Access Point #: MA.K.NSO.1.AP.1

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Given a group of up to 10 objects, count the number of objects in that group and represent the number by identifying the written numeral. Express the number of objects in a rearrangement of that group without recounting.
Number: MA.K.NSO.1.AP.1 Category: Access Points
Date Adopted or Revised: 03/23 Standard: Develop an understanding for counting using objects in a set.

Related Benchmarks

Name Description
MA.K.NSO.1.1: Given a group of up to 20 objects, count the number of objects in that group and represent the number of objects with a written numeral. State the number of objects in a rearrangement of that group without recounting.
Clarification 1: Instruction focuses on developing an understanding of cardinality and one-to-one correspondence.

Clarification 2: Instruction includes counting objects and pictures presented in a line, rectangular array, circle or scattered arrangement. Objects presented in a scattered arrangement are limited to 10.

Clarification 3: Within this benchmark, the expectation is not to write the number in word form.

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