Speech (Grades 6-12)

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General Information

Certification Name: Speech (Grades 6-12)
Type: State-issued Certification
Subject: Speech
  • T: This symbol indicates (1) certification coverages that are no longer issued or added to certificates, and (2) certification coverages and levels that will be accepted as meeting requirements until such time as all valid certificates containing such coverages are converted to the current coverage being issued and added to certificates.
No Longer Issued Date: No longer issued

Related Courses

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7801010: Access Visual and Performing Arts: 6-8
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7967020: Access Theatre 1
1007000: M/J Speech and Debate 1
1007010: M/J Speech and Debate 2
1007020: M/J Speech and Debate 3
1007025: M/J Speech and Debate
0400300: Introduction to Drama
0400310: Theatre 1
0400320: Theatre 2
0400330: Theatre 3 Honors
0400340: Theatre 4 Honors
0400345: Cambridge Pre-AICE Drama IGCSE Level
0400346: Cambridge AICE Drama AS Level
0400347: Cambridge AICE Drama A Level
0400350: Theatre History and Literature 1
0400360: Theatre History and Literature 2 Honors
0400370: Acting 1
0400380: Acting 2
0400390: Acting 3
0400400: Acting 4 Honors
0400407: Technical Theatre: Design and Production for Scenery and Props
0400409: Technical Theatre: Design and Production for Costume, Makeup, and Hair
0400410: Technical Theatre Design & Production 1
0400420: Technical Theatre Design & Production 2
0400430: Technical Theatre Design & Production 3
0400440: Technical Theatre Design & Production 4 Honors
0400500: Theatrical Direction and Stage Management 1
0400510: Theatrical Direction and Stage Management 2 Honors
0400540: Voice and Diction
0400620: Theatre Improvisation
0400660: Theatre, Cinema and Film Production
0400700: Musical Theatre 1
0400710: Musical Theatre 2
0400720: Musical Theatre 3
0400750: Pre-Advanced Placement Drama
0400800: Florida's Preinternational Baccalaureate Theatre 1
0400805: Florida's Preinternational Baccalaureate Theatre 2
0400810: International Baccalaureate Theatre 1
0400820: International Baccalaureate Theatre 2
0400830: International Baccalaureate Theatre 3
1007300: Speech 1
1007305: Speech 1
1007310: Speech 2
1007315: Speech 2
1007325: International Baccalaureate Mid Yrs Prog Speech
1007330: Debate 1
1007340: Debate 2
1007350: Debate 3 Honors
1007360: Debate 4 Honors
1007370: Debate 5 Honors
1007380: Debate 6 Honors
1007390: Debate 7 Honors