Access Language Arts - Grade 1 (#7710012) 

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Course Standards

Name Description
ELA.1.C.1.1: Print all upper- and lowercase letters.
Clarification 1: Students should have adequate spacing between letters and/or words.
Related Access Points
Name Description
ELA.1.C.1.AP.1: Print all upper- and lowercase letters with a model.

ELA.1.C.1.2: Write narratives that retell two or more appropriately sequenced events, including relevant details and a sense of closure.
Clarification 1: See Writing Types.
Related Access Points
Name Description
ELA.1.C.1.AP.2: Write a narrative with two sequenced events.

ELA.1.C.1.3: Write opinions about a topic or text with at least one supporting reason from a source and a sense of closure.
Clarification 1: See Writing Types.
Related Access Points
Name Description
ELA.1.C.1.AP.3: Write an opinion about a topic.

ELA.1.C.1.4: Write expository texts about a topic, using a source, providing facts and a sense of closure.
Clarification 1: See Writing Types.
Related Access Points
Name Description
ELA.1.C.1.AP.4: Write an expository text about a topic, using a source, to provide facts.

ELA.1.C.1.5: With guidance and support from adults, improve writing, as needed, by planning, revising, and editing.
Clarification 1: As needed refers to the fact that sometimes instruction will focus on a specific skill or part of the process. In those instances, only the applicable activity will be engaged in.
Related Access Points
Name Description
ELA.1.C.1.AP.5: With guidance and support from adults, improve drawing and writing, as needed, by planning, revising and editing.

ELA.1.C.2.1: Present information orally using complete sentences and appropriate volume.
Clarification 1: For further guidance, see the Elementary Oral Communication Rubric.
Related Access Points
Name Description
ELA.1.C.2.AP.1: Express information using complete sentences and appropriate volume, using the student’s mode of communication.

ELA.1.C.3.1: Follow the rules of standard English grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling appropriate to grade level.
Clarification 1: Skills to be mastered at this grade level are as follows: 
  • Capitalize proper nouns. 
  • Form and use simple verb tenses for regular verbs by adding the affix -ed. 
  • Form and use complete simple sentences. 
  • Use possessives. 
  • Use subject-verb agreement in simple sentences. 
Skills to be implemented but not yet mastered are as follows: 
  • Form plurals -y to -ies. 
  • Conjugate regular and irregular verb tenses. 
  • Form and use regular and frequently occurring irregular plural nouns. 
  • Form and use the past tense of frequently occurring irregular verbs. 
  • Use apostrophes to form contractions. 
  • Appropriately use pronouns. 
  • Use commas in a series. 
  • Use plural possessives. 
  • Use interjections. 
Clarification 2: See Convention Progression by Grade Level for more information. 
Related Access Points
Name Description
ELA.1.C.3.AP.1: Follow the rules of standard English grammar, punctuation, capitalization and spelling.
Capitalize proper nouns.
Form and use simple verb tenses for regular verbs by adding the affix -ed.
Form regular plural nouns orally by adding -s or -es.

ELA.1.C.4.1: Participate in research to gather information to answer a question about a single topic.
Clarification 1: The question could ask for an explanation or could ask how to do something, where the appropriate response could be to give a sequence of steps or instructions.
Related Access Points
Name Description
ELA.1.C.4.AP.1: Participate in guided research to gather information to answer a question about a single topic.

ELA.1.C.5.1: Use a multimedia element to enhance oral or written tasks.
Clarification 1: Multimedia elements may include, but are not limited to, a drawing, picture, artifact, audio or digital representation.
At this grade level, the element should relate to the task. As long as the student is able to explain how the picture relates, the multimedia element is suitable. The element may be shared at the beginning or added on to the end instead of shared during the course of the task. There is no expectation that the element be integrated into the task.
Related Access Points
Name Description
ELA.1.C.5.AP.1: Identify the correct multimedia element to enhance oral or written tasks when presented with options.

ELA.1.C.5.2: Identify and use digital tools to produce and publish writing individually or with peers and with support from adults.
Related Access Points
Name Description
ELA.1.C.5.AP.2: Identify digital tools to produce and publish writing individually or with peers and with support from adults.

ELA.1.F.1.1: Locate the title, table of contents, names of author(s) and illustrator(s), and glossary of books.
Related Access Points
Name Description
ELA.1.F.1.AP.1: Locate the title, table of contents, names of author(s) and illustrator(s), and glossary of books with a model.

ELA.1.F.1.2: Demonstrate phonological awareness.
  1. Segment spoken words into initial, medial, and final phonemes, including words with digraphs, blends, and trigraphs. 
  2. Orally blend initial, medial, and final phonemes together to produce a single-syllable word that includes digraphs, blends, or trigraphs.
  3. Blend single-syllable spoken words with at least five phonemes.
  4. Segment single-syllable spoken words with at least five phonemes.
  5. Segment and blend phonemes in multi-syllable spoken words.
Clarification 1: Phonological awareness only refers to what can be done orally at both the sound and syllabic level. This includes isolating sounds, blending sounds, and orally segmenting words based on syllables. It does not involve print or letter knowledge.
Related Access Points
Name Description
ELA.1.F.1.AP.2a: Segment spoken words into initial, medial and final phonemes, including words with digraphs, blends and trigraphs.
ELA.1.F.1.AP.2b: Blend initial, medial and final phonemes together to identify or produce a single-syllable word that includes digraphs, blends or trigraphs.
ELA.1.F.1.AP.2c: Blend single-syllable spoken words with at least four phonemes.
ELA.1.F.1.AP.2d: Segment single-syllable spoken words with at least four phonemes.
ELA.1.F.1.AP.2e: Segment and blend phonemes in familiar multi-syllable spoken words.

ELA.1.F.1.3: Use knowledge of grade-appropriate phonics and word-analysis skills to decode words accurately. 
  1. Decode words using knowledge of spelling-sound correspondences for common consonant digraphs, trigraphs, and blends. 
  2. Decode simple words with r-controlled vowels.  
  3. Decode and encode regularly spelled one-syllable words. 
  4. Decode words with inflectional endings. 
  5. Decode two-syllable words with regular patterns by breaking the words into syllables. 
  6. Decode words that use final –e and vowel teams to make long-vowel sound. 

Clarification 1: Phonics refers to the relationship between graphemes (letters or letter combinations) and phonemes (speech sounds).

Clarification 2: Students will decode decodable high frequency words appropriate to the grade level. See 1.F.1.4 and Dolch and Fry word lists. Students will read grade-level appropriate high frequency words, decodable or not, with automaticity.

Related Access Points
Name Description
ELA.1.F.1.AP.3a: Decode words using knowledge of spelling-sound correspondences for common consonant digraphs, trigraphs and blends.
ELA.1.F.1.AP.3b: Decode simple words with r-controlled vowels.
ELA.1.F.1.AP.3c: Decode and encode regularly spelled one-syllable words.
ELA.1.F.1.AP.3d: Decode words with inflectional endings.
ELA.1.F.1.AP.3e: Decode two-syllable words with regular patterns by breaking the words into syllables.
ELA.1.F.1.AP.3f: Decode words that use final -e and vowel teams to make long-vowel sound.

ELA.1.F.1.4: Read grade-level texts with accuracy, automaticity, and appropriate prosody or expression.
  1. Recognize and read with automaticity the grade-level sight words.
Clarification 1: See Dolch and Fry word lists. 
Clarification 2: Many of the high frequency words at this grade level are either irregularly spelled and therefore not decodable or are temporarily irregular, meaning that students have not yet learned the phonics rule that would enable them to decode the word. Those words that are decodable should be introduced to students using appropriate phonics rules. See 1.F.1.3. Students will read grade-level appropriate high frequency words, decodable or not, with automaticity. 
Clarification 3: See Fluency Norms for grade-level norms. Norms are expressed as words correct per minute (WCPM), a measure that combines accuracy with speed. 
Clarification 4: “Appropriate prosody” refers to pausing patterns during oral reading that reflect the punctuation and meaning of a text. See Sample Oral Reading Fluency Rubrics for prosody. 
Clarification 5: Grade-level texts, for the purposes of fluency, are those within the grade band on quantitative text complexity measures and appropriate in content and qualitative measures.
Related Access Points
Name Description
ELA.1.F.1.AP.4a: Recognize and read sight words.

ELA.1.R.1.1: Identify and describe the main story elements in a story.
Clarification 1: Main story elements for the purpose of this benchmark are the setting, characters, and sequence of events of a story. 

Clarification 2: In describing the characters, students can describe appearance, actions, feelings, and thoughts of the characters. Students will explain what in the text their description is based on. 

Clarification 3: For setting, students will discuss where the events of the story are happening. The time element of setting should only be addressed in texts where it is explicitly indicated.

Related Access Points
Name Description
ELA.1.R.1.AP.1: Identify the main story elements in a story.

ELA.1.R.1.2: Identify and explain the moral of a story.
Clarification 1: This benchmark introduces the moral of a story as a precursor to theme in 2nd grade. A moral is the lesson of a story. During instruction, let students know that not all stories have a lesson by referring to stories read that did not have a moral or a lesson.
Related Access Points
Name Description
ELA.1.R.1.AP.2: Identify the moral of a story.

ELA.1.R.1.3: Explain who is telling the story using context clues.
Clarification 1: Students will use the term “narrator” to refer to the speaker telling the story. Students will determine if the narrator is a character in the story or a speaker outside of the story. Students will give reasons why they know who is speaking.
Related Access Points
Name Description
ELA.1.R.1.AP.3: Identify who is telling the story using context clues.

ELA.1.R.1.4: Identify stanzas and line breaks in poems.
Clarification 1: This benchmark can be paired with R.1.1, R.1.2, R.1.3 and R.3.2 for instruction with story poems.
Related Access Points
Name Description
ELA.1.R.1.AP.4: Identify a line break in a poem.

ELA.1.R.2.1: Use text features including titles, headings, captions, graphs, maps, glossaries, and/or illustrations to demonstrate understanding of texts.
Related Access Points
Name Description
ELA.1.R.2.AP.1: Use text features including titles, headings and/or illustrations to demonstrate understanding of texts.

ELA.1.R.2.2: Identify the topic of and relevant details in a text.
Related Access Points
Name Description
ELA.1.R.2.AP.2: Identify the topic of and select a relevant detail in a text.

ELA.1.R.2.3: Explain similarities and differences between information provided in visuals and words in an informational text.
Clarification 1: When explaining similarities and differences, students will also explain how the visuals and words help the reader make sense of the topic. 

Clarification 2: During instruction, give students opportunities to see visual representations of similarities and differences using tools such as Venn diagrams or T-charts.

Related Access Points
Name Description
ELA.1.R.2.AP.3: Identify if information was provided from a visual or from words in an informational text.

ELA.1.R.2.4: Identify an author’s opinion(s) about the topic.
Related Access Points
Name Description
ELA.1.R.2.AP.4: Identify an author’s opinion about the topic.

ELA.1.R.3.1: Identify and explain descriptive words and phrases in text(s).
Clarification 1: Continue to expose students to the academic vocabulary word “adjective.” Discussion should focus on how the descriptive words add meaning to the text.
Related Access Points
Name Description
ELA.1.R.3.AP.1: Identify descriptive words and phrases in text(s).

ELA.1.R.3.2: Retell a text in oral or written form to enhance comprehension.
  1. Use main story elements at the beginning, middle, and end for a literary text.
  2. Use topic and important details for an informational text.
Clarification 1: Most grade-level texts are appropriate for this benchmark.
Related Access Points
Name Description
ELA.1.R.3.AP.2a: Identify main story elements at the beginning, middle and end for a literary text using the student’s mode of communication.
ELA.1.R.3.AP.2b: Identify a topic and relevant details for an informational text using the student’s mode of communication.

ELA.1.R.3.3: Compare and contrast two texts on the same topic.
Clarification 1: Students are being asked to compare and contrast. During instruction, give students opportunities to see visual representations of similarities and differences using tools such as Venn diagrams or T-charts.
Related Access Points
Name Description
ELA.1.R.3.AP.3: Identify details about two texts on the same topic.

ELA.1.V.1.1: Use grade-level academic vocabulary appropriately in speaking and writing.
Clarification 1: Grade-level academic vocabulary consists of words that are likely to appear across subject areas for the current grade level and beyond, are vital to comprehension, critical for academic discussions and writing, and usually require explicit instruction.
Related Access Points
Name Description
ELA.1.V.1.AP.1: Identify grade-level academic vocabulary appropriately in communication, using the student’s mode of communication.

ELA.1.V.1.2: Identify and use frequently occurring base words and their common inflections in grade-level content.
Clarification 1: See Base Words for frequently occurring base words. 

Clarification 2: Inflectional endings, the inflections referred to here, are added to the end of a word to add additional information. 

Example: Regular verbs add the inflectional ending -ed to indicate the past tense.

Related Access Points
Name Description
ELA.1.V.1.AP.2: Identify frequently occurring base words and their common inflections in grade-level content at the student’s ability level.

ELA.1.V.1.3: Identify and use picture clues, context clues, word relationships, reference materials, and/or background knowledge to determine the meaning of unknown words.
Clarification 1: Instruction for this benchmark should include text read-alouds and think-alouds aimed at building and activating background knowledge. Review of words learned in this way is critical to building background knowledge and related vocabulary. Texts read aloud can be two grade levels higher than student reading level. 

Clarification 2: See Context Clues and Word Relationships.

Related Access Points
Name Description
ELA.1.V.1.AP.3: Identify and use picture clues, context clues and/or background knowledge to determine the meaning of unknown words at the student’s ability level.

ELA.K12.EE.1.1: Cite evidence to explain and justify reasoning.
K-1 Students include textual evidence in their oral communication with guidance and support from adults. The evidence can consist of details from the text without naming the text. During 1st grade, students learn how to incorporate the evidence in their writing.

2-3 Students include relevant textual evidence in their written and oral communication. Students should name the text when they refer to it. In 3rd grade, students should use a combination of direct and indirect citations.

4-5 Students continue with previous skills and reference comments made by speakers and peers. Students cite texts that they’ve directly quoted, paraphrased, or used for information. When writing, students will use the form of citation dictated by the instructor or the style guide referenced by the instructor. 

6-8 Students continue with previous skills and use a style guide to create a proper citation.

9-12 Students continue with previous skills and should be aware of existing style guides and the ways in which they differ.

ELA.K12.EE.2.1: Read and comprehend grade-level complex texts proficiently.
See Text Complexity for grade-level complexity bands and a text complexity rubric.
ELA.K12.EE.3.1: Make inferences to support comprehension.
Students will make inferences before the words infer or inference are introduced. Kindergarten students will answer questions like “Why is the girl smiling?” or make predictions about what will happen based on the title page. Students will use the terms and apply them in 2nd grade and beyond.
ELA.K12.EE.4.1: Use appropriate collaborative techniques and active listening skills when engaging in discussions in a variety of situations.
In kindergarten, students learn to listen to one another respectfully.

In grades 1-2, students build upon these skills by justifying what they are thinking. For example: “I think ________ because _______.” The collaborative conversations are becoming academic conversations.

In grades 3-12, students engage in academic conversations discussing claims and justifying their reasoning, refining and applying skills. Students build on ideas, propel the conversation, and support claims and counterclaims with evidence.

ELA.K12.EE.5.1: Use the accepted rules governing a specific format to create quality work.
Students will incorporate skills learned into work products to produce quality work. For students to incorporate these skills appropriately, they must receive instruction. A 3rd grade student creating a poster board display must have instruction in how to effectively present information to do quality work.
ELA.K12.EE.6.1: Use appropriate voice and tone when speaking or writing.
In kindergarten and 1st grade, students learn the difference between formal and informal language. For example, the way we talk to our friends differs from the way we speak to adults. In 2nd grade and beyond, students practice appropriate social and academic language to discuss texts.
ELD.K12.ELL.LA.1: English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Language Arts.
ELD.K12.ELL.SI.1: English language learners communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting.

General Course Information and Notes


Access Courses:

Access courses are for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. Access courses are designed to provide students access to grade-level general curriculum. Access points are alternate academic achievement standards included in access courses that target the salient content of Florida’s standards. Access points are intentionally designed to academically challenge students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. 

General Notes

English Language Development ELD Standards Special Notes Section:

Teachers are required to provide listening, speaking, reading and writing instruction that allows English language learners (ELL) to communicate information, ideas and concepts for academic success in the content area of Language Arts. For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support, students will interact with grade level words, expressions, sentences and discourse to process or produce language necessary for academic success. The ELD standard should specify a relevant content area concept or topic of study chosen by curriculum developers and teachers which maximizes an ELL's need for communication and social skills. To access an ELL supporting document which delineates performance definitions and descriptors, please click on the following link:

General Information

Course Number: 7710012 Course Path: Section: Exceptional Student Education > Grade Group: Elementary > Subject: Academics - Subject Areas >
Abbreviated Title: ACCESS LANG ART - 1
Course Attributes:
  • Class Size Core Required
  • Florida Standards Course
Course Type: Core Academic Course
Course Status: Course Approved

Educator Certifications

Exceptional Student Education (Elementary and Secondary Grades K-12) Plus Elementary Education (Grades K-6)
Exceptional Student Education (Elementary and Secondary Grades K-12) Plus Elementary Education (Grades K-6)
Mentally Handicapped (Elementary and Secondary Grades K-12) Plus Elementary Education (Grades K-6)
Mentally Handicapped (Elementary and Secondary Grades K-12) Plus Elementary Education (Grades K-6)
Varying Exceptionalities (Elementary and Secondary Grades K-12) Plus Elementary Education (Grades K-6)
Varying Exceptionalities (Elementary and Secondary Grades K-12) Plus Elementary Education (Grades K-6)
Emotionally Handicapped (Elementary and Secondary Grades K-12) Plus Elementary Education (Grades K-6)
Emotionally Handicapped (Elementary and Secondary Grades K-12) Plus Elementary Education (Grades K-6)
Specific Learning Disabilities (Elementary and Secondary Grades K-12) Plus Elementary Education (Grades K-6)
Specific Learning Disabilities (Elementary and Secondary Grades K-12) Plus Elementary Education (Grades K-6)
Elementary Education (Elementary Grades 1-6) Plus Exceptional Student Education (Elementary and Secondary Grades K-12)
Elementary Education (Elementary Grades 1-6) Plus Exceptional Student Education (Elementary and Secondary Grades K-12)
Exceptional Student Education (Elementary and Secondary Grades K-12) Plus Prekindergarten/Primary Education (Age 3 through Grade 3)
Exceptional Student Education (Elementary and Secondary Grades K-12) Plus Prekindergarten/Primary Education (Age 3 through Grade 3)
Exceptional Student Education (Elementary and Secondary Grades K-12) Plus Primary Education (K-3 - No Longer Issued)
Exceptional Student Education (Elementary and Secondary Grades K-12) Plus Primary Education (K-3 - No Longer Issued)
English (Elementary Grades 1-6) Plus Exceptional Student Education (Elementary and Secondary Grades K-12)
English (Elementary Grades 1-6) Plus Exceptional Student Education (Elementary and Secondary Grades K-12)
Elementary Education (Elementary Grades 1-6) Plus Mentally Handicapped (Elementary and Secondary Grades K-12)
Elementary Education (Elementary Grades 1-6) Plus Mentally Handicapped (Elementary and Secondary Grades K-12)

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