Course Standards
Name | Description | |
G.K12.1.1.1a: | Nature of Knowledge - Know: Locate and list the general divisions of knowledge, i.e., art, science, humanities, etc., and recognize integrated fields and disciplines. | |
G.K12.1.1.1b: | Nature of Knowledge - Understand: Identify and define a field of interest and analyze how the field is organized by explaining what criteria define the discipline and how those criteria are organized and divided. | |
G.K12.1.1.1c: | Nature of Knowledge - Perform: Differentiate fact, concept, theory, and principle and employ each in developing meaning and knowledge. | |
G.K12.1.1.1d: | Nature of Knowledge - Accomplish: Construct own meaning within a chosen field and offer new contributions to this respective field of study. | |
G.K12.1.1.2a: | Basic Research - Know: Identify and locate basic reference sources that support general research in several disciplines. | |
G.K12.1.1.2b: | Basic Research - Understand: Analyze the relevance and usefulness of primary and secondary references while identifying how fields are organized and subdivided. | |
G.K12.1.1.2c: | Basic Research - Perform: Use multiple primary and secondary sources to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate relevant persons, places, events, or beliefs that are dominant in a field. | |
G.K12.1.1.2d: | Basic Research - Accomplish: Use a variety of professional journals, professional databases, and college textbooks to make connections between and/or among fields of discipline. | |
G.K12.1.1.3a: | Manipulation of Data - Know: Manipulate data in order to determine contributions of the discipline to the community and world. | |
G.K12.1.1.3b: | Manipulation of Data - Understand: Seek and identify connections between fields to make sense of patterns and trends. | |
G.K12.1.1.3c: | Manipulation of Data - Perform: Construct research questions that help interpret the effects of major trends and issues over time. | |
G.K12.1.1.3d: | Manipulation of Data - Accomplish: Develop themes and connections across historical events, periods, and fields. | |
G.K12.1.1.4a: | Organization of Data - Know: Create or select an existing system for organizing data in a sequence. | |
G.K12.1.1.4b: | Organization of Data - Understand: Construct an organizational system (i.e., knowledge tree, graphic organizer, or diagram) that represents and illustrates the organization in a field of study and the subdivisions within that field. | |
G.K12.1.1.4c: | Organization of Data - Perform: Identify and illustrate themes, patterns, and structures that define an area of study. | |
G.K12.1.1.4d: | Organization of Data - Accomplish: Challenge (and defend or justify the challenge) accepted bodies of knowledge and organizational methodologies. | |
G.K12.1.2.1a: | Conceptual Frameworks - Know: Formulate questions to determine the relevance of the skills and knowledge required of a discipline. | |
G.K12.1.2.1b: | Conceptual Frameworks - Understand: Demonstrate understanding of conceptual themes and their organizational opportunities within a body of knowledge. | |
G.K12.1.2.1c: | Conceptual Frameworks - Perform: Create graphic organizers that organize the logical sequences of key conceptual themes in a field of study. | |
G.K12.1.2.1d: | Conceptual Frameworks - Accomplish: Analyze data and research methods used and developed by scholars within a field; internalize conceptual themes of that (those) discipline(s). | |
G.K12.1.2.1e: | Conceptual Frameworks - Know: Identify established rules or laws (principles) of nature which impact daily life and draw conclusions regarding their role in the world of work. | |
G.K12.1.2.1f: | Conceptual Frameworks - Understand: Differentiate similarities and differences between functional concepts and principles within a field. | |
G.K12.1.2.1g: | Conceptual Frameworks - Perform: Assimilate the often conflicting nature of knowledge generated within integrated disciplines. | |
G.K12.1.2.1h: | Conceptual Frameworks - Accomplish: Critique accepted conventions and rules and identify ambiguity. | |
G.K12.1.2.2a: | Components and Methodologies - Know: Identify and use terminology authentic to a chosen discipline of knowledge. | |
G.K12.1.2.2b: | Components and Methodologies - Understand: Create a list of the methodological skills and processes (general and specific) used by practicing professionals in a field. | |
G.K12.1.2.2c: | Components and Methodologies - Perform: Demonstrate an understanding of and delineate the diversity of language, tools, and methodologies between and among disciplines. | |
G.K12.1.2.2d: | Components and Methodologies - Accomplish: Experiment with a variety of methods to analyze data to develop greater understanding. | |
G.K12.1.2.3a: | Conceptual Connections - Know: Identify essential principles that govern and drive a series of key concepts in a chosen field. | |
G.K12.1.2.3b: | Conceptual Connections - Understand: Demonstrate foundational knowledge of various fields and disciplines. | |
G.K12.1.2.3c: | Conceptual Connections - Perform: Analyze and synthesize concepts and principles within a discipline in order to isolate essential concepts and identify macroconcepts. | |
G.K12.1.2.3d: | Conceptual Connections - Accomplish: Apply and transfer understanding to other disciplines. | |
G.K12.1.3.1a: | Skill Development - Know: Locate relevant information about varied professionals and identify personal strengths that may contribute to the field. | |
G.K12.1.3.1b: | Skill Development - Understand: Compare and contrast job descriptions, methods of working, and challenges faced by various practicing professionals to determine relevance to personal needs and goals. | |
G.K12.1.3.1c: | Skill Development - Perform: Use and refine the skills and methods of a professional in a discipline. | |
G.K12.1.3.1d: | Skill Development - Accomplish: Seek an understanding of the ethical issues and standards that frame a discipline. | |
G.K12.1.3.2a: | Management of Data for Research - Know: Identify a list of methods manuals, “How To” books, and other resources to research methodologies used by practitioners. | |
G.K12.1.3.2b: | Management of Data for Research - Understand: Compare and contrast general and specific methods of research used by practitioners to seek answers to viable professional questions. | |
G.K12.1.3.2c: | Management of Data for Research - Perform: Use appropriate data gathering instruments needed for a research study. | |
G.K12.1.3.2d: | Management of Data for Research - Accomplish: Apply the scientific method naturally, i.e., identify routine problem areas, focus the problem, state hypotheses, locate resources, classify and organize data, draw conclusions, and report findings. | |
G.K12.1.3.3a: | Investigative Methodologies - Know: Identify content area specialists to establish a sense of cause and effect within a field. | |
G.K12.1.3.3b: | Investigative Methodologies - Understand: Understand, identify, and analyze relationships among variables, constants, and controls in research. | |
G.K12.1.3.3c: | Investigative Methodologies - Perform: Apply the indicators that reflect quality in a field and understand how the field measures success. | |
G.K12.1.3.3d: | Investigative Methodologies - Accomplish: Challenge existing theories, principles, and rules through research and experimentation. | |
G.K12.1.3.4a: | Support Structures - Know: Recognize and identify the need for support structures found within a designated field of study and establish the nature of specific supports. | |
G.K12.1.3.4b: | Support Structures - Understand: Recognize the values and perspectives of those who hold opposing views within the discipline. | |
G.K12.1.3.4c: | Support Structures - Perform: Interview content area specialists to verify the application of methodologies incorporated in a study. | |
G.K12.1.3.4d: | Support Structures - Accomplish: Collaborate with professionals, experts, and others in the field to advance research, development, and understanding in the field. | |
G.K12.2.1.1a: | The Nature of Questions - Know: Identify questions as seeking basic information and facts in singular disciplines. | |
G.K12.2.1.1b: | The Nature of Questions - Understand: See potential for questions to explore broader aspects of knowledge, moving toward speculative and evaluative aspects. | |
G.K12.2.1.1c: | The Nature of Questions - Perform: Recognize that questions connect disciplines and build better frameworks for thinking. | |
G.K12.2.1.1d: | The Nature of Questions - Accomplish: Seek and use questions that connect divergent disciplines in order to expand understanding. | |
G.K12.2.1.2a: | The Importance of Questions - Know: Identify and situate questions within a singular discipline’s method of inquiry. | |
G.K12.2.1.2b: | The Importance of Questions - Understand: Analyze and synthesize questions that connect methods of inquiry in different disciplines. | |
G.K12.2.1.2c: | The Importance of Questions - Perform: Order/categorize questions that link divergent disciplines and frame different inquiry methods. | |
G.K12.2.1.2d: | The Importance of Questions - Accomplish: Use questions that frame inquiry within divergent disciplines in order to understand the links between and/or among the disciplines. | |
G.K12.2.1.3a: | The Power of Questions - Know: Explain the function of questions within singular disciplines. | |
G.K12.2.1.3b: | The Power of Questions - Understand: Understand the function of questions to connect multiple disciplines. | |
G.K12.2.1.3c: | The Power of Questions - Perform: Demonstrate an initial use of questions to drive critical thought within a discipline. | |
G.K12.2.1.3d: | The Power of Questions - Accomplish: Manifest an understanding of the integrative nature and function of questions that drive inquiry in multiple disciplines. | |
G.K12.2.2.1a: | Question Creation - Know: Create questions that drive factual exploration within singular disciplines. | |
G.K12.2.2.1b: | Question Creation - Understand: Unite questions that drive broader exploration within disciplines. | |
G.K12.2.2.1c: | Question Creation - Perform: Manipulate ideas to create and organize questions that drive inquiry and connect divergent disciplines. | |
G.K12.2.2.1d: | Question Creation - Accomplish: Use questions that link divergent disciplines to develop personal understandings of experiences. | |
G.K12.2.2.2a: | Questions and Inquiry - Know: Explain the kind of information questions seek. | |
G.K12.2.2.2b: | Questions and Inquiry - Understand: Explain how the questions limit and/or expand the nature of the exploration. | |
G.K12.2.2.2c: | Questions and Inquiry - Perform: Use questions to refocus the nature of the inquiry. | |
G.K12.2.2.2d: | Questions and Inquiry - Accomplish: Use questions to situate personal interest and background within the inquiry. | |
G.K12.2.3.1a: | Questions Scrutinized - Know: Recognize the quality of questions (both identified and created) that frame singular disciplinary inquiry. | |
G.K12.2.3.1b: | Questions Scrutinized - Understand: Explain the quality of questions (both identified and created) that work to expand inquiry into integrated disciplines. | |
G.K12.2.3.1c: | Questions Scrutinized - Perform: Evaluate questions (both identified and created) as a regular component of personal research and exploration. | |
G.K12.2.3.1d: | Questions Scrutinized - Accomplish: Explore the nature of questioning, always aware that better questions deliver the potential for more complete information. | |
G.K12.2.3.2a: | Questions Revised - Know: Refine questions as directed so they explore a clearer line of inquiry within a single discipline. | |
G.K12.2.3.2b: | Questions Revised - Understand: Synthesize questions as directed so they explore a clearer line of inquiry and integrate disciplines. | |
G.K12.2.3.2c: | Questions Revised - Perform: Develop questions spontaneously and independently while conducting personal research and exploration. | |
G.K12.2.3.2d: | Questions Revised - Accomplish: Refine questions as a general practice or characteristic of intellectual pursuit. | |
G.K12.3.1.1a: | Cooperative Research - Know: Participate in a cooperative group to solve problems and/or complete a research project. | |
G.K12.3.1.1b: | Cooperative Research - Understand: Demonstrate ethical leadership and/or teamwork within a research workgroup. | |
G.K12.3.1.1c: | Cooperative Research - Perform: Work cooperatively with peers from a variety of perspectives and abilities while obtaining valid research and/or products from research. | |
G.K12.3.1.1d: | Cooperative Research - Accomplish: Integrate a variety of appropriate components uncovered from cooperative research within a field of study. | |
G.K12.3.1.2a: | Scientific Method - Know: Demonstrate the ability to gather and document data relevant to scientific investigations using the scientific method. | |
G.K12.3.1.2b: | Scientific Method - Understand: Analyze the impact or effect of chosen alternatives (variables) within the scientific method. | |
G.K12.3.1.2c: | Scientific Method - Perform: Construct scientific research using proper protocol for scientific study. | |
G.K12.3.1.2d: | Scientific Method - Accomplish: Use scientific method to produce products or solutions to problems in a research setting and in a non-research setting. | |
G.K12.3.1.3a: | Research Tools - Know: Recognize organizational tools used for research in a variety of fields. | |
G.K12.3.1.3b: | Research Tools - Understand: Use organizational strategies to generate ideas for research and/or creative products. | |
G.K12.3.1.3c: | Research Tools - Perform: Communicate results of research using the established organizational tools within a field of study. | |
G.K12.3.1.3d: | Research Tools - Accomplish: Create unique tools that incorporate a variety of methods of communication/ organization for the clarification of others about a field of study. | |
G.K12.3.2.1a: | Information in Multiple Contexts - Know: Identify and locate information available in a multitude of places, including newspapers, magazines, catalogues, Internet directories, time schedules, and media, all of which include local, state, national, and/or international sources. | |
G.K12.3.2.1b: | Information in Multiple Contexts - Understand: Analyze the relevance and usefulness of information for the completion of a specific task. | |
G.K12.3.2.1c: | Information in Multiple Contexts - Perform: Generate, classify, and evaluate ideas, objects, and/or events in a unique way to construct original projects that illustrate solutions to real-world problems and concerns. | |
G.K12.3.2.1d: | Information in Multiple Contexts - Accomplish: Assemble ideas, objects, and/or events from a variety of sources (primary and secondary) to conduct research in a field of study. | |
G.K12.3.2.1e: | Information in Multiple Contexts - Know: Use a systematic approach to locate information from a variety of reference materials, including the use of parts of a book,(e.g., table of contents, index, appendices, glossary, index, title page). | |
G.K12.3.2.1f: | Information in Multiple Contexts - Understand: Use appropriate accurate information for research and experimentation to create an original work. | |
G.K12.3.2.1g: | Information in Multiple Contexts - Perform: Use multiple secondary and primary sources to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate relevant details and facts to examine relationships, infer meanings, define relationships, and predict outcomes. | |
G.K12.3.2.1h: | Information in Multiple Contexts - Accomplish: Analyze and synthesize information and concepts contained in multiple sources and communicates results in a unique way, i.e., designing a better model or creating a simulation. | |
G.K12.3.3.1a: | Deductive and Inductive Reasoning - Know: Demonstrate the ability to retrieve information from a reliable data base. | |
G.K12.3.3.1b: | Deductive and Inductive Reasoning - Understand: Describe the nature of an argument, the degree of ambiguity, and the source (deductive/inductive) of the argument’s authority. | |
G.K12.3.3.1c: | Deductive and Inductive Reasoning - Perform: Critique and defend statements of deductive and inductive reasoning. | |
G.K12.3.3.1d: | Deductive and Inductive Reasoning - Accomplish: Implement deductive and/or inductive reasoning within discussion and/or product development in a field of study. | |
G.K12.3.3.1e: | Deductive and Inductive Reasoning - Know: Define deductive and inductive reasoning and distinguish the different thought processes each uses. | |
G.K12.3.3.1f: | Deductive and Inductive Reasoning - Understand: Explain whether an argument depends on ambiguity, a shift in the line of reasoning, or whether the alleged authority is reliable. | |
G.K12.3.3.1g: | Deductive and Inductive Reasoning - Perform: Evaluate judgments made within the context of an argument. | |
G.K12.3.3.1h: | Deductive and Inductive Reasoning - Accomplish: Bring consistent use of different reasoning types to active study and research in a field. | |
G.K12.3.3.2a: | Fact versus Opinion - Know: Identify fact and opinion and recognizes the important implications for each. | |
G.K12.3.3.2b: | Fact versus Opinion - Understand: Juxtapose opinions and facts from multiple sources to support or validate conclusions. | |
G.K12.3.3.2c: | Fact versus Opinion - Perform: Analyze opinions and facts of experts within a research field. | |
G.K12.3.3.2d: | Fact versus Opinion - Accomplish: Create, defend, and adapt opinions developed after the analysis of data within a variety of fields. | |
G.K12.3.4.1a: | Ethics - Know: Identify ethical concerns related to the use of knowledge (copyright, security, integrity, piracy, privacy, etc.). | |
G.K12.3.4.1b: | Ethics - Understand: Explain ethical standards in regard to intellectual effects on research outcomes. | |
G.K12.3.4.1c: | Ethics - Perform: Clarify and develop a personal ethic regarding critical research. | |
G.K12.3.4.1d: | Ethics - Accomplish: Analyze the use of ethical protocol as it pertains to real- world problems and concerns. | |
G.K12.4.1.1a: | Problem Investigation - Know: Recognize multiple problems within a complex issue; poses research questions. | |
G.K12.4.1.1b: | Problem Investigation - Understand: Categorize and prioritize identified problems within a complex issue; generate hypotheses. | |
G.K12.4.1.1c: | Problem Investigation - Perform: Use established criteria to focus the problem statement and generate solutions. | |
G.K12.4.1.1d: | Problem Investigation - Accomplish: Propose new avenues for research of existing and future related problems. | |
G.K12.4.1.2a: | Multiple Perspectives - Know: Acknowledge diverse viewpoints of a problem. | |
G.K12.4.1.2b: | Multiple Perspectives - Understand: Compare and contrast multiple perspectives of a problem. | |
G.K12.4.1.2c: | Multiple Perspectives - Perform: Integrate multiple points of view into a problem statement. | |
G.K12.4.1.2d: | Multiple Perspectives - Accomplish: Restructure the problem statement to reflect new perspectives. | |
G.K12.4.1.3a: | Supportive Constructs - Know: Generate an effective argument on each side of a problem. | |
G.K12.4.1.3b: | Supportive Constructs - Understand: Develop multiple supporting statements from different perspectives. | |
G.K12.4.1.3c: | Supportive Constructs - Perform: Communicate supportive evidence convincingly in multiple formats. | |
G.K12.4.1.3d: | Supportive Constructs - Accomplish: Defend, challenge, and articulate points of view using available resources; develop effective rebuttals. | |
G.K12.4.1.4a: | Solution Finding - Know: Propose multiple solutions to a problem within varied categories (i.e., social, technological, educational, environmental, political). | |
G.K12.4.1.4b: | Solution Finding - Understand: Establish and apply criteria for evaluation of solutions. | |
G.K12.4.1.4c: | Solution Finding - Perform: Create original solutions and products based on evaluated criteria; analyze possible consequences and impacts; test conclusions to improve ideas. | |
G.K12.4.1.4d: | Solution Finding - Accomplish: Extend solutions to aid in solving future problems; seek alternative innovative outcomes or solutions. | |
G.K12.4.1.5a: | Creative Thinking - Know: Generate numerous and varied ideas to solve a real- world problem (fluency and flexibility). | |
G.K12.4.1.5b: | Creative Thinking - Understand: Synthesize unique alternatives to solve a problem (originality). | |
G.K12.4.1.5c: | Creative Thinking - Perform: Elaborate ideas through collaborative processes with colleagues. | |
G.K12.4.1.5d: | Creative Thinking - Accomplish: Evaluate and modify ideas and products to improve usefulness. | |
G.K12.4.2.1a: | Data Analysis - Know: Locate information and data sources relative to a complex, real-world problem. | |
G.K12.4.2.1b: | Data Analysis - Understand: Make decisions about the usefulness of data to filter out extraneous information. | |
G.K12.4.2.1c: | Data Analysis - Perform: Use a variety of tools and techniques to organize data to draw conclusive statements. | |
G.K12.4.2.1d: | Data Analysis - Accomplish: Perform data analysis using tools of practicing professionals for a specific intent. | |
G.K12.4.2.2a: | Forecasting Solutions - Know: Identify patterns within related facts and information. | |
G.K12.4.2.2b: | Forecasting Solutions - Understand: Organize facts and information using various methods to predict potential outcomes. | |
G.K12.4.2.2c: | Forecasting Solutions - Perform: Use forecasting tools to evaluate possible solutions. | |
G.K12.4.2.2d: | Forecasting Solutions - Accomplish: Anticipate and plan for possible, probable, and preferable future outcomes. | |
G.K12.4.2.3a: | Critical Thinking - Know: Distinguish between fact and opinion in a variety of sources. | |
G.K12.4.2.3b: | Critical Thinking - Understand: Recognize bias and value statements in a variety of media. | |
G.K12.4.2.3c: | Critical Thinking - Perform: Use inductive and deductive thinking processes to draw conclusions. | |
G.K12.4.2.3d: | Critical Thinking - Accomplish: Analyze, interpret, and synthesize details and facts to examine relationships, infer meanings, and predict outcomes. | |
G.K12.4.2.4a: | Ethics - Know: Recognize the role of values in the development of attitudes about a complex problem. | |
G.K12.4.2.4b: | Ethics - Understand: Use knowledge of recognized ethical standards of various stakeholders to formulate problem statements and solutions. | |
G.K12.4.2.4c: | Ethics - Perfom: Use the value system most common to a field of study to evaluate solutions and products. | |
G.K12.4.2.4d: | Ethics - Accomplish: Promote humane and respectful solutions to complex problems. | |
G.K12.4.3.1a: | Evaluation - Know: Recognize existing knowledge and attitudes about a complex problem. | |
G.K12.4.3.1b: | Evaluation - Understand: Analyze the impacts of existing knowledge and attitudes; identify personal assumptions and blind spots in approaching the problem. | |
G.K12.4.3.1c: | Evaluation - Perform: Identify knowledge gaps and inconsistencies to challenge existing attitudes and beliefs. | |
G.K12.4.3.1d: | Evaluation - Accomplish: Use multiple sources to affect change in generally accepted knowledge and attitudes. | |
G.K12.4.3.2a: | Creative Methodology - Know: Recognize contributions of inventors and innovators in multiple fields of accomplishment. | |
G.K12.4.3.2b: | Creative Methodology - Understand: Analyze and/or replicate methods used by creators and problem solvers in multiple fields. | |
G.K12.4.3.2c: | Creative Methodology - Perform: Create original products using various inventive strategies. | |
G.K12.4.3.2d: | Creative Methodology - Accomplish: Design original problem solving models for use in specific situations. | |
G.K12.4.3.2e: | Creative Methodology - Know: Identify a variety of problem solving methods. | |
G.K12.4.3.2f: | Creative Methodology - Understand: Differentiate the effectiveness of problem solving methods in a variety of settings. | |
G.K12.4.3.2g: | Creative Methodology - Perform: Apply appropriate methodologies for problem solving based on their usefulness. | |
G.K12.4.3.2h: | Creative Methodology - Accomplish: Reflect on adequacy of inventive processes and problem solving in various disciplines. | |
G.K12.4.3.3a: | Communication - Know: Identify stakeholders within a complex problem. | |
G.K12.4.3.3b: | Communication - Understand: Use multiple tools and techniques to target identified audiences; use precise language to explain positions. | |
G.K12.4.3.3c: | Communication - Perform: Use information about the stakeholders to develop convincing arguments to support solutions. | |
G.K12.4.3.3d: | Communication - Accomplish: Advocate convincingly to diverse audiences using sophisticated techniques (oral, written, technological) appropriate to the field and audience. | |
G.K12.5.1.1a: | Consensus Building - Know: Recognize the essential need to respect the ideas, feelings, and abilities of others. | |
G.K12.5.1.1b: | Consensus Building - Understand: Demonstrate a greater awareness of others through participation in programs and projects that emphasize service to others. | |
G.K12.5.1.1c: | Consensus Building - Perform: Use diverse individual beliefs and values of the group to design plans of action that address issues or problems. | |
G.K12.5.1.1d: | Consensus Building - Accomplish: Defend the results and gain support for a plan of action to address issues or problems within a diverse population. | |
G.K12.5.1.2a: | Personal Qualities - Know: Identify personal strengths and weaknesses that influence positive group dynamics. | |
G.K12.5.1.2b: | Personal Qualities - Understand: Recognize leadership patterns and behaviors that positively affect change in a group. | |
G.K12.5.1.2c: | Personal Qualities - Perform: Improve group performances through individual strengths and collaborative rules of courtesy and order. | |
G.K12.5.1.2d: | Personal Qualities - Accomplish: Analyze positive and negative aspects of leadership that drive the beliefs and values of a diverse group. | |
G.K12.5.1.2e: | Personal Qualities - Know: Identify personal abilities, talents, strengths and weaknesses for certain tasks, recognizing the power to influence one’s own destiny. | |
G.K12.5.1.2f: | Personal Qualities - Understand: Compare and contrast the personal and academic goals of self and others in order to build cohesion. | |
G.K12.5.1.2g: | Personal Qualities - Perform: Demonstrate the ability to state personal preferences and support a personal point of view when contrary to the accepted view of others. | |
G.K12.5.1.2h: | Personal Qualities - Accomplish: Design, plan, and evaluate a plan of action to address an issue or problem of personal interest. | |
G.K12.5.1.3a: | Conflict Resolution - Know: Verbalize an awareness of the cause/effect relationship of his/her behavior within a group setting. | |
G.K12.5.1.3b: | Conflict Resolution - Understand: Generate a list of solutions to a group conflict, predicting possible concomitant results that might impact the group. | |
G.K12.5.1.3c: | Conflict Resolution - Perform: Implement conflict management and resolution techniques to bring about positive change. | |
G.K12.5.1.3d: | Conflict Resolution - Accomplish: Reflect upon the effectiveness of conflict management and resolution techniques used to develop strategies for future group problem solving. | |
G.K12.5.2.1a: | Problem Solving - Know: Identify characteristics that empower an individual to be a proficient, creative problem solver. | |
G.K12.5.2.1b: | Problem Solving - Understand: Recognize and emulate effective implementation of creative problem solving skills. | |
G.K12.5.2.1c: | Problem Solving - Perform: Simulate a creative problem solving encounter with a diverse group of individuals. | |
G.K12.5.2.1d: | Problem Solving - Accomplish: Analyze the productivity of the group’s response to the problem following the conclusion of a creative problem solving experience. | |
G.K12.5.2.2a: | Diversity - Know: Identify in individuals the qualities of empathy and sensitivity to the ideas of others. | |
G.K12.5.2.2b: | Diversity - Understand: Promote diversity in talents and intellectual abilities of each member of the group. | |
G.K12.5.2.2c: | Diversity - Perform: Display flexibility when incorporating individual beliefs and values toward goal attainment. | |
G.K12.5.2.2d: | Diversity - Accomplish: Analyze diverse leadership styles of outstanding leaders and evaluate the impact to one’s own personal leadership skills. | |
G.K12.5.2.3a: | Self-awareness - Know: Identify personal attributes as areas of strength or weakness. | |
G.K12.5.2.3b: | Self-awareness - Understand: Differentiate between individual strengths and weaknesses as motivators and/or limiters. | |
G.K12.5.2.3c: | Self-awareness - Perform: Demonstrate an understanding of positive self-worth and recognize limits in the emotional capacity of individuals. | |
G.K12.5.2.3d: | Self-awareness - Accomplish: Celebrate self-advocacy as a personal strength; accept weaknesses as an opportunity for change. | |
G.K12.5.3.1a: | Group Dynamics - Know: Adhere to the established rules of interaction in accepting and respecting consensus. | |
G.K12.5.3.1b: | Group Dynamics - Understand: Demonstrate the ability to convey to group members good decision making skills. | |
G.K12.5.3.1c: | Group Dynamics - Perform: Stimulate group discussion and decision making by asking appropriate questions. | |
G.K12.5.3.1d: | Group Dynamics - Accomplish: Direct the group through an analysis and synthesis of the final solution to the achievement of a project goal. | |
G.K12.5.3.2a: | Communication - Know: Convey information, concepts, and ideas using appropriate and advanced techniques. | |
G.K12.5.3.2b: | Communication - Understand: Show an awareness of the experiences, needs, and concerns of others in the communication process. | |
G.K12.5.3.2c: | Communication - Perform: Solidify group cohesion toward an assigned task using both verbal and non-verbal skills. | |
G.K12.5.3.2d: | Communication - Accomplish: Analyze and synthesize the presentation skills necessary to communicate ideas, information, concerns, and solutions to a project goal. | |
G.K12.5.3.3a: | Technology - Know: Identify appropriate technology to achieve a project goal. | |
G.K12.5.3.3b: | Technology - Understand: Demonstrate the ability to propose new uses for current technology. | |
G.K12.5.3.3c: | Technology - Perform: Integrate information systems in the problem solving process. | |
G.K12.5.3.3d: | Technology - Accomplish: Use information systems to identify and analyze trends and events in order to forecast future implications. | |
G.K12.5.3.4a: | Cooperative Learning - Know: Recognize positive interdependence as a basic tenet. | |
G.K12.5.3.4b: | Cooperative Learning - Understand: Convey an understanding of the importance of group cohesiveness and pride. | |
G.K12.5.3.4c: | Cooperative Learning - Perform: Demonstrate the ability to work with peers from a variety of cultures and ability levels respecting individual strengths, talents, and learning styles. | |
G.K12.5.3.4d: | Cooperative Learning - Accomplish: Display flexibility in the incorporation of individual beliefs and values in the completion of a goal while recognizing the diversity of group members. | |
G.K12.6.1.1a: | Metacognition - Know: Identify and use numerous tools to recognize personal strengths/weaknesses, learning styles/preferences. | |
G.K12.6.1.1b: | Metacognition - Understand: Interpret assessments and identify skills/abilities necessary for professional performance in a field of study. | |
G.K12.6.1.1c: | Metacognition - Perform: Recognize challenges and create goals for developing expertise in a field of study. | |
G.K12.6.1.1d: | Metacognition - Accomplish: Evaluate and refocus goals and the path to accomplishment through self- reflection and evaluation. | |
G.K12.6.1.2a: | Learning Profile - Know: Recognize the components of personal learning preferences. | |
G.K12.6.1.2b: | Learning Profile - Understand: Reflect on learning/work preferences to identify themes and changes over time. | |
G.K12.6.1.2c: | Learning Profile - Perform: Compare how components of learning preferences align with professionals in a field of study. | |
G.K12.6.1.2d: | Learning Profile - Accomplish: Use learning/work preferences to develop products in one or more disciplines. | |
G.K12.6.1.3a: | Acceptance of Challenge - Know: Recognize the need to accomplish tasks in areas of both strength and weakness. | |
G.K12.6.1.3b: | Acceptance of Challenge - Understand: Identify strategies and resources to overcome obstacles. | |
G.K12.6.1.3c: | Acceptance of Challenge - Perform: Return to a task that was not successful; evaluate alternatives and seek support from outside resources. | |
G.K12.6.1.3d: | Acceptance of Challenge - Accomplish: Seek opportunities to try new experiences in areas of strengths and weaknesses. | |
G.K12.6.1.4a: | Evaluation - Know: Use evaluation of previous tasks to improve performance. | |
G.K12.6.1.4b: | Evaluation - Understand: Review progress toward accepting challenges in various areas. | |
G.K12.6.1.4c: | Evaluation - Perform: Reflect on failures and successes through self evaluation; acknowledge constructive criticism. | |
G.K12.6.1.4d: | Evaluation - Accomplish: Solicit feedback from professionals related to projects and synthesize critiques into personal growth. | |
G.K12.6.2.1a: | Independence - Know: Recognize the need to set goals for assigned tasks. | |
G.K12.6.2.1b: | Independence - Understand: Systematically approach setting and modifying goals with support from teachers and/or peers. | |
G.K12.6.2.1c: | Independence - Perform: Document failures as a learning tool and alter plans when appropriate. | |
G.K12.6.2.1d: | Independence - Accomplish: Incorporate a system of goal-setting as a lifelong learner. | |
G.K12.6.2.2a: | Self-Motivation - Know: Follow directions to complete a task. | |
G.K12.6.2.2b: | Self-Motivation - Understand: Take initiative to complete tasks. | |
G.K12.6.2.2c: | Self-Motivation - Perform: Demonstrate persistence in returning to tasks and overcoming obstacles; adhere to timelines and other benchmarks. | |
G.K12.6.2.2d: | Self-Motivation - Accomplish: Strive for professional quality in self-selected projects and performances. | |
G.K12.6.2.3a: | Priority - Know: Identify a number of long and short-term goals and distinguishes between them. | |
G.K12.6.2.3b: | Priority - Understand: Prioritize goals by importance, time, resources, and sustainability. | |
G.K12.6.2.3c: | Priority - Perform: Evaluate and anticipate how controllable and non- controllable events and behavior affect goal achievement. | |
G.K12.6.2.3d: | Priority - Accomplish: Exercise visionary thinking and focus on the future to adjust and readjust goals. | |
G.K12.6.2.4a: | Critical Reflection - Know: Identify assumptions, beliefs, values, cultural practices, and social structures to assess impact. | |
G.K12.6.2.4b: | Critical Reflection - Understand: Analyze assumptions in relation to specific historical and cultural context. | |
G.K12.6.2.4c: | Critical Reflection - Perform: Propose alternative ways of thinking to challenge prevailing ways of knowing and acting. | |
G.K12.6.2.4d: | Critical Reflection - Accomplish: Question patterns of action to establish truth or viability of a proposition or action. | |
G.K12.6.3.1a: | Communication - Know: Communicate recognition of personal growth in areas of weakness and areas of strength. | |
G.K12.6.3.1b: | Communication - Understand: Use appropriate and field- specific language to describe challenges in a variety of areas; goals are well-defined and specific. | |
G.K12.6.3.1c: | Communication - Perform: Design oral and written plans to set goals and identify steps toward goal achievement and use those plans in work. | |
G.K12.6.3.1d: | Communication - Accomplish: Reflect on appropriateness of designed goal-setting plans; alter plans when appropriate; make future plans for goal achievement based on successes/failures. | |
G.K12.6.3.2a: | Talent Development - Know: Identify stages of talent development within a body of content. | |
G.K12.6.3.2b: | Talent Development - Understand: Evaluate personal levels of achievement and align them with levels of talent development. | |
G.K12.6.3.2c: | Talent Development - Perform: Produce high-quality products and performances that advance through a field’s level of talent development. | |
G.K12.6.3.2d: | Talent Development - Accomplish: Develop products and performances of professional quality through individual strengths in relationship to fields of study. | |
G.K12.6.3.3a: | Action Plan Components - Know: Demonstrate knowledge of steps toward goal achievement. | |
G.K12.6.3.3b: | Action Plan Components - Understand: Develop goals and objectives that are realistic and systematic. | |
G.K12.6.3.3c: | Action Plan Components - Perform: Action plans include appropriate allocation of time, money, materials, and other resources. | |
G.K12.6.3.3d: | Action Plan Components - Accomplish: Action plan include components of evaluation, multiplicity of solutions to overcome obstacles, and recruitment of supporters and resources. | |
G.K12.6.3.4a: | Social Context - Know: Recognize how goals of self and others interconnect. | |
G.K12.6.3.4b: | Social Context - Understand: Establish goals for self that acknowledge goals of peers and others. | |
G.K12.6.3.4c: | Social Context - Perform: Assume responsibility for developing and managing goals that contribute to personal and group attainment. | |
G.K12.6.3.4d: | Social Context - Accomplish: Incorporate multiple points of view to develop long-term personal and collective goals in various contexts (educational, social, political, career). | |
G.K12.7.1.1a: | Audience Recognition - Know: Identify an authentic audience based on set criteria related to a specific topic. | |
G.K12.7.1.1b: | Audience Recognition - Understand: Communicate recognition of audience members’ strengths and needs. | |
G.K12.7.1.1c: | Audience Recognition - Perform: React and refine performance based on audiences’ strengths and needs. | |
G.K12.7.1.1d: | Audience Recognition - Accomplish: Communicate intentional reaction to subtle and overt feedback from audience. | |
G.K12.7.1.2a: | Communication - Know: Prepare and execute practiced performance to communicate ideas. | |
G.K12.7.1.2b: | Communication - Understand: Integrate ideas with visual supports to emphasize key point(s) in a performance. | |
G.K12.7.1.2c: | Communication - Perform: Identify personal presentation style and adapt that style to different purposes, moods, tones. | |
G.K12.7.1.2d: | Communication - Accomplish: Demonstrate evidence of refining a performance to communicate personal style. | |
G.K12.7.1.3a: | Advanced Presentation - Know: Use advanced language and symbol systems to communicate ideas. | |
G.K12.7.1.3b: | Advanced Presentation - Understand: Evaluate the personal preferences of others related to language and symbol systems. | |
G.K12.7.1.3c: | Advanced Presentation - Perform: Evaluate self in the area of presentation, language, and symbol systems. | |
G.K12.7.1.3d: | Advanced Presentation - Accomplish: Based on evaluation, revise and adapt presentation, language, and symbol systems for specific and various audiences. | |
G.K12.7.1.4a: | Problem Solving - Know: Create product to solve a problem or communicate a perspective. | |
G.K12.7.1.4b: | Problem Solving - Understand: Use strategies or tools of persuasion to resolve an issue or communicate a perspective. | |
G.K12.7.1.4c: | Problem Solving - Perform: Create specific strategies targeted at opposing viewpoints/perspectives. | |
G.K12.7.1.4d: | Problem Solving - Accomplish: Address critics with prepared, defensible arguments that effectively defend solutions. | |
G.K12.7.2.1a: | Inventive Thinking - Know: Generate ways to improve an existing product using two related sources. | |
G.K12.7.2.1b: | Inventive Thinking - Understand: Create an original product for a specific audience using inductive and deductive reasoning. | |
G.K12.7.2.1c: | Inventive Thinking - Perform: Create a product with defined rationale using multiple sources from varied fields or disciplines. | |
G.K12.7.2.1d: | Inventive Thinking - Accomplish: Create and defend a product using multiple sources that can be used in and across fields/disciplines. | |
G.K12.7.2.2a: | Metaphorical Promotion - Know: Create a statement or product using two related ideas to strengthen the message. | |
G.K12.7.2.2b: | Metaphorical Promotion - Understand: Illustrate a new concept using two or more related ideas innovatively. | |
G.K12.7.2.2c: | Metaphorical Promotion - Perform: Create two seemingly unrelated or opposing ideas to reflect an in-depth understanding of an issue, concept, or principle. | |
G.K12.7.2.2d: | Metaphorical Promotion - Accomplish: Incorporate multiple sources from varied perspectives to create and test a novel theory. | |
G.K12.7.2.3a: | Praxis - Know: Generate multiple solutions to a given problem. | |
G.K12.7.2.3b: | Praxis - Understand: Generate a new, personal concept by synthesizing multiple solutions and multiple perspectives. | |
G.K12.7.2.3c: | Praxis - Perform: Create a new personal theory by synthesizing multiple solutions and perspectives that can be applied to a different field of study. | |
G.K12.7.2.3d: | Praxis - Accomplish: Critique or defend a personal theory based on evidence from multiple sources and multiple perspectives. | |
ELA.K12.EE.1.1: | Cite evidence to explain and justify reasoning.
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ELA.K12.EE.2.1: | Read and comprehend grade-level complex texts proficiently.
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ELA.K12.EE.3.1: | Make inferences to support comprehension.
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ELA.K12.EE.4.1: | Use appropriate collaborative techniques and active listening skills when engaging in discussions in a variety of situations.
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ELA.K12.EE.5.1: | Use the accepted rules governing a specific format to create quality work.
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ELA.K12.EE.6.1: | Use appropriate voice and tone when speaking or writing.
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MA.K12.MTR.1.1: | Actively participate in effortful learning both individually and collectively. Mathematicians who participate in effortful learning both individually and with others:
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MA.K12.MTR.2.1: | Demonstrate understanding by representing problems in multiple ways. Mathematicians who demonstrate understanding by representing problems in multiple ways:
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MA.K12.MTR.3.1: | Complete tasks with mathematical fluency. Mathematicians who complete tasks with mathematical fluency:
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MA.K12.MTR.4.1: | Engage in discussions that reflect on the mathematical thinking of self and others. Mathematicians who engage in discussions that reflect on the mathematical thinking of self and others:
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MA.K12.MTR.5.1: | Use patterns and structure to help understand and connect mathematical concepts. Mathematicians who use patterns and structure to help understand and connect mathematical concepts:
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MA.K12.MTR.6.1: | Assess the reasonableness of solutions. Mathematicians who assess the reasonableness of solutions:
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ELD.K12.ELL.SI.1: | English language learners communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting. |
General Course Information and Notes
General Notes
This course is designed to enable exceptional students to acquire and apply the skills and abilities needed to enhance academic achievement through experiences which provide enrichment, in-depth learning, and /or accelerated study of academic curriculum requirements. Students who are gifted have learning needs that go beyond what is traditionally offered in the regular classroom. The nature of their abilities, demonstrated or latent, requires differentiated learning experiences and opportunities for them to maximize their potential. Teachers need to develop the depth and quality of their students’ experiences while adjusting the pace to meet individual needs.
This course is meant to be used at each 6-8 grade level and has been designed for the teacher to select and teach only the appropriate standards corresponding to a student’s individual instructional needs.
Major Concepts/Content. The purpose of this course is to provide appropriately individualized curricula for students who are gifted.
The content should include, but not be limited to the following:
• higher-order thinking skills
• independent learning
• application of acquired knowledge
• high-level communication
• career exploration
• leadership
• self-awareness
English Language Development ELD Standards Special Notes Section:
Teachers are required to provide listening, speaking, reading and writing instruction that allows English language learners (ELL) to communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting. For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support, students will interact with grade level words, expressions, sentences and discourse to process or produce language necessary for academic success. The ELD standard should specify a relevant content area concept or topic of study chosen by curriculum developers and teachers which maximizes an ELL’s need for communication and social skills. To access an ELL supporting document which delineates performance definitions and descriptors, please click on the following link:
Instructional Practices
Teaching from well-written, grade-level instructional materials enhances students’ content area knowledge and also strengthens their ability to comprehend longer, complex reading passages on any topic for any reason. Using the following instructional practices also helps student learning:
1. Reading assignments from longer text passages as well as shorter ones when text is extremely complex.
2. Making close reading and rereading of texts central to lessons.
3. Asking high-level, text-specific questions and requiring high-level, complex tasks and assignments.
4. Requiring students to support answers with evidence from the text.
5. Providing extensive text-based research and writing opportunities (claims and evidence).
Career and Education Planning – Per section 1003.4156, Florida Statutes, the Career and Education Planning course must result in a completed, personalized academic and career plan for the student, that may be revised as the student progresses through middle and high school; must emphasize the importance of entrepreneurship and employability skills; and must include information from the Department of Economic Opportunity’s economic security report as described in Section 445.07, Florida Statutes. The required, personalized academic and career plan must inform students of high school graduation requirements, including diploma designations (Section 1003.4285, Florida Statutes); requirements for a Florida Bright Futures Scholarship; state university and Florida College System institution admission requirements; and, available opportunities to earn college credit in high school utilizing acceleration mechanisms. For additional information on the Middle School Career and Education Planning courses, visit .
Career and Education Planning Course Standards – Students will:
1.0 Describe the influences that societal, economic, and technological changes have on employment trends and future training.
2.0 Develop skills to locate, evaluate, and interpret career information.
3.0 Identify and demonstrate processes for making short and long term goals.
4.0 Demonstrate employability skills such as working in a group, problem-solving and organizational skills, and the importance of entrepreneurship.
5.0 Understand the relationship between educational achievement and career choices/postsecondary options.
6.0 Identify a career cluster and related pathways through an interest assessment that match career and education goals.
7.0 Develop a career and education plan that includes short and long-term goals, high school program of study, and postsecondary/career goals.
8.0 Demonstrate knowledge of technology and its application in career fields/clusters.
Special Note: As students progress from one grade-level course to the next, increases should occur in the complexity of materials and tasks and in the students’ independence in their application and use. Scaffolded learning opportunities are to be provided for students to develop and apply the critical skills of discourse analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.
General Information
Course Number: 7855042 |
Course Path: Section: Exceptional Student Education > Grade Group: Middle/Junior High > Subject: Academics-General > |
Abbreviated Title: ADV ACAD:6-8&CP GIFT | |
Course Status: Draft - Course Pending Approval | |
Educator Certifications
Gifted Endorsement |
Certificate holder must be certified in the academic subject area being taught, in addition to the Gifted Endorsement requirement.