Enduring Understanding 2: Development of skills, techniques, and processes in the arts strengthens our ability to remember, focus on, process, and sequence information.

General Information
Number: VA.912.S.2
Title: Development of skills, techniques, and processes in the arts strengthens our ability to remember, focus on, process, and sequence information.
Type: Enduring Understanding
Subject: Visual Art
Grade: 912
Big Idea: Skills, Techniques, and Processes

Related Benchmarks

This cluster includes the following benchmarks.

Related Access Points

This cluster includes the following access points.


Organize the structural elements of art to achieve artistic goals when producing personal works of art.
Create artwork requiring sequentially ordered procedures and specified media to achieve intended results.


Create or re-create organizational structures to incorporate in a new work of visual art.
Re-create sequentially ordered procedures to incorporate in a new work of visual art.


Re-create the organization of selected structural elements of art.
Re-create visual art processes in a given medium.

Related Resources

Vetted resources educators can use to teach the concepts and skills in this topic.

Lesson Plans

Creating Small Murals with Civic Themes: Day 3:

In groups, students will begin painting their mural which has a clearly defined message and topic on civic participation. They will be expected to provide evidence for their message and employ art and design principles to show depth in the mural. This is Lesson 3 in a 3-part unit integrating civics and art.

Type: Lesson Plan

Creating Small Murals with Civic Themes: Day 2:

Students will select a historical event or topic that connects to civic participation to create a mural in small groups similar to Christopher Still's murals at the Florida House of Representatives. They will collaborate to complete a planner and sketch for their group mural for this event or topic. This is Lesson 2 in a three-lesson unit integrating civics and art.

Type: Lesson Plan

Anatomy and Figure Drawing:

This series of lesson help students understand and apply sighting techniques while drawing the figure from observation.

Type: Lesson Plan

Motion, Movement & Abstraction:

In this lesson, you will teach students how to improve observation ability in noticing the world around them. They will understand how to abstract reality through techniques of shooting motion. They will be able to capture in a photograph the three techniques of motion, which are frozen action, blurred action and panning. The students will also be able to identify each of the above techniques in photographs they see in the world.

Type: Lesson Plan

Illustration of the Cell Cycle: Using Printmaking Techniques to Design the Phases of the Cell Cycle :

Through use of arts integration and the 5E Lesson Model, students will use printmaking techniques to design and illustrate the cell cycle.

Type: Lesson Plan

Student Resources

Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this topic.

Parent Resources

Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this topic.