Course Standards
Name | Description |
ELD.K12.ELL.SI.1: | English language learners communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting. |
General Course Information and Notes
A. Major Concepts/Content. The purpose of this course is to enable students with disabilities to apply the knowledge and skills needed to design and implement personal plans for achieving their desired postschool outcomes. The personal plans may address all critical transition service areas, including instruction, related services, community experiences, employment, postschool adult living, and, if needed, daily living skills and functional vocational evaluation.The content should include, but not be limited to, the following:
- personal and career planning
- information about careers
- diploma options and postsecondary education
- community involvement and participation
- personal care
- interpersonal relationships
- communication
- use of leisure time
This course shall integrate the Sunshine State Standards and Goal 3 Student Performance Standards of the Florida System of School Improvement and Accountability as appropriate to the individual student and to the content and processes of the subject matter. Students with disabilities shall:
CL.A.1.In.1 complete specified Sunshine State Standards with modifications as appropriate for the individual student.
CL.A.1.Su.1 complete specified Sunshine State Standards with modifications and guidance and support as appropriate for the individual student.
CL.A.1.Pa.1 participate in activities of peers’ addressing Sunshine State Standards with assistance as appropriate for the individual student.
B. Special Note. This entire course may not be mastered in one year. A student may earn multiple credits in this course. The particular course requirements that the student should master to earn each credit must be specified on an individual basis. Multiple credits may be earned sequentially or simultaneously. This course is designed to reflect the wide range of abilities within the population of students with disabilities. The particular benchmark for a course requirement should be selected for individual students based on their levels of functioning and their desired postschool outcomes for adult living and employment specified in the student’s Transition Individual Educational Plan.
Three levels of functioning, independent, supported, and participatory, have been designated to provide a way to differentiate benchmarks and course requirements for students with diverse abilities. Individual students may function at one level across all areas, or at several different levels, depending on the requirements of the situation. Students functioning at independent levels are generally capable of working and living independently. Students functioning at supported levels are generally capable of living and working with ongoing supervision and support. Students functioning at participatory levels are generally capable of participating in major life activities and require extensive support systems. Instructional activities involving practical applications of course requirements may occur in naturalistic settings in home, school, and community for the purposes of practice, generalization, and maintenance of skills. These applications may require that the student acquire the knowledge and skills involved with the use of related technology, tools, and equipment.
General Notes
English Language Development (ELD) Standards Special Notes Section:
Teachers are required to provide listening, speaking, reading and writing instruction that allows English language learners (ELL) to communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting. For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support, students will interact with grade level words, expressions, sentences and discourse to process or produce language necessary for academic success. The ELD standard should specify a relevant content area concept or topic of study chosen by curriculum developers and teachers which maximizes an ELL’s need for communication and social skills. To access an ELL supporting document which delineates performance definitions and descriptors, please click on the following link:
C. Course Requirements. These requirements include, but are not limited to, the benchmarks from the State Standards for Special Diploma that are most relevant to this course. Benchmarks correlated with a specific course requirement may also be addressed by other course requirements as appropriate. Some requirements in this course are not fully addressed in the State Standards for Special Diploma.
After successfully completing this course, the student will:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of planning tools and resources for personal and career planning (e.g., aptitude surveys and inventories, counseling, community agencies, computer-based programs).
2. Use a planning process to establish personal and career goals.
IF.B.1.In.1 make plans about personal and career choices after identifying and evaluating personal goals, options, and risks.
IF.B.1.Su.1 make plans about personal and career choices after identifying and evaluating personal interests and goals–with guidance and support.
IF.B.1.Pa.1 participate in expressing personal needs–with assistance.
3. Demonstrate knowledge of career options.
CL.C.1.In.1 use knowledge of occupations and characteristics of the workplace in making career choices.
CL.C.1.Su.1 recognize expectations of occupations and characteristics of the workplace in making career choices–with guidance and support.
4. Demonstrate understanding of entry-level job responsibilities and social competencies necessary for successful employment.
CL.C.2.In.1 plan and implement personal work assignments.
CL.C.2.In.2 use appropriate technology and equipment to complete tasks in the workplace.
CL.C.2.In.3 display reliability and work ethic according to the standards of the workplace.
CL.C.2.In.4 follow procedures to ensure health and safety in the workplace.
CL.C.2.In.5 apply employability skills in the workplace.
CL.C.2.Su.1 plan and implement personal work assignments–with guidance and support.
CL.C.2.Su.2 use appropriate technology and equipment to complete tasks in the workplace–with guidance and support.
CL.C.2.Su.3 display reliability and work ethic according to the standards of the workplace–with guidance and support.
CL.C.2.Su.4 follow procedures to ensure health and safety in the workplace–with guidance and support.
CL.C.2.Su.5 apply employability skills in the workplace–with guidance and support.
5. Evaluate own interests and abilities as related to career and postsecondary educational opportunities.
IF.B.1.In.1 make plans about personal and career choices after identifying and evaluating personal goals, options, and risks.
IF.B.1.Su.1 make plans about personal and career choices after identifying and evaluating personal interests and goals–with guidance and support.
6. Demonstrate knowledge of options for high school diploma and requirements for postschool training that relate to desired career and postschool outcomes.
7. Demonstrate knowledge of the role of self-advocacy in personal life and in the workplace.
CL.C.1.In.2 identify individual rights and responsibilities in the workplace.
CL.C.1.Su.2 recognize individual rights and responsibilities in the workplace–with guidance and support.
8. Demonstrate knowledge of own Individual Educational Plan, including participation in the team meeting, if appropriate.
9. Demonstrate effective strategies and problem-solving skills to be used when completing tasks at school, in the home, and in the community.
CL.B.4.In.1 identify problems and examine alternative solutions.
CL.B.4.In.2 implement solutions to problems and evaluate effectiveness.
CL.B.4.Su.1 identify problems found in functional tasks–with guidance and support.
CL.B.4.Su.2 implement solutions to problems found in functional tasks–with guidance and support.
CL.B.4.Pa.1 participate in problem-solving efforts in daily routines–with assistance.
CL.C.2.In.1 plan and implement personal work assignments.
CL.C.2.Su.1 plan and implement personal work assignments–with guidance and support.
10. Demonstrate knowledge of contributing factors for positive self-esteem and personal feelings of efficacy.
IF.B.1.In.1 make plans about personal and career choices after identifying and evaluating personal goals, options, and risks.
IF.B.1.Su.1 make plans about personal and career choices after identifying and evaluating personal interests and goals–with guidance and support.
11. Demonstrate personal care skills that meet demands of situations at school, in the home, in the workplace, and in the community.
IF.A.1.In.2 complete personal care, health, and fitness activities.
IF.A.1.Su.2 complete personal care, health, and fitness activities–with guidance and support.
IF.A.1.Pa.2 participate in personal care, health, and safety routines–with assistance.
12. Demonstrate knowledge of skills and concepts involved in personal money management (e.g., budgets, banking, salaries, credit, taxes).
IF.A.1.In.1 complete productive and leisure activities used in the home and community.
IF.A.1.Su.1 complete productive and leisure activities used in the home and community–with guidance and support.
13. Demonstrate safe travel skills within and beyond the community including using public or private transportation if appropriate.
IF.A.2.In.2 demonstrate safe travel within and beyond the community.
IF.A.2.Su.2 demonstrate safe travel within and beyond the community–with guidance and support.
IF.A.2.Pa.2 participate in reaching desired locations safely within familiar environments–with assistance.
14. Demonstrate understanding of appropriate activities for recreation and leisure.
IF.A.1.In.1 complete productive and leisure activities used in the home and community.
IF.A.1.Su.1 complete productive and leisure activities used in the home and community–with guidance and support.
IF.A.1.Pa.1 participate in routines of productive and leisure activities used in the home and community–with assistance.
15. Demonstrate knowledge of the nature and importance of community involvement and participation for all citizens.
IF.A.2.In.1 select and use community resources and services for specified purposes.
IF.A.2.Su.1 use community resources and services–with guidance and support.
IF.A.2.Pa.1 participate in activities involving the use of community resources and services–with assistance.
16. Demonstrate effective communication skills for use in school, home, workplace, and community settings.
CO.A.1.In.1 initiate communication and respond effectively in a variety of situations.
CO.A.1.Su.1 initiate communication and respond effectively in a variety of situations–with guidance and support.
CO.A.1.Pa.1 participate in effective communication with others–with assistance.
17. Demonstrate personal and social skills, including working in groups and conflict resolution, necessary for success on the job and in the community.
SE.A.1.In.1 cooperate in a variety of group situations.
SE.A.1.In.2 assist in establishing and meeting group goals.
SE.A.1.In.3 function effectively within formal organizations.
SE.A.1.Su.1 cooperate in group situations–with guidance and support.
SE.A.1.Su.2 function effectively within formal organizations–with guidance and support.
SE.A.1.Pa.1 participate effectively in group situations–with assistance.
SE.A.2.In.1 interact acceptably–with others within the course of social, vocational, and community living.
SE.A.2.Su.1 interact acceptably with others within the course of social, vocational, and community living–with guidance and support.
SE.A.2.Pa.1 engage in routine patterns of interaction with others when participating in daily activities–with assistance.
General Information
Course Number: 7921330 |
Course Path: Section: Exceptional Student Education > Grade Group: Senior High and Adult > Subject: Academics - Subject Areas > |
Abbreviated Title: CAR ED: 9-12 | |
Number of Credits: Multiple credits | |
Course Attributes:
Course Type: Elective Course | |
Course Status: Course Approved | |
Grade Level(s): 9,10,11,12 | |