocate for healthy individuals, peers, families, and schools.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.P.8.In.2: Work with others to advocate for healthy individuals, peers, families, and schools, such as promoting community initiatives, and creating media campaigns.
HE.8.P.8.Su.2: Work with others to promote healthy practices for healthy individuals, peers, families, or schools, such as promoting community initiatives, and creating media campaigns.
HE.8.P.8.Pa.2: Work with others to promote selected healthy practices for individuals, peers, families, or schools, such as promoting community initiatives, and creating media campaigns.

HE.8.P.8.4 (Archived Standard): Evaluate ways health messages and communication techniques can be targeted for different audiences.
Related Access Points
Name Description
HE.8.P.8.In.3: Identify ways health messages or communication techniques can be targeted for a particular audience, such as advertisements, media campaigns, and health fairs.
HE.8.P.8.Su.3: Identify a way a health message or communication technique can be targeted for a particular audience, such as in advertisements, media campaigns, and health fairs.
HE.8.P.8.Pa.3: Recognize a way a health message targets a particular audience, such as in advertisements, media campaigns, and health fairs.

MA.K12.MTR.1.1: Actively participate in effortful learning both individually and collectively.  

Mathematicians who participate in effortful learning both individually and with others: 

  • Analyze the problem in a way that makes sense given the task. 
  • Ask questions that will help with solving the task. 
  • Build perseverance by modifying methods as needed while solving a challenging task. 
  • Stay engaged and maintain a positive mindset when working to solve tasks. 
  • Help and support each other when attempting a new method or approach.


Teachers who encourage students to participate actively in effortful learning both individually and with others:
  • Cultivate a community of growth mindset learners. 
  • Foster perseverance in students by choosing tasks that are challenging. 
  • Develop students’ ability to analyze and problem solve. 
  • Recognize students’ effort when solving challenging problems.
MA.K12.MTR.2.1: Demonstrate understanding by representing problems in multiple ways.  

Mathematicians who demonstrate understanding by representing problems in multiple ways:  

  • Build understanding through modeling and using manipulatives.
  • Represent solutions to problems in multiple ways using objects, drawings, tables, graphs and equations.
  • Progress from modeling problems with objects and drawings to using algorithms and equations.
  • Express connections between concepts and representations.
  • Choose a representation based on the given context or purpose.
Teachers who encourage students to demonstrate understanding by representing problems in multiple ways: 
  • Help students make connections between concepts and representations.
  • Provide opportunities for students to use manipulatives when investigating concepts.
  • Guide students from concrete to pictorial to abstract representations as understanding progresses.
  • Show students that various representations can have different purposes and can be useful in different situations. 
MA.K12.MTR.3.1: Complete tasks with mathematical fluency. 

Mathematicians who complete tasks with mathematical fluency:

  • Select efficient and appropriate methods for solving problems within the given context.
  • Maintain flexibility and accuracy while performing procedures and mental calculations.
  • Complete tasks accurately and with confidence.
  • Adapt procedures to apply them to a new context.
  • Use feedback to improve efficiency when performing calculations. 
Teachers who encourage students to complete tasks with mathematical fluency:
  • Provide students with the flexibility to solve problems by selecting a procedure that allows them to solve efficiently and accurately.
  • Offer multiple opportunities for students to practice efficient and generalizable methods.
  • Provide opportunities for students to reflect on the method they used and determine if a more efficient method could have been used. 
MA.K12.MTR.4.1: Engage in discussions that reflect on the mathematical thinking of self and others. 

Mathematicians who engage in discussions that reflect on the mathematical thinking of self and others:

  • Communicate mathematical ideas, vocabulary and methods effectively.
  • Analyze the mathematical thinking of others.
  • Compare the efficiency of a method to those expressed by others.
  • Recognize errors and suggest how to correctly solve the task.
  • Justify results by explaining methods and processes.
  • Construct possible arguments based on evidence. 
Teachers who encourage students to engage in discussions that reflect on the mathematical thinking of self and others:
  • Establish a culture in which students ask questions of the teacher and their peers, and error is an opportunity for learning.
  • Create opportunities for students to discuss their thinking with peers.
  • Select, sequence and present student work to advance and deepen understanding of correct and increasingly efficient methods.
  • Develop students’ ability to justify methods and compare their responses to the responses of their peers. 
MA.K12.MTR.5.1: Use patterns and structure to help understand and connect mathematical concepts. 

Mathematicians who use patterns and structure to help understand and connect mathematical concepts:

  • Focus on relevant details within a problem.
  • Create plans and procedures to logically order events, steps or ideas to solve problems.
  • Decompose a complex problem into manageable parts.
  • Relate previously learned concepts to new concepts.
  • Look for similarities among problems.
  • Connect solutions of problems to more complicated large-scale situations. 
Teachers who encourage students to use patterns and structure to help understand and connect mathematical concepts:
  • Help students recognize the patterns in the world around them and connect these patterns to mathematical concepts.
  • Support students to develop generalizations based on the similarities found among problems.
  • Provide opportunities for students to create plans and procedures to solve problems.
  • Develop students’ ability to construct relationships between their current understanding and more sophisticated ways of thinking.
MA.K12.MTR.6.1: Assess the reasonableness of solutions. 

Mathematicians who assess the reasonableness of solutions: 

  • Estimate to discover possible solutions.
  • Use benchmark quantities to determine if a solution makes sense.
  • Check calculations when solving problems.
  • Verify possible solutions by explaining the methods used.
  • Evaluate results based on the given context. 
Teachers who encourage students to assess the reasonableness of solutions:
  • Have students estimate or predict solutions prior to solving.
  • Prompt students to continually ask, “Does this solution make sense? How do you know?”
  • Reinforce that students check their work as they progress within and after a task.
  • Strengthen students’ ability to verify solutions through justifications. 
MA.K12.MTR.7.1: Apply mathematics to real-world contexts. 

Mathematicians who apply mathematics to real-world contexts:

  • Connect mathematical concepts to everyday experiences.
  • Use models and methods to understand, represent and solve problems.
  • Perform investigations to gather data or determine if a method is appropriate. • Redesign models and methods to improve accuracy or efficiency. 
Teachers who encourage students to apply mathematics to real-world contexts:
  • Provide opportunities for students to create models, both concrete and abstract, and perform investigations.
  • Challenge students to question the accuracy of their models and methods.
  • Support students as they validate conclusions by comparing them to the given situation.
  • Indicate how various concepts can be applied to other disciplines.
ELA.K12.EE.1.1: Cite evidence to explain and justify reasoning.
K-1 Students include textual evidence in their oral communication with guidance and support from adults. The evidence can consist of details from the text without naming the text. During 1st grade, students learn how to incorporate the evidence in their writing.

2-3 Students include relevant textual evidence in their written and oral communication. Students should name the text when they refer to it. In 3rd grade, students should use a combination of direct and indirect citations.

4-5 Students continue with previous skills and reference comments made by speakers and peers. Students cite texts that they’ve directly quoted, paraphrased, or used for information. When writing, students will use the form of citation dictated by the instructor or the style guide referenced by the instructor. 

6-8 Students continue with previous skills and use a style guide to create a proper citation.

9-12 Students continue with previous skills and should be aware of existing style guides and the ways in which they differ.

ELA.K12.EE.2.1: Read and comprehend grade-level complex texts proficiently.
See Text Complexity for grade-level complexity bands and a text complexity rubric.
ELA.K12.EE.3.1: Make inferences to support comprehension.
Students will make inferences before the words infer or inference are introduced. Kindergarten students will answer questions like “Why is the girl smiling?” or make predictions about what will happen based on the title page. Students will use the terms and apply them in 2nd grade and beyond.
ELA.K12.EE.4.1: Use appropriate collaborative techniques and active listening skills when engaging in discussions in a variety of situations.
In kindergarten, students learn to listen to one another respectfully.

In grades 1-2, students build upon these skills by justifying what they are thinking. For example: “I think ________ because _______.” The collaborative conversations are becoming academic conversations.

In grades 3-12, students engage in academic conversations discussing claims and justifying their reasoning, refining and applying skills. Students build on ideas, propel the conversation, and support claims and counterclaims with evidence.

ELA.K12.EE.5.1: Use the accepted rules governing a specific format to create quality work.
Students will incorporate skills learned into work products to produce quality work. For students to incorporate these skills appropriately, they must receive instruction. A 3rd grade student creating a poster board display must have instruction in how to effectively present information to do quality work.
ELA.K12.EE.6.1: Use appropriate voice and tone when speaking or writing.
In kindergarten and 1st grade, students learn the difference between formal and informal language. For example, the way we talk to our friends differs from the way we speak to adults. In 2nd grade and beyond, students practice appropriate social and academic language to discuss texts.
ELD.K12.ELL.SI.1: English language learners communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting.

General Course Information and Notes

General Notes

Access Courses: Access courses are intended only for students with a significant cognitive disability. Access courses are designed to provide students with access to the general curriculum. Access points reflect increasing levels of complexity and depth of knowledge aligned with grade-level expectations. The access points included in access courses are intentionally designed to foster high expectations for students with significant cognitive disabilities.

Access points in the subject areas of science, social studies, art, dance, physical education, theatre, and health provide tiered access to the general curriculum through three levels of access points (Participatory, Supported, and Independent). Access points in English language arts and mathematics do not contain these tiers, but contain Essential Understandings (or EUs). EUs consist of skills at varying levels of complexity and are a resource when planning for instruction.

English Language Development (ELD) Standards Special Notes Section:

Teachers are required to provide listening, speaking, reading and writing instruction that allows English language learners (ELL) to communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting.   For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support, students will interact with grade level words, expressions, sentences and discourse to process or produce language necessary for academic success. The ELD standard should specify a relevant content area concept or topic of study chosen by curriculum developers and teachers which maximizes an ELL’s need for communication and social skills. To access an ELL supporting document which delineates performance definitions and descriptors, please click on the following link: https://cpalmsmediaprod.blob.core.windows.net/uploads/docs/standards/eld/si.pdf.

General Information

Course Number: 7820020 Course Path: Section: Exceptional Student Education > Grade Group: Middle/Junior High > Subject: Academics - Subject Areas >
Abbreviated Title: M/J ACC HEALTH:6-8
Course Attributes:
  • Class Size Core Required
Course Status: Draft - Course Pending Approval
Grade Level(s): 6,7,8

Educator Certifications

Exceptional Student Education (Elementary and Secondary Grades K-12)
Varying Exceptionalities (Elementary and Secondary Grades K-12)
Emotionally Handicapped (Elementary and Secondary Grades K-12)
Mentally Handicapped (Elementary and Secondary Grades K-12)
Specific Learning Disabilities (Elementary and Secondary Grades K-12)

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