Expanded Core Competencies: 6–8 (#7863080) 

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Course Standards

Name Description
SP.PK12.VI.1.1: Apply tactile discrimination skills, such as identifying differences in characteristics of three-dimensional objects—size, shape, texture, and weight.
SP.PK12.VI.1.2: Apply listening and auditory skills, such as discriminating sounds and associating concepts, actions, and ideas with expressive language.
SP.PK12.VI.1.3: Maintain a personal time management and organizational system for academic studies.
SP.PK12.VI.1.4: Perform fine motor tasks, such as handwriting/signature writing.
SP.PK12.VI.1.5: Use tactile discrimination skills to interpret objects, symbols, and graphics.
SP.PK12.VI.1.6: Apply braille skills, including pre-braille; use of braille writing tools; braille book skills; uncontracted, contracted, and tactile graphics; and Nemeth and music code.
SP.PK12.VI.1.7: Apply tactile and/or visual skills for math calculation and manipulation tools, such as an abacus and three-dimensional representational objects.
SP.PK12.VI.2.1: Maintain appropriate eye contact, body space, posture, facial expression, gestures, and socially acceptable mannerisms using nonvisual and/or low-vision strategies.
SP.PK12.VI.2.2: Apply interpersonal skills, such as engaging in appropriate social interactions and conversations; demonstrating respect, empathy, or sympathy; and managing criticism.
SP.PK12.VI.2.3: Participate effectively in group activities, such as cooperative learning and extracurricular activities.
SP.PK12.VI.2.4: Identify aspects of human growth and development appropriate for the student’s developmental level.
SP.PK12.VI.2.5: Engage in cognitive (intentional) social behavior, such as interpreting social cues, identifying opportunities for social interactions, and generalizing social skills to a variety of situations.
SP.PK12.VI.3.3: Describe opportunities in selected career clusters, including the outlook for employment, qualifications, and training requirements.
SP.PK12.VI.3.4: Identify elements of planning for transition, such as establishing postsecondary goals for education/training, employment, and independent living, if needed; course of study; and identifying transition service needs.
SP.PK12.VI.3.6: Identify local, state, and federal resources available for transition support for the general population, including students with vision impairments.
SP.PK12.VI.3.7: Demonstrate knowledge and skills students who are blind or visually impaired need to enter postsecondary education or training.
SP.PK12.VI.3.8: Participate actively in the development of the IEP with parents and school and/or agency representatives for planning for transition to adult living based on individual interests, abilities, and values.
SP.PK12.VI.4.2: Locate school and community resources for recreation and leisure that facilitate participation by individuals who are blind or visually impaired.
SP.PK12.VI.4.3: Identify and implement adaptive strategies for recreational and leisure activities to ensure active participation.
SP.PK12.VI.5.1: Identify personal body parts and analyze their location relative to self and the environment.
SP.PK12.VI.5.2: Perform basic locomotor and nonlocomotor movements, such as those needed to mobilize and/or hold and control mobility tools.
SP.PK12.VI.5.3: Use sighted guide techniques, trailing, and protective techniques, as appropriate for setting and the student’s developmental level.
SP.PK12.VI.5.4: Recognize and locate geometric shapes in varying formats and settings, such as recognizing an octagon and placing it within the environment (stop sign).
SP.PK12.VI.5.5: Distinguish between permanent and transitory items in the environment.
SP.PK12.VI.5.6: Identify common auditory environmental stimuli and locations, such as the sound of a water fountain in the hallway and traffic sounds in the roads.
SP.PK12.VI.5.7: Identify olfactory environmental information and cues, such as scents of food (restaurant), gasoline (gas station), and animals (pet store).
SP.PK12.VI.6.2: Navigate and manipulate the presentation format of auditory resources as needed.
SP.PK12.VI.7.4: Explain possible coping strategies for managing stressors.
SP.PK12.VI.7.5: Describe goals in self-advocating using appropriate communication and assertiveness.
SP.PK12.VI.7.1b: Explain own visual impairment, and its functional implications, and support resources within the medical and rehabilitation fields.
SP.PK12.VI.7.2b: Identify own interests, strengths, preferences, and needs.
SP.PK12.VI.7.3a: Identify personal strengths, competencies, and challenges.
SP.PK12.VI.8.1: Identify strategies for using residual vision with greater efficiency, such as using low-vision devices and adaptive technologies and techniques.
SP.PK12.VI.8.2: Respond to and summarize instructional level information presented in an auditory format.
SP.PK12.VI.9.1: Manage personal hygiene and grooming using nonvisual and/or low-vision strategies.
SP.PK12.VI.9.2: Identify strategies for managing personal wellness using nonvisual and/or low-vision strategies.
SP.PK12.VI.9.3: Demonstrate appropriate personal eating/table skills using nonvisual and/or low-vision strategies.
SP.PK12.VI.9.4: Manipulate garments to dress self independently using nonvisual and/or low-vision strategies.
SP.PK12.VI.9.6: Identify steps and demonstrate the ability to store and prepare food safely using nonvisual and/or low-vision strategies.
SP.PK12.VI.9.9: Create and maintain a schedule/calendar for personal management using nonvisual and/or low-vision strategies.
SP.PK12.VI.9.10: Demonstrate the ability to acquire materials and services providing support for independent-living activities, such as audiobooks and playback devices and household utensils.
SP.PK12.VI.9.11: Identify personal/household safety and manage procedures for maintaining a safe environment, such as fire safety, storm preparedness, and obtaining available agency support.
SP.PK12.VI.9.5a: Identify steps and demonstrate ability to care for clothing using nonvisual and/or low-vision strategies.
SP.PK12.VI.9.7b: Demonstrate steps to purchase items from different vendors and stores using nonvisual and/or low-vision strategies.
SP.PK12.VI.9.8b: Demonstrate basic household management skills, including cleaning, simple repairs, and budgeting, using nonvisual and/or low-vision strategies.
ELD.K12.ELL.SI.1: English language learners communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting.

General Course Information and Notes

General Notes

The purpose of this course is to enable students with visual impairments (VI) or dual sensory impairments (DSI) to apply concepts, knowledge, and skills in the educational, home, and community environments. This course is designed to promote the achievement of annual goals based on assessed needs within the student’s individual educational plan (IEP).

This course is for students with VI or DSI who need specially designed instruction to address the unique needs that result from their visual disability. The presence of a visual impairment often requires explicit teaching to address the impact of vision loss on incidental learning as well as access to all environments and curriculum.

A student may repeat this course. The particular course requirements that the student should master each year must be determined by the IEP team through the review of present levels and needs, development of annual goals, and progress monitoring of goal mastery.

This course may be delivered across the continuum of service settings, including general education environments and community settings for the purposes of acquisition, practice, generalization, and maintenance of skills. Activities may be arranged to extend beyond scheduled school hours. To address the full range of special skills based on the assessed need, students may also be enrolled in an Orientation and Mobility Skills Course.

English Language Development ELD Standards Special Notes Section:

Teachers are required to provide listening, speaking, reading and writing instruction that allows English language learners (ELL) to communicate information, ideas and concepts for academic success in the content area of Language Arts. For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support, students will interact with grade level words, expressions, sentences and discourse to process or produce language necessary for academic success. The ELD standard should specify a relevant content area concept or topic of study chosen by curriculum developers and teachers which maximizes an ELL's need for communication and social skills. To access an ELL supporting document which delineates performance definitions and descriptors, please click on the following link: https://cpalmsmediaprod.blob.core.windows.net/uploads/docs/standards/eld/la.pdf.




General Information

Course Number: 7863080 Course Path: Section: Exceptional Student Education > Grade Group: Middle/Junior High > Subject: Special Skills Courses >
Abbreviated Title: EXP CORE COMP: 6-8
Course Status: Course Approved
Grade Level(s): 6,7,8

Educator Certifications

Visually Impaired (Elementary and Secondary Grades K-12)

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